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(Important Notice) Steel Bowyer Rebalance

(Important Notice) Steel Bowyer Rebalance

Jul 11, 2019, 01:2607/11/19

This is ridiculous.  I understand the need for game balancing, but without some sort of material refund this is NOT a fix.  If they are outperforming legendaries, then please explain how to best utilize a dracomorph to your players who have rolled a draco for their first legendary.  They are both attack class characters after all.

Don't put a bandaid on a broken leg.  Fix the source of your problem.
Jul 11, 2019, 01:3907/11/19

I'm almost done with the game now. I'm umming and ahhing about leaving.Plarium released this info early NOT to help us, it's bread and and butter, but to help themselves. They want you still going balls out and spending to fuse foli, not deciding to stop because you want to keep steel bowyer because she is actually worth keeping.

Plarium only cares about plarium. NOT YOU !

Jul 11, 2019, 01:5307/11/19
What about the time from your life that you will never get back. 
Jul 11, 2019, 02:4307/11/19
Exactly... Foli isn't even a possibility for someone at my point in the game
Jul 11, 2019, 03:1007/11/19

Hey Marius,

What about the players who already max ascended, fully skilled, and finished off masteries for her (like me)? I think it's very unfair to those who saw the champion's kit and decided to take the chance to level her and pour resources into her already. 

Just letting you know that gatcha games rarely ever nerf champions because gatcha games are surrounded around spending money to get certain champs. The normal route that devs take is to strictly buff weaker champs, never to nerf strong ones. 

Pass these on to the devs. 
Jul 11, 2019, 03:1707/11/19
First my PK Now Steel? I am up for Nerfs for rebalancing purposes but as a PAYING PLAYER, I can't help but feel that you guys are basically stealing my money by having me invest my bought tomes to champions I don't intend on playing after the nerfs. You guys have to do some sort of reimbursement because this, right here ... it doesn't feel right, 
Jul 11, 2019, 03:3507/11/19
Anothers stupid idea again. If you feel the champion is too stronger you can change the class from rare to epic. No need to make her / him weaker. You've no idea how long we collect skill book. We invested all skill books on good champion then suddenly you slammed it down. 
Jul 11, 2019, 04:1107/11/19
I 100% support you plarium. Nerf the hero to the ground. I haven't spent anything on your game so far and you keep giving me more reason not to spend.....keep it up!
Jul 11, 2019, 04:2907/11/19

"Unfortunately, we noticed a number of issues with her performance recently. Steel Bowyer was always meant to be a powerful Rare Champion, however, when it comes to Clan Boss, she is outperforming too many Epic and Legendary Champions that should be performing the same role as her. This is not something that she was intended to do despite the initial goal when she was being created. "

You "noticed?" How did you not already know? Did you do literally no testing? If you had, there's absolutely no way you released her to us not knowing she would be high damage against cb. So you either did no testing, or you did this on purpose to burn off peoples resources in an attempt to make then want to hit the cash shop to recover. Which might, for many, be their first purchase and would break the ice, so to speak, and get them into the habit of spending.

The problem of her appearing to perform too good when measured against legendaries is not that she is too good, but that most of the legendaries are mediocre, with a lot of them being low epic tier. Buff those rather than nerfing everything else. 

"As such, we will be adjusting her damage output as soon as we are able. While we will do our best to keep her a viable Champion, she will not be able to pull of things she can right now with the Clan Boss. "

The damage she does to cb is the only thing she has going for her. If you straight nerf it, she will go from being a very good on cb but bad at everything else, to bad at everything. Even if you buffed her in other areas to make up for it, she still might not be good enough to justify the investment. If she goes from "bad" at everything else to "not very good" at everything else, any buffs would be meaningless. She's not good enough in any other part of the game to justify replacing a champ someone is already using, unless it's a team of really bad champs.

"All those leveling her right now, please pause until these adjustments come through. At the moment, I have no information apart from the fact she will be changed - not even how she will be changed - and will do what I can to keep you guys apprised. "

Too late. We've already blown tons of resources on her.

"Further information will be posted here as an update. Please accept our apologies for the situation and keep your ear to the ground, I will be getting back to you later."

