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Ultimate death knight in arena

Ultimate death knight in arena

Oct 31, 2022, 02:4610/31/22

This... THING ruined what was once a geniunly funny character. He's turned Arena into a joke.

Oct 31, 2022, 10:2810/31/22

I don't understand these big problems with UDK at all, after reading his skill description.

Whenever an ally is attacked, has a 100% chance of completely blocking 1 hit, decreasing the damage to zero. (...) Does not work if the attack on the ally was an AoE attack. 

I just returned to the game yesterday after 8 months of abstinence and found my arena in Bronze 1 when I came back. At least the UDK I met in the lower arena regions between Bronze 1 and Silver 2 were no problem for my speed team of Arbiter, Yoshi, Uugo, Vlad.

Oct 31, 2022, 13:3510/31/22

I don't understand these big problems with UDK at all, after reading his skill description.

Whenever an ally is attacked, has a 100% chance of completely blocking 1 hit, decreasing the damage to zero. (...) Does not work if the attack on the ally was an AoE attack. 

I just returned to the game yesterday after 8 months of abstinence and found my arena in Bronze 1 when I came back. At least the UDK I met in the lower arena regions between Bronze 1 and Silver 2 were no problem for my speed team of Arbiter, Yoshi, Uugo, Vlad.

It's mostly a skill/gear check. For me, UDK on defense is just a sign that the team has a wasted spot. Makes the win even easier.

Oct 31, 2022, 14:2910/31/22

I don't understand these big problems with UDK at all, after reading his skill description.

Whenever an ally is attacked, has a 100% chance of completely blocking 1 hit, decreasing the damage to zero. (...) Does not work if the attack on the ally was an AoE attack. 

I just returned to the game yesterday after 8 months of abstinence and found my arena in Bronze 1 when I came back. At least the UDK I met in the lower arena regions between Bronze 1 and Silver 2 were no problem for my speed team of Arbiter, Yoshi, Uugo, Vlad.

Welcome back, it will be interesting to see when you encounter the new things you missed the past year as you climb back to G5 and if there are any speed bumps 😆 

The combination of stoneskin, bolster, udk, ??? (Not sure what else is new) certainly will only be a minor speed bump to gold for you.  

Now climbing up in tag....

Oct 31, 2022, 15:0710/31/22

 Every one of these post I read has the same old response. "Use this Legendary to counter or use that gear set" or "If you can't beat a UDk then you just don't understand gearing and the mechanics of the game." The issue isn't ignorance it is ACCESS. If UDK was locked behind a time wall like say Arbiter and not so prevalent until later game or higher lvl arena, then you wouldn't see so many of these post complaining about him.  

If you read the OP it says they are fighting a lvl 48 UDK. The people making these post aren't participating in a Gold 5 arena match with a tuned lvl 60 team of Legos and just failed to gear / gem / counter correctly. They are using everything they have available in the early game. They will most likely not see a single one of the Legendary Champions you guys are referencing (or a legendary at all) for at least 6 months to a year unless they are extremely lucky. I'm also 99% sure that they won't see a decent set of the gear you guys are recommending for a while either. 

If you happen to pay attention to promo codes you could boost your free UDK to 50 as soon as you got him ( if I remember correctly the "DKRISES" promo code was enough resources to max his lvl and fully ascend him) . Slap him in the 4 pieces of free 4* Lifesteal gear and 2 pieces of 3* Divine Offence gear you get from normal missions and drop him in arena defense with 3 pieces of lvl 1 cannon fodder. "Kill the UDK first" - I'm almost sure that every starter Champion's main "nuke" is an AOE on their A2 or A3. So new players are forced to either try and A1 the UDK down on manual for 10 min. (assuming that they can out DPS his shield / heal) or risk killing the cannon fodder and dealing with the 30% stat boost. All of this combined means for 90% of the arena teams a new player will be matched against for the next 3 - 6 months either every arena match is 10+ minutes or he's just completely unkillable.

Most new players are not playing the arena so they can min/max an arena team, spend hours speed tuning and farming specific stat / set gear, pushing for plat, ect. They are either trying to build up their Great Hall, progress through the missions (at least to Arbiter), or get their daily energy refill.  

If Ultimate DK was a shard drop or a 180-day log in reward, then this wouldn't be such an issue but he was a free 7 day login reward and is currently in EVERY SINGLE low level arena team from Bronze 2 through Silver 4. On top of this, he is a defense champion whose affinity is a direct counter to every one of the starting champions (which are most new player's main / only decent champions early - mid game). You didn't see all these post about Ninja, Deliana, etc. because people don't tend to get as frustrated when they get nuked to oblivion in the first 30 seconds of a match. They get frustrated when they are forced into never ending arena battles against a champion who sits there at 2% health for 45 minuites / 1500 turns and just won't die.   

