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Legendary Shard Rage

Legendary Shard Rage

May 21, 2019, 00:5705/21/19

Legendary Shard Rage

I know that this has been said before, but Legendary shards should give Legendary champs, or, at the very least, rare Epic champs.  I just completed the Monthly quests and received a Legendary shard.  Whom do I pull?  No other than Jizoh, a champion that was practically given to us as part of an earlier game reward.  I am this close to rage quitting.
May 21, 2019, 08:4305/21/19
To be honest, if this is your biggest problem and you get angry for this in game like this, then yes, you should quit
May 21, 2019, 09:1005/21/19
they should change a bit... like 25% chance to get a legendary,it's  sad  to see from 5 sacred shards to get only epics + those void.. those  are  the best joke in the game, full of rares. good change ll be that from legendary shard  to get rares too, will be good then :|
May 21, 2019, 10:4105/21/19


Sorry to hear that you have not yet received the desired Champion. Sacred Shards are not meant to summon guaranteed Legendary Champions, otherwise they would have to be much harder to obtain. But you can make even Rare and Epic Champs great. I only have one Legendary hero (Errol) who is definetely not the best Legendary out there, so I rely on my Rares: Elhain and Executioner in many challenges. Speak with your fellow players, they can give good advice on what kind of team you can build with your Champions. But I'm sure that you will get mighty Legendary hero sooner or later. 

I know that this has been said before, but Legendary shards should give Legendary champs, or, at the very least, rare Epic champs.  I just completed the Monthly quests and received a Legendary shard.  Whom do I pull?  No other than Jizoh, a champion that was practically given to us as part of an earlier game reward.  I am this close to rage quitting.

May 21, 2019, 13:1405/21/19
Valkyrie said:


Sorry to hear that you have not yet received the desired Champion. Sacred Shards are not meant to summon guaranteed Legendary Champions, otherwise they would have to be much harder to obtain. But you can make even Rare and Epic Champs great. I only have one Legendary hero (Errol) who is definetely not the best Legendary out there, so I rely on my Rares: Elhain and Executioner in many challenges. Speak with your fellow players, they can give good advice on what kind of team you can build with your Champions. But I'm sure that you will get mighty Legendary hero sooner or later. 

I know that this has been said before, but Legendary shards should give Legendary champs, or, at the very least, rare Epic champs.  I just completed the Monthly quests and received a Legendary shard.  Whom do I pull?  No other than Jizoh, a champion that was practically given to us as part of an earlier game reward.  I am this close to rage quitting.

Legendary shards are the needle in a haystack.  While I agree they shouldn't straight out give you a Legendary champion,  I do agree with the premise that being they ARE so hard to acquire, the % drop rate for Legendary champions should be increased.  While maybe not to 25%, but definitely a lot higher than it currently is.
May 21, 2019, 14:0205/21/19
May 21, 2019, 15:11(edited)

It would provide a better gaming experience if the game designer overhauls how the shard mechanics works.

For me, i would design it in this manner:

Color shards makes it more easy to understand for newer players as well:

  • Green - Uncommon Champions
  • Blue - Rare Champions
  • Pink - Epic Champions
  • Yellow - Legendary Champions

Champions Shard Drop:

  1. Mystery Shard (renamed to Uncommon Shard) drops only Uncommon champions
  2. Ancient Shard (renamed to Rare Shard) - drops only Rare champions
  3. Void Shard (renamed to Epic Shard) - drops only Epic champions (not just void)
  4. Sacred Shard (renamed to Legendary Shard) - drops only Legendary champions

There are 12 maps, each map can drop a random faction champions:

  1. Kaerok Castle: Drops Banner Lords champions
  2. Sewers of Arnor: Drops Lizardmen champions,
  3. And so forth...

Each map has 3 difficulties: normal, hard and brutal:

  1. Normal - Drops common, uncommon, rare (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)
  2. Hard - Drops uncomon, rare, epic (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)
  3. Brutal - Drops rare, epic, legendary (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)

**This gives some incentive to a player to farm a champion at a lower level stage even though it gives less coins/exp.

Now, I would make it difficult to get Legendary Shards:

  • Pay more $$$ real money to get it from the Shop
  • Complete difficult challenges - Win win for both F2P (Free to Play Players) and P2W (Pay to Win)

Complete achievements:

  • Reach Level 10 and 20 to get Rare Shard (no payment required)
  • Reach Level 30 and 40 to get Epic Shard (no payment required)
  • Reach Level 50 and 60 to get Legendary Shard (no payment required)
  • To cater for P2W players, you can offer them to pay $$$ to get double of these shard rewards.