I'd rather accept the resources I used returned to me than an apology. How about it?

I'm going to wait and see here, and hope for the best, but it's not looking good. This has dirty devs vibes coming off it...

Jul 11, 2019, 05:0507/11/19
Jul 11, 2019, 05:06(edited)

Sector Black said:

"Unfortunately, we noticed a number of issues with her performance recently. Steel Bowyer was always meant to be a powerful Rare Champion, however, when it comes to Clan Boss, she is outperforming too many Epic and Legendary Champions that should be performing the same role as her. This is not something that she was intended to do despite the initial goal when she was being created. "

You "noticed?" How did you not already know? Did you do literally no testing? If you had, there's absolutely no way you released her to us not knowing she would be high damage against cb. So you either did no testing, or you did this on purpose to burn off peoples resources in an attempt to make then want to hit the cash shop to recover. Which might, for many, be their first purchase and would break the ice, so to speak, and get them into the habit of spending.

The problem of her appearing to perform too good when measured against legendaries is not that she is too good, but that most of the legendaries are mediocre, with a lot of them being low epic tier. Buff those rather than nerfing everything else. 

"As such, we will be adjusting her damage output as soon as we are able. While we will do our best to keep her a viable Champion, she will not be able to pull of things she can right now with the Clan Boss. "

The damage she does to cb is the only thing she has going for her. If you straight nerf it, she will go from being a very good on cb but bad at everything else, to bad at everything. Even if you buffed her in other areas to make up for it, she still might not be good enough to justify the investment. If she goes from "bad" at everything else to "not very good" at everything else, any buffs would be meaningless. She's not good enough in any other part of the game to justify replacing a champ someone is already using, unless it's a team of really bad champs.

"All those leveling her right now, please pause until these adjustments come through. At the moment, I have no information apart from the fact she will be changed - not even how she will be changed - and will do what I can to keep you guys apprised. "

Too late. We've already blown tons of resources on her.

"Further information will be posted here as an update. Please accept our apologies for the situation and keep your ear to the ground, I will be getting back to you later."

I'd rather accept the resources I used returned to me than an apology. How about it?

I'm going to wait and see here, and hope for the best, but it's not looking good. This has dirty devs vibes coming off it...



Well said. I just don't understand the logic of "oh shes a rare she MUST NOT be as strong as legendaries in a VERY specific part of the game" That really is her bread and butter while being VERY underwhelming other places. 

Plarium. If by that logic of "shes not supposed to be as strong as epics and legendaries" How about you Buff my Epics and Legendaries that's WEAKER than some rares and as useless as Uncommons. I know you can't please everyone. But pissing EVERYONE off is NOT the way to go.

Jul 11, 2019, 05:5707/11/19

Marius said:

Hello, everyone!

Some of you may have already seen the Champion that goes by the name of Steel Bowyer - she is a new Dark Elf Champion of the Force Affinity, we had her available as a mid-tier Event reward not too long ago.

Unfortunately, we noticed a number of issues with her performance recently. Steel Bowyer was always meant to be a powerful Rare Champion, however, when it comes to Clan Boss, she is outperforming too many Epic and Legendary Champions that should be performing the same role as her. This is not something that she was intended to do despite the initial goal when she was being created.

As such, we will be adjusting her damage output as soon as we are able. While we will do our best to keep her a viable Champion, she will not be able to pull of things she can right now with the Clan Boss.

All those leveling her right now, please pause until these adjustments come through. At the moment, I have no information apart from the fact she will be changed - not even how she will be changed - and will do what I can to keep you guys apprised.

Further information will be posted here as an update. Please accept our apologies for the situation and keep your ear to the ground, I will be getting back to you later.

I have her max at level 50 from the second day after release (because I got lucky and received her at shards) and fully ascended...

Just keep her as it is... It was released like this, tough luck... 

If you are going to nerf her, how are you going to compensate the people who invested in her prior? I did all the investment prior to your announcement, and I was lucky to see your announcement because I was surfing looking for resources... There is no announcement in the game...