Oct 31, 2022, 15:1110/31/22

Welcome back, it will be interesting to see when you encounter the new things you missed the past year as you climb back to G5 and if there are any speed bumps 😆 

The combination of stoneskin, bolster, udk, ??? (Not sure what else is new) certainly will only be a minor speed bump to gold for you.  

Now climbing up in tag....

Do you really think there is any speedbump to high Gold right now? I'll bet it could be done with a solo well built DPS, especially with Stoneskin out there. Was playing around on a referral starter account and farmed into Silver 2 without skipping a matchup on any page, only using a solo Athel and basically the starter lifesteal.

And yeah, although G5 was supposed to change this... the pushback/riots and subsequent arena and arbiter mission changes a few months back mean that there are only two categories of the game in Classic: 1) Medal super farm mode 2) One hour of plat push mode. I'm not sure Classic has ever been easier.

Tag can be rough though, some very tough teams out there.... Double or triple Plat Squads are aways fun. 0_0

Oct 31, 2022, 15:5010/31/22
Oct 31, 2022, 15:54(edited)

 Every one of these post I read has the same old response. "Use this Legendary to counter or use that gear set" or "If you can't beat a UDk then you just don't understand gearing and the mechanics of the game." The issue isn't ignorance it is ACCESS. If UDK was locked behind a time wall like say Arbiter and not so prevalent until later game or higher lvl arena, then you wouldn't see so many of these post complaining about him.  

If you read the OP it says they are fighting a lvl 48 UDK. The people making these post aren't participating in a Gold 5 arena match with a tuned lvl 60 team of Legos and just failed to gear / gem / counter correctly. They are using everything they have available in the early game. They will most likely not see a single one of the Legendary Champions you guys are referencing (or a legendary at all) for at least 6 months to a year unless they are extremely lucky. I'm also 99% sure that they won't see a decent set of the gear you guys are recommending for a while either. 

If you happen to pay attention to promo codes you could boost your free UDK to 50 as soon as you got him ( if I remember correctly the "DKRISES" promo code was enough resources to max his lvl and fully ascend him) . Slap him in the 4 pieces of free 4* Lifesteal gear and 2 pieces of 3* Divine Offence gear you get from normal missions and drop him in arena defense with 3 pieces of lvl 1 cannon fodder. "Kill the UDK first" - I'm almost sure that every starter Champion's main "nuke" is an AOE on their A2 or A3. So new players are forced to either try and A1 the UDK down on manual for 10 min. (assuming that they can out DPS his shield / heal) or risk killing the cannon fodder and dealing with the 30% stat boost. All of this combined means for 90% of the arena teams a new player will be matched against for the next 3 - 6 months either every arena match is 10+ minutes or he's just completely unkillable.

Most new players are not playing the arena so they can min/max an arena team, spend hours speed tuning and farming specific stat / set gear, pushing for plat, ect. They are either trying to build up their Great Hall, progress through the missions (at least to Arbiter), or get their daily energy refill.  

If Ultimate DK was a shard drop or a 180-day log in reward, then this wouldn't be such an issue but he was a free 7 day login reward and is currently in EVERY SINGLE low level arena team from Bronze 2 through Silver 4. On top of this, he is a defense champion whose affinity is a direct counter to every one of the starting champions (which are most new player's main / only decent champions early - mid game). You didn't see all these post about Ninja, Deliana, etc. because people don't tend to get as frustrated when they get nuked to oblivion in the first 30 seconds of a match. They get frustrated when they are forced into never ending arena battles against a champion who sits there at 2% health for 45 minuites / 1500 turns and just won't die.   

I get what you're trying to say. 

But UDK is, like running into other legendaries, a gear and gearing check. And he isn't that crazy of one. Yes, he came with Regen gear for many. But even new players CAN have builds in their initial free gearing that should be able to put out more than 10k healing per turn. Or even 20k. 

Here's a couple week old starter account I haven't been on in a while. I've hit every UDK team I could find. It's certainly not optimized, this is NOT a good arena team, or anything like that. But my Athel is built okay, using starter stuff, scraping together the best crit rate and damage I could get from the free stuff.








