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Big difference in packs' price

Big difference in packs' price

Apr 26, 2019, 17:2704/26/19
Have someone Pack's price from China? :> ;D
Apr 28, 2019, 22:3804/28/19

KiwiMcSheep said:

Hello all

Thanks for all the feedback and screen shots, though i did notice some differences with the ones posted where some have more shards and others less, the items do seem to vary from the cost of the pack, even in my personal experience the cost of the packs seem to reflect the amount of items actually inside the deal generally. 

Nevertheless Ive already re-highlighted this topic for review by Devs/CM.

Many thanks

For some reason my reply vanished so if this double posts, im sorry.

While i do agree that there are differences in the packs, this begs the question, why?   Just to stop people being able to complain.? I have attached screen shots of a current deal.  its the SAME NAME on all 3 packs, but different content.  Please read my maths:

The Aussie pack is 4 times the price of the USA PACK.

Has the name number of Sacreds and exp bonus.

Has 2.5 times as many Ancients, 5 times the gems and silver, twice the energy.

Thats not even CLOSE to 4 times as much content.


The British pack is 3 times the price of the USA pack.

Has the name number of Sacreds and exp bonus.

Has 1.5 times as many Ancients, 3.5 times the gems and silver, 1.3 times the energy.

Thats not even CLOSE to 3 times as much content.

This means one of 2 things: either different countries get different value, which is unfair. or players who have spent more are gettnig screwed (i have definitely spent more than the other two).

This needs to be addressed because its truely unfair.

May 2, 2019, 08:2405/02/19

I experienced today very sad comparison. I'm buying more than my boyfriend and I got this pack something around half an hour ago:

He got that one that it's exactly half price and 2/3 content (the same content but only a little less):

This is really bad feeling, that I got so much worse packs when I supported this game more. That's really not fair :/
May 2, 2019, 10:2205/02/19
May 2, 2019, 10:23(edited)

Hey all

Good news, the packs are now under review and been worked on by the developers and game analyst, though i am unable to provide you an eta, i hope this update helps.


May 2, 2019, 11:0805/02/19
Thanks for your reply. Many people noticed that diversity in treating players and are not happy about that. Many said that they stop buying because of that. I hope they will come up with the solution that is fair to all players.
May 2, 2019, 15:5205/02/19
May 2, 2019, 15:53(edited)

Imagine driving up to a drive through and seeing the menu prices adjust because you happen to frequent that establishment more often than others. Most companies try to reward loyalty. Apparent you guys missed that memo HUH?

More likely is the fact that you did it bc you thought you could get away with it for a long time without people noticing it. 

Shame on you for not having the common sense nor the backbone to stand up and tell your bosses that what they are doing is not only "wrong" morally, but borderline illegal.
May 2, 2019, 18:4805/02/19
I recently started a second account on this game, a true f2p account that i won't spend a dime to see how far i will go.....As a result, this account got offers that were way cheaper than my main account.  I just cannot believe this game actually penalizes those who spent money to support the developer.   Right now its summon rush event, an overpriced pack was offered to my main account.  I looked at the pack and just laughed.  I have refused to spend a dime on this game.  In fact, many players in my clan have stopped playing this game.......Greed will lead you nowhere.
May 3, 2019, 17:3705/03/19
ambhpb said:

Imagine driving up to a drive through and seeing the menu prices adjust because you happen to frequent that establishment more often than others. Most companies try to reward loyalty. Apparent you guys missed that memo HUH?

More likely is the fact that you did it bc you thought you could get away with it for a long time without people noticing it. 

Shame on you for not having the common sense nor the backbone to stand up and tell your bosses that what they are doing is not only "wrong" morally, but borderline illegal.
That's exactly it, they thought they could get away with it. They would have done NOTHING if people didn't come together and share our digust with this underhanded tactic. 
May 3, 2019, 17:4405/03/19

More you buy, more you pay?

Totally against the rules on the market ...