Jul 11, 2019, 06:5307/11/19

Leaving aside the argument that Marius is not responding to any of you ... he only acts as a transmitter ... there are so many things to discuss. 1. they had guaranteed a big reward for waiting for the new update, and we didn't see it. 2. they entered a merger, with all new champ while we were waiting with crypt full of useless and rare epic champ. 3. had promised dungeons to get new characters ... and what is what we see in knight Castle and Spider? but let us enjoy it I see more and more players level 50+ complaining and quitting the game. do an event to have a very important champion for the merger and it takes 20k x to finish it if one does not have € 100 to spend on energy and boostxp can't do it ... and these are your news? put the limited multi battle? all even the poorest know that there is Autoclik which is free, and we must have an extra application to do this ..... kids everything is aimed at making us spend as much money as possible you have not yet understood that they do not care about our dissatisfaction ?

Jul 11, 2019, 06:5907/11/19
How about making the epics and legendaries better? It’s really screwed up you need a character that doesn’t even do that much instead of fixing what really is broken. Astralith have you seen her skills? She absolutely worthless! She was ranked worst legendary in the game! Not cool guys!
Jul 11, 2019, 07:2107/11/19
Tomorrow in Plarium shop item allowing players to avoid Steel Bowyer's rebalancing. Only 1000 $. Hot offer!
Jul 11, 2019, 07:3107/11/19

Marius said:

Hello, everyone!

Thank you for the heads up; I get that you just want to help by giving this information to us so we don't hurt ourselves. But really, this is the same dance we had with Painkeeper just recently. It is going to keep happening, it is going to keep being a major pain point for the users.

Of course you need to adjust and change champions, I don't think anyone would sensibly try to argue that "there should be no mistakes" or "all content needs to be perfect before release", because that's not realistic, or would limit the options for new content in stupid ways.

I'm confident you'll raise this issue internally again, seeing how you are getting the brunt force of the criticism being the messenger here. There needs to be a model for compensation when champs are changed. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be an admission of failure. Maybe make it a fun style mechanic, like devour knowledge. Have a champ eat another champ for the skill upgrades, limited by rare/epic/legendary the same as skillbooks. Maybe find a similar mechanic for scrolls, maybe a butcher's shop where you can disassemble champs for a minimum of half, to a maximum of 90% of their invested scrolls, food and books.

I don't know and I don't mean to dictate what you do with the game, but you really need to get in front of this whole problem and fast, because it is going to keep happening.

Jul 11, 2019, 07:3407/11/19
Customer service and satisfaction is a two way street, if you expect people to use your product and be loyal, then you can refund people for their efforts when you change the goal posts. 
Jul 11, 2019, 07:4907/11/19

Honestly this is a complete joke at this point. If your devs would have at least half a brain cell they would understood on the first look that dmg based on maxHP will always break CB it doesn't matter if it is green, blue or other hero rarity and triple hit as a bonus? Oh boy, of course everyone will invest in it, because it is literally impossible to complete your Foli event for non-p2w players and you all knew it perfectly well before you even started that bullshit event. Very basic math can prove that.

Like come on, it is not that hard to at least pretend like you care like other games in this genre. The truth is that you simply don't. You invested heavilly into marketing PR in the last months and now you are expecting a quick return. This is not about this hero or other hero nerf/buff this is about the pattern and precedence which you are setting that YOU SIMPLY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE PLAYERS especially about the f2p players.

This is pathetic quick cash-grab try. Nothing more, nothing less.


Jul 11, 2019, 07:5607/11/19

hey, we need something were  to put the hero( the nerfed one) to be deleted or made it like bowyer lv 1, 3 stars but  to get chickens and books back ... i had  this problem with my executioner in the past, my only one hero lv 60 got nerfed, i wish to get lvs back to build another  one, cuz it's not funny  to see him in vault for 4-5 months

Jul 11, 2019, 08:0207/11/19
Deleting posts won't hide the outrage and the anger that people are showing. That's not the first and for sure it won't be the last nerf that will leave us with nothing. I have 2 legendaries and 50 epics in my vault. That's 52 useless champions waiting for a nice buff. Let that sink in.
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