Although this could just be the luck of the draw so far, it also looks to me like the majority of matchups on the slates I've seen haven't had UDK either:




So if someone is just trying to get their 5 daily matches out the way, it seems doable even skipping the UDKs on the B2 and the B3 slate. 

This isn't to embarass anyone, or say that is easy. Cause learning how to build champs and such takes time. Farming gear takes time. But it IS possible to progress, the sky IS NOT falling, and people here on the forums and the discord and the CCs on Youtube CAN help new folks build a decent starter nuker that can farm at least through Bronze/Silver to get their arena stuff done. 

All I did on this account was focus Athel and UDK to 60 as fast as I could, and gear Athel as well as the login gear and campaign free gear would let me. :)

Oct 31, 2022, 17:3610/31/22

Do you really think there is any speedbump to high Gold right now? I'll bet it could be done with a solo well built DPS, especially with Stoneskin out there. Was playing around on a referral starter account and farmed into Silver 2 without skipping a matchup on any page, only using a solo Athel and basically the starter lifesteal.

And yeah, although G5 was supposed to change this... the pushback/riots and subsequent arena and arbiter mission changes a few months back mean that there are only two categories of the game in Classic: 1) Medal super farm mode 2) One hour of plat push mode. I'm not sure Classic has ever been easier.

Tag can be rough though, some very tough teams out there.... Double or triple Plat Squads are aways fun. 0_0

I have no idea if any speed bumps, I am just hoping farm mode is permanent.  Though it is Magisteel farming not medals... are they going to add anything for excess medals?  I'm guessing not...

Oct 31, 2022, 17:3810/31/22

I have no idea if any speed bumps, I am just hoping farm mode is permanent.  Though it is Magisteel farming not medals... are they going to add anything for excess medals?  I'm guessing not...

You finish your Great Hall already?

Also, things to do with excess medals is feedback I have passed on from several places. Personally, and this is my opinion, I expect something to do with them eventually.

Oct 31, 2022, 17:3910/31/22

You finish your Great Hall already?

Also, things to do with excess medals is feedback I have passed on from several places. Personally, and this is my opinion, I expect something to do with them eventually.

39,888 medals ago.... and 1 bronze medal :)

Oct 31, 2022, 17:4810/31/22

39,888 medals ago.... and 1 bronze medal :)

Bronze medal. The one that never got away....

Dec 17, 2022, 00:4712/17/22

I haven't been playing long but it's not fun in the arena when 85% of the teams have UDK if not more. Seems this champ should be in line for a pretty hard nerf. Most mmo I play PVP or PVE in when a class because as over used as UDK they do get nerf.

Dec 17, 2022, 03:1712/17/22

I haven't been playing long but it's not fun in the arena when 85% of the teams have UDK if not more. Seems this champ should be in line for a pretty hard nerf. Most mmo I play PVP or PVE in when a class because as over used as UDK they do get nerf.

They will not and should not nerf a champ only because beginners don't know how to beat him. In bronze arena there may be 85% of teams with UDK. In gold arena there are maybe 5% of teams with him, despite the fact every player got him. Clear indication that UDK is not to strong, but a booby trap, or more precise a newbie trap.

Heal reduction debuff or reduce enemy max hp counter him easily. Teams where UDK really has some impact are probably not found in bronze. 

Dec 17, 2022, 03:3412/17/22

I haven't been playing long but it's not fun in the arena when 85% of the teams have UDK if not more. Seems this champ should be in line for a pretty hard nerf. Most mmo I play PVP or PVE in when a class because as over used as UDK they do get nerf.

Hello there, welcome to the forum :)

So, I think while UDK can be quite ubiquitous in early arena - due to everyone getting him for free for several months - I don't think that his presence in a lot of defenses by itself is reason to change a champion. It has been discussed quite a bit on the forum in the past few months, but we can beat most UDK teams early on by taking a focused approach to our first team of four in Arena. Even relying on the login Lifesteal and throwing it on your starter can do wonders in terms of battling through early Arena. 

Here is a thread by my fellow moderator @harleQuinn discussing how to approach our early Arena team and dealing with UDK: He can be annoying early but he is certainly beatable. 

All of this came before the free login champ Ronda, whose A2 deals with UDK quite nicely, throwing on a block passive skills debuff and preventing him from passively healing, redirecting attacks on his allies and buffing himself when his allies die. 

So I have to disagree that he needs a nerf, and I don't think we'll really see one. He is quite popular in Bronze/Silver arena, but he certainly can be dealt with, especially now. 