I bought it once and I ended it, especially after consultation in the guild "how huge the price differences are"

May 8, 2019, 19:1705/08/19

Honestly everyone saying they charge more etc. They don't charge anymore they give you more option. Instead of offering 10 shards at $10 they offer you 15 at $15. etc. You aren't looking at the content of the packs. You're just looking at the price. While I agree just because I've spent over $100 in game doesn't mean I want my next package to cost $60. This tactic does not then mean they're charging me more. They're just only giving me a bigger option. What they need to do is either offer multiple of the same thing (ie, Spring Pack 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1 has 5 shards and is $5, 2 has 10 shards and is $10, etc.) this gives us options of how much we want to spend at a time and is same options for everyone. Essentially what they're doing right now is Person A hasn't spent any money offer then Pack 1, person B has spent some money but not in a while offer them 2, Person C has spent quite a bit of money offer them 4, etc).

while I agree their tactic of offering larger packs to people who pay money isn't fair as if I had a bunch of great $10 offers I'd probably buy a ton of them but I'll never buy a $50 pack. I don't think it's fair to just say they're charging me more etc. They're offering you different things. Check all the pictures posted the contents are different. While one person said I don't feel I'm getting double the content. What they have done is they've given each shard, each quantity of silver and gems a $ value and they just increase the items which increases the value. They may value an Ancient Shard at $2 so for every Ancient shard in a pack it goes up $2. While silver has another value (random numbers) 100k silver is $5. so for every 100k silver it increases $5 and so on. I'm sure there is some give in this and some do calculate as better or worse deals but none the less. This is what is happening. NOT simply charging you more for the same thing, but offering you more for a higher price, but objectively I'm sure it's the same cost for each item.

May 8, 2019, 19:2505/08/19
May 8, 2019, 19:29(edited)

Curlycross said:

Honestly everyone saying they charge more etc. They don't charge anymore they give you more option. Instead of offering 10 shards at $10 they offer you 15 at $15. etc. You aren't looking at the content of the packs. You're just looking at the price. While I agree just because I've spent over $100 in game doesn't mean I want my next package to cost $60. This tactic does not then mean they're charging me more. They're just only giving me a bigger option. What they need to do is either offer multiple of the same thing (ie, Spring Pack 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1 has 5 shards and is $5, 2 has 10 shards and is $10, etc.) this gives us options of how much we want to spend at a time and is same options for everyone. Essentially what they're doing right now is Person A hasn't spent any money offer then Pack 1, person B has spent some money but not in a while offer them 2, Person C has spent quite a bit of money offer them 4, etc).

while I agree their tactic of offering larger packs to people who pay money isn't fair as if I had a bunch of great $10 offers I'd probably buy a ton of them but I'll never buy a $50 pack. I don't think it's fair to just say they're charging me more etc. They're offering you different things. Check all the pictures posted the contents are different. While one person said I don't feel I'm getting double the content. What they have done is they've given each shard, each quantity of silver and gems a $ value and they just increase the items which increases the value. They may value an Ancient Shard at $2 so for every Ancient shard in a pack it goes up $2. While silver has another value (random numbers) 100k silver is $5. so for every 100k silver it increases $5 and so on. I'm sure there is some give in this and some do calculate as better or worse deals but none the less. This is what is happening. NOT simply charging you more for the same thing, but offering you more for a higher price, but objectively I'm sure it's the same cost for each item.

Dude, no offense but are either someone being paid by the company to post a positive message or you are bad at math. Scroll up to see the packs posted by Easme on May 2nd and tell me you still think the packs are fair.

I have had similar experience in the past and wasted a lot of money on the overpriced packs until my friend started sharing his packs on  accord. That is when I decided not to spend until I have been compensated.
May 8, 2019, 19:3305/08/19

Kn1ghtmare said:

My lvl 40 pack was 98.99 USD. Probably would have bought it if it wasn't so expensive.

My level 40 pack was $49.99 USD.  It's possible our packs contained different items, but if they were the same items, that's a pretty extreme variance. 