For the Portal Design, I would enable gamers/users to pick a Faction and use their Shard there.

Use Case: I'm looking to get the Arbirter champion, so:

  • Go to the Portal, select a specific faction portal (example: High Elves)
  • Spend my Legendary Shard on the High Elves portal to try my luck to get her.
  • The High Elves portal will return 1 of these 7 Legendary Heroes:
  • I might get either Elenaril, Shirimani, Lyssandra, Royal Huttsman, Ithos, Belanor or Arbiter.
  • This RNG is so much better compared to the current RAID Shadow Legends.
  • Current Legendary picks at random over 12 Factions which includes Epic and tiny percentage of Legendary.


  • The main meat of these game is champions aka heroes.
  • Let the players get all of these heroes so they can experiment which hero gels well with another.
  • Variety heroes obtained >> more fun >> more players >> more $$$.
  • Make it easy to get heroes but make it challenging for players to upgrade them.

Please take that under consideration and it would be great if you could pass this feedback to someone :)

May 21, 2019, 14:5905/21/19

There's no such thing as a legendary shard. The highest tier of shard is called "Sacred".

That said, this IS a common mistake, along with "why do void shards have worse chances than ancient shards?" It was probably just a bad idea to color-code the shards in a way that matches hero rarities, because it makes people assume that void==epic and sacred==legendary just like ancient==rare. In reality, void shards aren't an intermediate tier at all, they're basically ancient shards that draw from a different pool; and sacred shards primarily give epics, not legendaries.

If void shards were onyx black and sacred shards were white - both of which seem thematically fitting - there might be a lot less confusion and unhappiness over this point.
May 21, 2019, 15:5205/21/19
For me the chances to get legendary is Ok as long the yellow shard is more easier to obtained. After get all 3 star on campaign now i'm only can get  yellow shard from monthly quest. That means only 1 yellow shard / months. At this rate lucky factor become very crucial here. If by lucky you get a very strong legendary then your game progress will grow faster. If you're not lucky then you don't have choices except spent a tons of bored repeating battle on campaign to level up your heroes. 
May 22, 2019, 09:1005/22/19

i just got 2 Jizoh from 3 sacred shards ! best game ever

May 22, 2019, 10:2805/22/19

geneccg said:

It would provide a better gaming experience if the game designer overhauls how the shard mechanics works.

For me, i would design it in this manner:


Hopes and dreams. Your design is based on engagement through appreciation of time and effort (or money) players put into the game. Like, we play (or spend) hard and we get the reward we desire. So we play (spend) more, and don't even care if new content is delayed for months.

On the contrary, this game design is based on gambling engagement through utter frustration. That either builds up until you quit (or run out of time/money), or disappears the moment you pop some okay-ish epic/legendary. You can avoid frustration if you force yourself to rejoice over popping three Jizohs in a row. Like spending $100 in a casino and be hella happy about winning $5. Or you can just quit and read a book or something.

With 1M+ downloads, they have thousands of players getting Jizohs from orange shards, complaining about the game, and thousands of people getting Nicolas or Rochard from their first blue shard, saying that everything is okay with the drop rates. Problem here, game is gaining popularity so they really don't care about players leave.

I popped Shaman from my first orange shard. I wanted to quit, but then got Reinbeast. After second month - got my first legendary. I just opened another 3 orange shards - got Jinglehunter - my first arena speed aura champ in 3 months, while entire Gold tier arena is filled with Gorgorabs, Kymars and Shazars. Do I wanna level him? What's the point? Reach Gold 4? Then what? It's not rage at this point, it's indifference.

