It's clear Plarium does not intend to run this game long-term. They ignore customer feedback, would rather nerf to try to get more sales than to balance in order to improve customer satisfaction.
Note that thus far, they have ONLY done nerfs to champions. Not ONCE have I seen a single buff to underpowered champions.
They do acknowledge some legendaries need work, like Astralith and Tomb Lord. Like Marius even stated today in regards to both Tomb Lord and Astralith:
"I can confirm that both are getting buffed, seen them in the doc myself. " - Marius
However, in response to me asking why multiple patches have come and gone, yet the champions on "the doc" have been consistently unaddressed and unmentioned month after month, Marius again replied:
"As I've explained many times in the past, some Champions require more work, both in terms of redesigning abilities and testing them. Or sometimes we need more data on their performance before the decision to make adjustments is made."
Meanwhile, they nerfed the living hell out of Pain Keeper and clearly did absolutely NO testing at all, or else they would've realized they were going to make her yet another trash void champion. It's a complete contradiction to what he tried to claim in the thread today. He also tried to downplay several aspects of the nerf in his post. He even went to the extent to try to claim someone called "*PAIN* Keeper" was not intended to be a healer. Lmao, are you kidding me dude?! Multiple people even asked him if she is NOT supposed to be a healer, then what the hell is the point in her? He of course failed to respond to any of those responses, because he knew he was called out at that point. That is when he went MIA, and closed the thread shortly after, as he knew he couldn't lie his way out of it.
They are WELL aware they are killing the game and WELL aware the nerf was unnecessary. They simply don't care. They care more about "well, maybe THIS will get people to spend more money on new champions."
Next, they will nerf Gorgorath, and Apothecary, and Reinbeast. But meanwhile, a ridiculously OP champion like Roshcard the Tower goes unhindered and will continue to remain that way, simply because nerfing him wouldn't cause a sufficient increase in sales, since not nearly as many people have him. Nerfs will continue to happen to rares and possibly some epics if enough people have one in particular that is useful.
For anyone who even has a rudimentary understanding of how businesses function, it is clear as day all they care about is milking this game for as much as they can without any regard for maintaining its reputation. That is why we get the hollow promises of "coming soon", yet not a single thing ever comes to fruition. No Faction Wars, no new content, just a few harder levels with slightly better gear, all to get people spending money on energy to farm for it. And a blatant demonstration of how money-greedy they are is that with the only thing they DID listen to that we wanted, which was auto-farming campaign, they added it in, only to CHARGE us to use it! They aren't even trying to hide how money-greedy they are.
And while they fail to fix champions, they vomited up a handful of worthless uncommons into the game that they wasted that time on instead. They COULD HAVE put that time into FIXING and BALANCING champions, but instead spew out trash uncommons for no reason other than to say "here's some new content for you, now pay us to farm it!"
It's nothing short of disgusting corporate greed. Customer satisfaction is EXTREMELY low with this game, and it is going to be reflected in reviews on the app stores, resulting in less customers, less retention, and overall, the game is going down the toilet. Unless they start listening soon, all the negative feedback they are getting now is going to deter any new customers. Their greed is going to eventually kill their profits, but the upper management seems to incompetent to be aware of that yet.