May 8, 2019, 19:3405/08/19
Me Nd my friend josh both play he’s f2p Nd I’m p2p because I’m p2p the deals it offer me are higher priced but the Same deals with slightly more of the same stuff 
May 8, 2019, 20:0005/08/19
That pack for reaching level 50 ($15 on first page) has just been offered to me for £99.99, beggers belief.
May 8, 2019, 20:3805/08/19

waffenmc2 said:

Curlycross said:

Honestly everyone saying they charge more etc. They don't charge anymore they give you more option. Instead of offering 10 shards at $10 they offer you 15 at $15. etc. You aren't looking at the content of the packs. You're just looking at the price. While I agree just because I've spent over $100 in game doesn't mean I want my next package to cost $60. This tactic does not then mean they're charging me more. They're just only giving me a bigger option. What they need to do is either offer multiple of the same thing (ie, Spring Pack 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1 has 5 shards and is $5, 2 has 10 shards and is $10, etc.) this gives us options of how much we want to spend at a time and is same options for everyone. Essentially what they're doing right now is Person A hasn't spent any money offer then Pack 1, person B has spent some money but not in a while offer them 2, Person C has spent quite a bit of money offer them 4, etc).

while I agree their tactic of offering larger packs to people who pay money isn't fair as if I had a bunch of great $10 offers I'd probably buy a ton of them but I'll never buy a $50 pack. I don't think it's fair to just say they're charging me more etc. They're offering you different things. Check all the pictures posted the contents are different. While one person said I don't feel I'm getting double the content. What they have done is they've given each shard, each quantity of silver and gems a $ value and they just increase the items which increases the value. They may value an Ancient Shard at $2 so for every Ancient shard in a pack it goes up $2. While silver has another value (random numbers) 100k silver is $5. so for every 100k silver it increases $5 and so on. I'm sure there is some give in this and some do calculate as better or worse deals but none the less. This is what is happening. NOT simply charging you more for the same thing, but offering you more for a higher price, but objectively I'm sure it's the same cost for each item.

Dude, no offense but are either someone being paid by the company to post a positive message or you are bad at math. Scroll up to see the packs posted by Easme on May 2nd and tell me you still think the packs are fair.

I have had similar experience in the past and wasted a lot of money on the overpriced packs until my friend started sharing his packs on  accord. That is when I decided not to spend until I have been compensated.

No I'm not someone paid by the company. I do agree the post from Easme is a serious issue. Should definitely be 24 Ancient Shards, 1.2M silver, 1800 Gems for 140 PLN. I agree. What I'm saying though is outside of that instance all of the others are serious difference in value for serious difference in what you get. I'm working on a math problem based on 3 different Spring Packs posted by someone earlier to see if they're of similar value. The math problem will take a while. I don't have it written down who did it but the three spring packs were $160, $65, and $30 I believe PLN, and had Ancient Shards, a Sacred, Gems, xp boost, energy, and silver. The amounts varied drastically.

I'm just saying in most cases this being an exception not the rule. The values are similar it's just offering different things. 
May 9, 2019, 04:0005/09/19
Bumping bc no communication from the devs. I can't (and won't) keep buying $100 packs. I would spend $20 or so here and there for a pack with a sacred shard or some voids, but stop throwing $100 packs at me - or at least let me choose. Stop being so greedy and sketchy. It's a simple ask.
May 9, 2019, 08:3605/09/19

My main point is that more expensive pack have a lot less value, to the point that I'm feeling cheated when I look on the new account deals, or f2p account deals.

Another thing is that we are offered pack that are ridiculously expensive, I know that some of us have that money, but I'm not.

A lot more people would buy packs if they wouldn't be so overpriced and out of their range, and of course fair.

May 9, 2019, 15:2305/09/19

I would definitely buy more packs if they were for $10 or $20 USD instead of always being offered $100 packs. Maybe a $50 here and there if i can spare it and the packs worth it.

The tactic that someone bought something once and then only offered over priced packs from then on is an issue. Offer a range of packs so its fair. This would all go away.
May 9, 2019, 17:5905/09/19
Easme said:

My main point is that more expensive pack have a lot less value, to the point that I'm feeling cheated when I look on the new account deals, or f2p account deals.

Another thing is that we are offered pack that are ridiculously expensive, I know that some of us have that money, but I'm not.

A lot more people would buy packs if they wouldn't be so overpriced and out of their range, and of course fair.