May 22, 2019, 14:0005/22/19
May 22, 2019, 14:04(edited)
Well, I wanted Juliana for CB however got Gorgorab for arena from a sacred shard, which is the best champ i ever gotten from sacred shards in 2 months.   I already gave up on getting anything good from the void shards, so as usual 7 void shards gave me craps.  The best void champ i ever got in 2 months is Coldheart. Then i opened 10 blue shards got Bloodgorged, Vrask and second Kalia and the rest were food.  Bloodgorged will most likely sit on the bench until he gets buffed.......My luck is not that good in this game, so i have become 100% f2p.
May 22, 2019, 14:2305/22/19
May 22, 2019, 14:26(edited)
lyclaudiu said:

i just got 2 Jizoh from 3 sacred shards ! best game ever

why use x1 summon if x10 is possible??? Really doesn't makes want to watch video.
May 23, 2019, 13:2905/23/19

all the time i opened like 10x but now i wanted  to see if  it is any diffrence, i said just watch the last part, for void and sacred(i'm not a youtuber or something, just a person that spend some money and keep shards  for 3-4 weeks to get only Jizoh from sacred shards....)

now it's  good to know to use shards  just for events, i don't hope to get a good stuff anymore  from void/sacred shards
May 23, 2019, 16:5905/23/19
Brightlinger said:

There's no such thing as a legendary shard. The highest tier of shard is called "Sacred".

That said, this IS a common mistake, along with "why do void shards have worse chances than ancient shards?" It was probably just a bad idea to color-code the shards in a way that matches hero rarities, because it makes people assume that void==epic and sacred==legendary just like ancient==rare. In reality, void shards aren't an intermediate tier at all, they're basically ancient shards that draw from a different pool; and sacred shards primarily give epics, not legendaries.

If void shards were onyx black and sacred shards were white - both of which seem thematically fitting - there might be a lot less confusion and unhappiness over this point.
This makes so much sense, I'm so tiered of people calling Sacred shards legendary and Void Shards epic. It's not their fault but whoever decided to color them this way. Voids should not be purple and Sacred should not be yellow, there are so many new players confused about them.
May 23, 2019, 23:4505/23/19
geneccg said:

Each map has 3 difficulties: normal, hard and brutal:

  1. Normal - Drops common, uncommon, rare (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)
  2. Hard - Drops uncomon, rare, epic (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)
  3. Brutal - Drops rare, epic, legendary (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)

**This gives some incentive to a player to farm a champion at a lower level stage even though it gives less coins/exp.

??? This crossed the line..and then some...miles.
May 24, 2019, 02:4405/24/19

Miliannai said:

geneccg said:

Each map has 3 difficulties: normal, hard and brutal:

  1. Normal - Drops common, uncommon, rare (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)
  2. Hard - Drops uncomon, rare, epic (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)
  3. Brutal - Drops rare, epic, legendary (90%, 8%, 2% drop rate)

**This gives some incentive to a player to farm a champion at a lower level stage even though it gives less coins/exp.

??? This crossed the line..and then some...miles.

Yeah that's kinda too good. However, many games have a concept of hero fragments. You could farm fragments of rare/epic/leg champs featured in certain location. Like, after 1000s of runs fighting Sinesha and Skullcrown in chapter 11, you'd get one for yourself.

May 25, 2019, 05:2705/25/19
Only use your shards during the summon rush event.  That way you at least get the reward from the event.....
May 28, 2019, 12:0305/28/19

sad... but @SAMURAI KING is right, they don't  want  money from ppl , they want  to get them in depression and just playing for events cuz you can get a potion or something :)

May 29, 2019, 19:1105/29/19
I got shamrock from my sacred.  Idk what's worse lol
Aug 10, 2019, 03:4008/10/19
I really like the idea to have faction portal.. 
Aug 10, 2019, 04:1208/10/19

I now have 4 legendaries, and they have all come from ancient shards. Nothing but pink from sacreds. So much for the odds.