Dec 20, 2022, 04:2712/20/22

Hello there, welcome to the forum :)

So, I think while UDK can be quite ubiquitous in early arena - due to everyone getting him for free for several months - I don't think that his presence in a lot of defenses by itself is reason to change a champion. It has been discussed quite a bit on the forum in the past few months, but we can beat most UDK teams early on by taking a focused approach to our first team of four in Arena. Even relying on the login Lifesteal and throwing it on your starter can do wonders in terms of battling through early Arena. 

Here is a thread by my fellow moderator @harleQuinn discussing how to approach our early Arena team and dealing with UDK: He can be annoying early but he is certainly beatable. 

All of this came before the free login champ Ronda, whose A2 deals with UDK quite nicely, throwing on a block passive skills debuff and preventing him from passively healing, redirecting attacks on his allies and buffing himself when his allies die. 

So I have to disagree that he needs a nerf, and I don't think we'll really see one. He is quite popular in Bronze/Silver arena, but he certainly can be dealt with, especially now. 

I read over his posting and saw all the results of his matches. But he used UDK on his team to beat teams with him and I think the point harleQuinn was trying to make could have been better received if he did not have one on his team. I took his posting as it takes one to beat one not that he is beatable.

Dec 20, 2022, 04:4312/20/22

I read over his posting and saw all the results of his matches. But he used UDK on his team to beat teams with him and I think the point harleQuinn was trying to make could have been better received if he did not have one on his team. I took his posting as it takes one to beat one not that he is beatable.

If you understand the game, it doesn't mean that at all. UDK is a purely defensive champion....if anything, "takes one to create a stalemate" would be a more appropriate sentiment, but a stalemate is never in favor of the attacker, so the point is moot. 

UDK is nothing special in Arena, he has niche uses and is easily countered. The problem is that players who have no clue how to play arena or have no resources to build arena champions in the first place are, for whatever reason, dead set on competing in arena. 

I don't know a single game that nerfs champions who are only a problem for lower levels. 

Dec 20, 2022, 04:5312/20/22

I read over his posting and saw all the results of his matches. But he used UDK on his team to beat teams with him and I think the point harleQuinn was trying to make could have been better received if he did not have one on his team. I took his posting as it takes one to beat one not that he is beatable.

Hmm, that was one of her best champs available at the time, really just the case there.

It certainly can be done without UDK, especially with Ronda coming along. 

Dec 20, 2022, 14:5912/20/22

Hmm, that was one of her best champs available at the time, really just the case there.

It certainly can be done without UDK, especially with Ronda coming along. 

You build teams with the best champs you've got.

Ronda is here now, free to literally every player, and she completely shuts down UDK.

Balltazer has it spot on, the arguments we were mostly seeing was that UDK versus UDK matchups ended up in a Draw on time. These draws always count as a win for the defender. Using UDK and going 130-3 into Gold 1 just shows that it isn't the case that all you can do is unending stalemates.

Anyways, that is totally moot now. Ronda turns off all of UDKs abilities, irresistibly too. The answer to "UDK is unbeatable" is as simple as "Build the champ you got for free." :)

Dec 21, 2022, 00:2112/21/22

If you understand the game, it doesn't mean that at all. UDK is a purely defensive champion....if anything, "takes one to create a stalemate" would be a more appropriate sentiment, but a stalemate is never in favor of the attacker, so the point is moot. 

UDK is nothing special in Arena, he has niche uses and is easily countered. The problem is that players who have no clue how to play arena or have no resources to build arena champions in the first place are, for whatever reason, dead set on competing in arena. 

I don't know a single game that nerfs champions who are only a problem for lower levels. 

I was pointing out that the posting you referred me to had UDK on a team trying to prove a point that he was beatable and had nothing to do about understanding the game. I do understand when you just starting off you really don't get champs that compete with a UPD. A near-basic build UDK in the early tier of the game is a lot of trouble for players starting off.

Dec 21, 2022, 00:2512/21/22

You build teams with the best champs you've got.

Ronda is here now, free to literally every player, and she completely shuts down UDK.

Balltazer has it spot on, the arguments we were mostly seeing was that UDK versus UDK matchups ended up in a Draw on time. These draws always count as a win for the defender. Using UDK and going 130-3 into Gold 1 just shows that it isn't the case that all you can do is unending stalemates.

Anyways, that is totally moot now. Ronda turns off all of UDKs abilities, irresistibly too. The answer to "UDK is unbeatable" is as simple as "Build the champ you got for free." :)

I may have to try and get another Ronda on my team. She is just not handling the UDK in tier 1 like some believe she should.