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Hacker Invasion going on?

Hacker Invasion going on?

Mar 22, 2019, 11:5003/22/19

Hacker Invasion going on?

Over the last week ive noticed a very high increase of players in arena with KR/CN names?

They all have the best arena heroes, ridicoulus team power and some are even low player level so its very hard to believe this is really legit.

Am i the only one thinkimg this might be hackers? Is it being looked into by the devs?

Mar 22, 2019, 11:5903/22/19
Yep, I noticed the same thing too, I already sent an email to the devs hopefully they will do something about this if they really care about this game and their players 
Mar 22, 2019, 12:2603/22/19
I was wondering the same. Maybe they are bots used by the devs to test future mechanics ? 
Mar 22, 2019, 16:0003/22/19

I am very glad that you can notice the entry of Chinese players. We did not suddenly come to this game. You neglected that we have GFW in China. Based on this, we cannot participate in this wonderful game with the world players. However, some Chinese players are accustomed to spending to participate in the game. They don't know that RAID is not a strong consumer. Most Chinese players who participated in it did not know the existence of RAID in the world before March! ! So please don't marvel at the fact that their fighters are advanced and they are trying to adapt and learn. (via Google Translate)

Mar 22, 2019, 18:4203/22/19
Mar 22, 2019, 18:44(edited)

shyxkj said:

I am very glad that you can notice the entry of Chinese players. We did not suddenly come to this game. You neglected that we have GFW in China. Based on this, we cannot participate in this wonderful game with the world players. 

Mar 22, 2019, 18:4503/22/19
Mar 23, 2019, 02:41(edited)

...I don’t  really understand your comments but it’s look like you are proud that your community is cheating, Am I right?

Mar 23, 2019, 02:1603/23/19

Nope , what he means is Chinese ppl used to spend a lot money playing games , I also saw it b4 , they can spend like a million RMB just in a game , so , don’t be too serious , they will get defeated by who really know how to play , I think 

Mar 23, 2019, 02:4703/23/19
Oh ok, thanks Unkno, If it’s the case I’m glad that  they are here now , more money for Plarium which means we can play this game for a long long time, nice!!!
Mar 25, 2019, 04:3503/25/19

Not everyone with a lot of Legs is a hacker. 

Chinese player base spends a lot of money that's what we have noticed. There was a report once of a player summoning 10 legendaries in a row. A lot of people reported the screenshot from global chat and all. After investigation it was found that the Legs were legit and real cash was spent ;) So nope, we can't generalize.

Hail the Whale people!

Happy Raiding

Mar 25, 2019, 13:3003/25/19
Hey, guys. Just dropping by to confirm that we are very strict with actual bots and cheaters, and we've already banned quite a number of them. So those that do remain are legit players.
Apr 5, 2019, 07:1204/05/19

This is what you get when you build a game only for cash players. F2P players cannot compete, prices are insanely high, no rewards except for tons of money. I m not surprised at all of all the hackers/rerollers that make business to the game. Why spending 5000$ for some crap when some chinese can sell you a top void leg for 300$. 

Devs wanted to play with limits of predator marketing, it will be what will kill the game, they wont handle all those rerolls and hack. 
Apr 5, 2019, 08:5304/05/19
Apr 5, 2019, 08:55(edited)

There is no problem with cashers, they finance the game.

There is no problem with cashers dominating the pvp area, stroking their ego. (Thats what they cashed for)

There is no problem with cashers haveing more and better heroes to helpthem through the campagain/dungeons whatever.(Thats what they cashed for, too)

It was topic of another thread that there is a rather drastic unfairness though:

Where a chinese player states he did invest "a lot of money for those 10 legendarys" a euro-casher has to pay significantly more,

and might just be able to afford 1/5th(?) of the yellow shards..

- - - -

That unfairness (and the broken egos of the "expensive-country-cashers") aside there IS a problem:

Not only do the casher-bougth-heroes to help dominating pvp (They should!)

Not only does the quantity/quality of cashed heroes help them through dungeons, campaigns and the ClanBoss. (It should!)

But those cashed heroes also help obtaining great-hall-bonuses faster and PVP-Ranks (and Rewards) higher.

As it is those two bonuses are counted everywhere in the game: PVP (where thy should) and  CB, campaign, dungeons.(Where they shouldn't)

Beating the clanboss or dungeons (with cashed heroes or not) should be a matter of thought and preparation, not a matter of PVP-standing.

