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Big difference in packs' price

Big difference in packs' price

May 10, 2019, 19:5505/10/19
Bumping for the continued lack of silence from the devs on this matter. Like said above, legislation is currently being pursued in the US by Senators to combat predatory gaming mechanics. If you don't want a class action lawsuit on your hands for the practices so far, it would be in your best interest to significantly compensate those you've shafted and change this ASAP. We have waited. Nothing has been done and there has been no official communication other than "we've passed this along to the devs."
May 11, 2019, 01:3805/11/19
May 11, 2019, 01:39(edited)
I am so thankful for my curiosity. I had a hunch that the drop rates for even just rares were really low. I was becoming desperate for a better team. So I decided to look in the forum to see if anyone had similar experiences. Then I stumble on this thread. I have not spent any money on this game for the deceptive and unfair price differences! You guys will soon have your game banned in the US if you keep this up and I will be sure to share your practices with your Facebook, Google play, and friends that I know that play this, in game and RL. Wow.
May 11, 2019, 02:5605/11/19

This mobile game has one of the worst consumer models to date. Not only is it unsustainable, but you are punishing those who actually pay to keep you in business and your job. Maybe replacing a few of your designers with an economist would help the company a bit more.

Not only are the packs messed up, but how did you manage to design the Void shard to be WORSE at giving you epics than the Rare shards? If that's the work of the design team, I have little faith this game will get much farther than other cash grabs. 

May 11, 2019, 17:4005/11/19
May 11, 2019, 17:45(edited)

Complete silence from the devs is simply unacceptable after waiting for weeks. I know that they are busy with lot of other improvements and the recent maintenance, but it’s been weeks since this was bought to their attention and we still don’t have a response.

Also, I am starting to wonder if they have implemented such shady tactics everywhere else in the game. Like decreased legendary drops and potion drops, the more you spend. Which has been my experience lately, but I though it was just RNG. But now I wonder if it is not bad luck but game design.


Please note that my goal here is not to make accusations. But I am simply speaking my mind. So it would help if you can confirm that the drops are same for everyone and not dependent on individual spending history.

May 12, 2019, 14:3605/12/19


Devs, where are you?

May 13, 2019, 04:3805/13/19

KiwiMcSheep said:

Hey all

Good news, the packs are now under review and been worked on by the developers and game analyst, though i am unable to provide you an eta, i hope this update helps.


Hello all,

I just thought id re-highlight my previous post. They have heard your feedback and are currently working on it, as usual, I will continue to pass on your feedback and nudge for updates and let you know if I hear anything.

many thanks

May 13, 2019, 14:4405/13/19
xHydraXP said:

This mobile game has one of the worst consumer models to date. Not only is it unsustainable, but you are punishing those who actually pay to keep you in business and your job. Maybe replacing a few of your designers with an economist would help the company a bit more.

Not only are the packs messed up, but how did you manage to design the Void shard to be WORSE at giving you epics than the Rare shards? If that's the work of the design team, I have little faith this game will get much farther than other cash grabs. 

Just for your own clarification. The reason void shards drop rates are lower is because there are fewer voids. You have one type to pull from instead of 3.
May 17, 2019, 09:0505/17/19

I want to share today offers and how the price is scaling:

1. Free to play account:

2. Offer that showed on my account:

3. Other account:

2nd and 3rd are from people that were buying some packs. Still value is not scaled properly, I hope devs will come up with more fair solution soon.

May 20, 2019, 18:4205/20/19


This has to stop.

May 20, 2019, 20:4705/20/19

addmeister said:

Ok, the rumours had been there for quite a while, but seeing that is pretty disheartening. I spent 1k $ by now but being ripped off for spending is just ridiculous. Why is a company so stupid and punishes its paying customers?!

Eh, spending $1k on an a game?  You got ripped off regardless.  

You should really considering sending my family some money.  I could put $1k to MUCH better use than to have a competitive edge in a game.  Just saying :P 

And doesn't paying to win kill it for you?  If you don't actually earn it and you just buy your way to it, that kills it for me personally.

May 20, 2019, 21:4605/20/19

Hello all

They have listened to your feedback and now providing options for you to choose from, so keep the feedback coming


May 21, 2019, 07:1905/21/19

This is very good news, I hope more packs will be more like that :)

KiwiMcSheep said:

Hello all

They have listened to your feedback and now providing options for you to choose from, so keep the feedback coming


Jun 15, 2019, 04:4706/15/19

Hello guys, 

im pretty new to the game and spend around 15€ for it so far. Im quite Happy with Raid SL but im concerned this prices on the market are way too high for virtual gear or shards.

Keep in mind some games like WoW offers so much content for 11€ - 13€ a month. Dont get me wrong here, i like the game mechanics and the way it goes in future. If you do it right obviously, you will have a much higher and stronger fanbase who spend their money on the game.

Here are my suggestions for the future:

- monthly payment for free playtime 

(would be the best option to not change dropchances on good champs or anything like that, cause you can farm a lot more for free. Keep in mind there is still a big RNG factor to get good champs)

- lower prices for extra goods like shards gems etc.

(I guess no one wants to buy packs for 20€ - 100€ or even more (cmon) for virtual goods)

- make way more offers in the shop

Thanks for reading so far

I hope i get a reply on that 
Jun 20, 2019, 16:1606/20/19

Sneaky sneaky... both are free to play account at the same level, SAME items, DIFFERENT pricing. This is a social experiment to see what people are willing to pay for virtual items lol.

Jun 20, 2019, 23:1406/20/19

ashleyketchum03 said:

Sneaky sneaky... both are free to play account at the same level, SAME items, DIFFERENT pricing. This is a social experiment to see what people are willing to pay for virtual items lol.


out of curiosity, I'm wondering if this difference is apple vs google, as they have different ways of dealing with conversion rates?

many thanks 
Jun 21, 2019, 02:3906/21/19
Both are on android devices, hence both are from google. There shouldn't be any difference in conversion rates...
Jun 21, 2019, 06:3506/21/19

KiwiMcSheep said:

out of curiosity, I'm wondering if this difference is apple vs google, as they have different ways of dealing with conversion rates?

That's a silly excuse. It doesn't have to be ever blamed on Apple vs Google. If it's $20 on App Store it has to be $20 on Play Store.

Also, similar explanation was used by Plarium in Vikings, but for the opposite, for example "Apple has conversion rates so the package is more expensive, so we make it more expensive for Android as well to make them even". Bottom line, both Apple and Android, Europe and Americas - have to be even, dollar to dollar.
Jun 21, 2019, 08:2206/21/19
Jun 21, 2019, 11:08(edited)
Just got offered 1 sacred shard and 100 gems for 33 euro.... 
Jun 21, 2019, 10:0706/21/19
Jun 21, 2019, 10:08(edited)
Got the same deal here (32,99€ for 1 sacred + 100gems), and on the side they are announcing a double legendary drop chance event from sacred shards over the weekend... coincidence? I highly doubt it. Again a slap in the face of the f2p community, as well as spending players with lower wallet sizes, not being able to easily afford these horrendous amounts of money for 1 shard! And honestly, with the rate summoning events are held, the amount of f2p players being able to take advantage of this is going to be rather low, at least that's what I would expect...