May 9, 2019, 19:2105/09/19

Curlycross said:

waffenmc2 said:

Curlycross said:

Honestly everyone saying they charge more etc. They don't charge anymore they give you more option. Instead of offering 10 shards at $10 they offer you 15 at $15. etc. You aren't looking at the content of the packs. You're just looking at the price. While I agree just because I've spent over $100 in game doesn't mean I want my next package to cost $60. This tactic does not then mean they're charging me more. They're just only giving me a bigger option. What they need to do is either offer multiple of the same thing (ie, Spring Pack 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1 has 5 shards and is $5, 2 has 10 shards and is $10, etc.) this gives us options of how much we want to spend at a time and is same options for everyone. Essentially what they're doing right now is Person A hasn't spent any money offer then Pack 1, person B has spent some money but not in a while offer them 2, Person C has spent quite a bit of money offer them 4, etc).

while I agree their tactic of offering larger packs to people who pay money isn't fair as if I had a bunch of great $10 offers I'd probably buy a ton of them but I'll never buy a $50 pack. I don't think it's fair to just say they're charging me more etc. They're offering you different things. Check all the pictures posted the contents are different. While one person said I don't feel I'm getting double the content. What they have done is they've given each shard, each quantity of silver and gems a $ value and they just increase the items which increases the value. They may value an Ancient Shard at $2 so for every Ancient shard in a pack it goes up $2. While silver has another value (random numbers) 100k silver is $5. so for every 100k silver it increases $5 and so on. I'm sure there is some give in this and some do calculate as better or worse deals but none the less. This is what is happening. NOT simply charging you more for the same thing, but offering you more for a higher price, but objectively I'm sure it's the same cost for each item.

Dude, no offense but are either someone being paid by the company to post a positive message or you are bad at math. Scroll up to see the packs posted by Easme on May 2nd and tell me you still think the packs are fair.

I have had similar experience in the past and wasted a lot of money on the overpriced packs until my friend started sharing his packs on  accord. That is when I decided not to spend until I have been compensated.

No I'm not someone paid by the company. I do agree the post from Easme is a serious issue. Should definitely be 24 Ancient Shards, 1.2M silver, 1800 Gems for 140 PLN. I agree. What I'm saying though is outside of that instance all of the others are serious difference in value for serious difference in what you get. I'm working on a math problem based on 3 different Spring Packs posted by someone earlier to see if they're of similar value. The math problem will take a while. I don't have it written down who did it but the three spring packs were $160, $65, and $30 I believe PLN, and had Ancient Shards, a Sacred, Gems, xp boost, energy, and silver. The amounts varied drastically.

I'm just saying in most cases this being an exception not the rule. The values are similar it's just offering different things. 

I posed this issue to the math nerds of Reddit and they weren't able to answer it completely because there are 6 variables but only 3 examples and the variables and examples need to be exact. However, one guy was able to do a value based approach. He couldn't say 1 ancient shard is worth $X but he was able to give a ratio value to all three packs and exactly as everyone says the cheapest pack had the best bang for buck followed by the middle and then the most expensive. The difference in value between the lowest and the most expensive was almost double. Meaning the cheaper pack was almost twice as better value than the most expensive one. This is a serious issue. I know a moderator said it's being looked into but this is something that needs to be taken down until it's figured out. Don't figure it out while this bull shit is still happening. I have changed my tune completely on this. I won't spend another dime on the game till this is resolved.

Like everyone has said offer us a cheap middle and expensive option so we can choose what we want. Give us more value for spending more in a pack. I don't care if you say you've already spent $100 he's a cheaper option. I just want it to make sense to pay more. Make everything identical. Find a value for a Sacred Shard and 100k Silver and 100 energy and make it so that you add those numbers together and that's how you get the value of the pack. If you have a middle and top tier option give a 5% and 10% discount on everything respectively. But offer the same thing for the same prices to everyone. This needs to be resolved now.

Plarium, I'm assuming you're not a US based company but if we want to cause a stink this is simple predatory behavior and if we were to contact our congressmen we could easily make it so that Plarium is not allowed to deal with the US. IT's not that hard and there is already a couple senators that are going against video game developers for predatory issues. Don't believe me? Google Senator Josh Hawley R MO (Missouri Senator) he as posed a bill to ban P2W and loot box options considering them predatory and unconstitutional. Fix this issue Plarium. Yesterday.