Please either remove those bonuses from the NON-Pvp-Areas (and adjust the content accordingly),

or split the PVP-servers so at least a high silver rank is accessible for non-cashers.

As it is, with the intact bonuses, pvp is mendatory.

And as casher-flooded PVP is it ruins the enjoyment of the game,  even for the "cheap to play cashers" in the expensive-casher-countrys.

You ARE loosing paying clients because of this.

Apr 5, 2019, 09:0504/05/19
I don't really have an idea when people count you as a "big spender" but I invested several hundreds of Euros in the last weeks and still only have one legendary hero (which is actually not very good) - which I'm not going to complain about - what I do complain about is that I just faced triple Roshcard in the arena (which means permanent team indestructibility). What are the odds of obtaining the same legend three times? While I can't proof hat any hack is involved, mechanisms like that - permanent team indestructibility for example - should not be possible. I really like the game but while I spent nearly hundreds of  Euros in the last weeks I don't think I will put any more money in it.
Apr 5, 2019, 09:4604/05/19

Where a chinese player states he did invest "a lot of money for those 10 legendarys" a euro-casher has to pay significantly more,

and might just be able to afford 1/5th(?) of the yellow shards..

That unfairness (and the broken egos of the "expensive-country-cashers") aside there IS a problem

Sorry, please correct me, if I don't understand it correctly. Do you think that the price of buying gems in China and Europe is different? (And the difference is quite big?) 

If you think so, you are wrong. Unlike steam, which defines games in different regions with different prices, Apple adjusts the price of each region’s purchases according to the exchange rate to achieve balance.(Otherwise, people will register accounts in other countries to make a purchase with a lower price, which is exactly what you are worried about. .)

I don't know the exact price for the gems in Europe, but I compare the prices in Canada and China, and they don't differ by more than 10%.

The exchange rate between the euro and the RMB(Chinese currency) currently  is 1:7.5. The expected cost of getting a legend is 3000RM, which is 400 euro. So those Chinese players  you seen who have several legends, most of them spend thousands of euros in this game. 

As a result, as you said at beginning, you accept that ”people spend more money, they could/should get the better gaming experience”. Then you should not complain about these. 

In my clan, all the players are Chinese, and most of them have more than 6 legends, which means they have spent more than 2,000 euros. In another union, there is a rich Chinese player who has more than 100 legends. If he does not cheat, it means he spent more than 30k euro.

Although I think it is silly to spend so much money in the game, please don't discriminate against the purchasing power of Chinese players. How unbalanced the distribution of wealth in the world is, and there are still many poor areas in China that are suffering from poverty. We have spent so much money on this kind of nothingness, and I am embarrassed by my actions.

Apr 5, 2019, 17:2904/05/19
Xiaoguji said:

Where a chinese player states he did invest "a lot of money for those 10 legendarys" a euro-casher has to pay significantly more,

and might just be able to afford 1/5th(?) of the yellow shards..

That unfairness (and the broken egos of the "expensive-country-cashers") aside there IS a problem

Sorry, please correct me, if I don't understand it correctly. Do you think that the price of buying gems in China and Europe is different? (And the difference is quite big?) 

If you think so, you are wrong. Unlike steam, which defines games in different regions with different prices, Apple adjusts the price of each region’s purchases according to the exchange rate to achieve balance.(Otherwise, people will register accounts in other countries to make a purchase with a lower price, which is exactly what you are worried about. .)

I don't know the exact price for the gems in Europe, but I compare the prices in Canada and China, and they don't differ by more than 10%.

The exchange rate between the euro and the RMB(Chinese currency) currently  is 1:7.5. The expected cost of getting a legend is 3000RM, which is 400 euro. So those Chinese players  you seen who have several legends, most of them spend thousands of euros in this game. 

As a result, as you said at beginning, you accept that ”people spend more money, they could/should get the better gaming experience”. Then you should not complain about these. 

In my clan, all the players are Chinese, and most of them have more than 6 legends, which means they have spent more than 2,000 euros. In another union, there is a rich Chinese player who has more than 100 legends. If he does not cheat, it means he spent more than 30k euro.

Although I think it is silly to spend so much money in the game, please don't discriminate against the purchasing power of Chinese players. How unbalanced the distribution of wealth in the world is, and there are still many poor areas in China that are suffering from poverty. We have spent so much money on this kind of nothingness, and I am embarrassed by my actions.

