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Is this a gambling game?

Is this a gambling game?

Feb 9, 2021, 01:4102/09/21

This game works like a slot machine, everytime you open a shard, roll a peice of gear and even the gameplay itself works like a spin on the slot machine. this game is 110% gambling. the only reason they get past underage gambling laws is because you cant cash out. 

Its sadly a industry wide problem. do you remeber the good old days when you would spend money on DLC and just get what you asked for.

Devs would make content and you would buy it off them, now you you pay through the teeth for a 6% CHANCE to get what they are selling.

This is why Im studying to be a Game Dev, I believe if you were just honest with customer you would gain consumer loyalty. Instead of Blindsiding people with subliminal game mechanics designed by casinos to trap people with addictive personalities into spending way more then any sane person would how about fair pricing that would make more people be willing to spend.

In the long term slow steady money and growth is better then robbing people for as much as you can before they realize that they are being screwed over.

Feb 9, 2021, 02:5402/09/21

Absolutely.  Every thing meaningful in this game is a gamble, which is why I will never spend a dime on this game.

Feb 9, 2021, 10:5102/09/21

Some people are just not able to play a game like this. They think they have to use legendaries and don't even look at the stats a champ has. They would feed a Maneater to lvl up a shitty lego because Maneater just a epic and therefore useless. They go with any 4 legendaries into arena and complain why they loose against a team using even rares because Apo-Warmaiden-Spirithost-Kael nukes their legendaries without problems. 

Of course there are a lot of legendaries that you want to have. But the "I-don't-get-legendaries-I-hate-this-game"-players don't even know how to equip and use them if they ever get one. Instead of whining that there are no legendaries just level up your Armiger and beat lvl 20 dungeons. 

Aug 13, 2021, 17:0308/13/21

Holy necro, Batman. And for an advertisement I had to hide. Let's go ahead and close this to make room for more gameplay stuff. 

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