You are basically confirming that this game is completely PAY TO WIN which means eventually most of the free to play players will simply leave this game. I know it is a hard balance for game designers to have a game that is enjoyable and fair to both types of players but right now it seems heavily skewed towards the P2W player base.
Apr 6, 2019, 06:2504/06/19
Apr 6, 2019, 06:52(edited)

Xiaoguji thank you for your post. It was an interesting read.

The majority of European players are unlikely to spend more than 200-700 euros in the game in a couple of months time. And that feels for us as a decent summ of money to spend  that should provide some benefits. At least it should make the game more pleasant and enjoyable. But it really does not. 

As fairly noted ealier, obtaining a strong team of legendaries at low levels gives a great advantage. The player gets talents, GH points, better clothing much easier and faster. So by the time he gets to 45-50 levels his team is unbeatable for "ordinary" players (not even f2p), who spent time and resourses on leveling up rares and epics. 

So, however great and easy the game could be for a big-spender, it is not that enjoyable for mild-spenders and players with micro-transactions.  There should be a solution for this problems, as only after 1 month since  the release this problem is so obvious. Giving 2-3 more months for more big-spending players to enter the game and level up their teams, the situation will get drastic.

Apr 6, 2019, 07:1304/06/19
Xiaoguji said:

Where a chinese player states he did invest "a lot of money for those 10 legendarys" a euro-casher has to pay significantly more,

and might just be able to afford 1/5th(?) of the yellow shards..

That unfairness (and the broken egos of the "expensive-country-cashers") aside there IS a problem

Sorry, please correct me, if I don't understand it correctly. Do you think that the price of buying gems in China and Europe is different? (And the difference is quite big?) 

If you think so, you are wrong. Unlike steam, which defines games in different regions with different prices, Apple adjusts the price of each region’s purchases according to the exchange rate to achieve balance.(Otherwise, people will register accounts in other countries to make a purchase with a lower price, which is exactly what you are worried about. .)

I don't know the exact price for the gems in Europe, but I compare the prices in Canada and China, and they don't differ by more than 10%.

The exchange rate between the euro and the RMB(Chinese currency) currently  is 1:7.5. The expected cost of getting a legend is 3000RM, which is 400 euro. So those Chinese players  you seen who have several legends, most of them spend thousands of euros in this game. 

As a result, as you said at beginning, you accept that ”people spend more money, they could/should get the better gaming experience”. Then you should not complain about these. 

In my clan, all the players are Chinese, and most of them have more than 6 legends, which means they have spent more than 2,000 euros. In another union, there is a rich Chinese player who has more than 100 legends. If he does not cheat, it means he spent more than 30k euro.

Although I think it is silly to spend so much money in the game, please don't discriminate against the purchasing power of Chinese players. How unbalanced the distribution of wealth in the world is, and there are still many poor areas in China that are suffering from poverty. We have spent so much money on this kind of nothingness, and I am embarrassed by my actions.

As for your statement about us all paying the same within exchange rates.... I have screen shots showing very different from different regions for the same pack. The USA paying nearly a 3rd of what some of us others are paying. So please fact check before you let that shit dribble out of your mouth
Apr 20, 2019, 11:3404/20/19
What about ban allcheated accounts even which become spenders after .....if they so great spenders they should do it like all with 0 epics on hands ....
Apr 20, 2019, 11:3804/20/19
Apr 20, 2019, 11:42(edited)

I dont care about new content just when all hackers will be banned ..... i cant play game and know i spend  over 500e and someone just used programs and kick me out from gold4 im not spending any more and will not untill they get ban .... disent matter if they spend after ...... game will  die .... every post have discussion of this open eyes .

Was game very popular on PC PuBG ....... its dead now because of cheaters invasion ......admins slow reaction didnt kill cheater ....hype gone dead .....

Apr 20, 2019, 13:0504/20/19
haha you guys complain arena is too hard but i built a sentinel that carries me through arena and can 1v4 a team of up to 50,000 power. eventually ill need to build a real team and not rely on just 1 champian but for now i can cruise in silver pretty easy with just a single sentinel. any ftp player can build a strong champ just get the right artifacts ascend them and get them to 60
Apr 20, 2019, 14:0704/20/19

i aware about the 1 hit clean in 1.5.6 and im sure there is for 1.6.0 too; 

Plarium have to adress this ASAP