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Update Highlights 1.15

Update Highlights 1.15

Apr 29, 2020, 20:3904/29/20
What a useless update LOL hahaha  what a joke is this company 
Apr 29, 2020, 20:5904/29/20

160plus said:

So if the clan bosses no longer die, will there be no more double chests?

As long as you get the clan boss down to zero (or the point where his HP becomes infinite), you still get double chests, like before. The difference is that you can still get double chests even if he's already down before you get an attack in. Or if he has some pitiful amount of HP left, forcing somebody to waste a key to finish him off without being able to do enough damage for a chest - won't have that problem anymore either. 

So it should get everyone at least as many chests as before and sometimes more. 

Apr 29, 2020, 21:2404/29/20

Hobgoblin_V said:

Increasing the energy cap with gaining levels from levels 60-100 makes SOOO much sense.   Rewards the players who have been loyal, is a smart move by Plarium.   It does not have to be much, maybe 1 energy per level, with the boosts to max energy happening every 5 levels.

Level 65 - 135 max energy

Level 70 - 140 max energy

Level 75 - 145 max energy

Level 80 - 150 max energy

Level 85 - 155 max energy

Level 90 - 160 max energy

Level 95 - 165 max energy

Level 100 - 170 max energy

Make the amount of XP needed to go from 60 - 100 much, much higher, so it would take a LOT of game play to even get to level 80, for example.   This XP requirement can continue to rise exponentially all the way to 100, so it would take someone playing 1000 energy per day a full year of game play to get to level 90, for example.  

So maybe in 3 months, we might see dedicated players at level 70, then in 6 months, the highest level players at level 75, and level 80 players by next year.   You get the idea.    This adds meaning and incentive to these levels.   So in a year, if there is someone who is level 85, it is like - WOAH there is a level 85 player.  That person is DEDICATED!    The account level becomes something similar to platinum arena avatar pictures - more like bragging rights, but with the perk of more energy being something people really, really want.    We might see players in the level 90-95 range in 2 years, and maybe the first player to reach 100, around 2-3 years' time.

If Plarium makes level 60-100 a rapid progression, then soon everyone will be running around at level 100 in 3 months, still with 130 max energy and it won't mean anything, 

Plarium, please make account levels meaningful!

I agree with all of this from the OP, and want to commend it on being well stated.  

I've been part of a lot of gaming communities for a long time, including playing with developers at Blizzard.  There has been a lot that has impressed me with Raid, and I can tell a good amount of time/effort went into supplying this and recent updates.  I would say to anyone reading this to keep up the good work, BUT don't be afraid to keep making changes!  As long as you don't give up on fine tuning, and balancing those changes it should end up making a better experience for the player. What's been made well can be made better. One thing I can see being done well is having a good level of responsiveness to the players.  With that last piece of advice in mind don't take away achievements by catering to the lowest denominator, and don't make the high end inaccessible either. There is a way to make both introducing the game, and playing it over the arc of time/difficulty/experience satisfying on all ends. 

I will reserve judgement on the update til I get some experience with it.  But I think the best way to implement this change is to have 3 phases to the boss, and basically add the 3rd.  Keeping with the original kill or race to kill dynamic of phase 1-2 remains the core achievement, and should unlock the 3rd "endless/unkillable" phase.  Additionally I think rewarding or even just acknowledging/tracking clan milestones and stats like; fastest kill, highest player damage output, biggest crit hit, largest damage absorbed, or accumulative damage by clan/player during endless phase would be a great way to improve the boss fighting experience as a group.  
Apr 29, 2020, 22:5604/29/20
Plarium is not interested to give players more energy. For that they givin offers for $$$. But this is so stupid.
Apr 30, 2020, 04:5504/30/20
Apr 30, 2020, 04:56(edited)
Angry Lady said:

Kilgorn said:

I wish you lot would fix Altan's A2.........
Can you, please, elaborate on that, so I can forward your feedback. 
Sometimes when Altan's a2 kills it does not grant the shield. I fims it does this a lot.
Apr 30, 2020, 05:1304/30/20
I pray this isnt a buff to Rotos. Please get someone new to work with rebalancing. This is a major issue. 
Apr 30, 2020, 06:4604/30/20

So this is patch 1.14.1

Okay got it...

So more grind to get "rewards" we know nothing about, but not more energy per new level.

okay got it...

Let's be honest here... a moderator told us there would be a new season for the battle pass and plarium failed us. It's not as if this is hard... just use the same format, almost the same rewards with a couple of changes... there you go, new season.
Apr 30, 2020, 07:0704/30/20

Dartharius said:

Undying is for ALL Cb's not just normal. Read, don't just look at the pictures and assume.... Smh

Dimoran said:

What has changed from last year?

1) still, no new content.

2) still, doing nothing about getting double legendary champions.

3) still, doing nothing that fact we do not have enough energy.

4) still, no way to get legendary books.

5) still, doing nothing about drops in dungeons positions, artifacts, new stages for Mastery scrolls.

what is the purpose of this update?? going to level 100 and not giving more energy because we know for a fact if you do increase the energy you will lose money from players that buy energy. in other words from plarium fuck you, we don't give a fuck about our players pay for energy or fuck off

Undying Clan Boss for normal why can't you make all the CB Undying?

You will be able to sell Artifacts and Accessories  lol who gives a shit

The following Skills are now multiplicative with other similar effects (Damage, Damage Decrease effects, etc) rather than additive:

How about you spent some time balancing your legendary's champion than just trying to find a quick fix FFS 

It would be great if the rewards bosses from faction wars rest each week so we have a way to get books.

Maybe one faction a day and if we attack a boss it cost 12 keys for a legendary book.
Apr 30, 2020, 08:3104/30/20
No energy = NO COIN
GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Apr 30, 2020, 13:4704/30/20

Greetings and salutations.

 I'm here to address the most popular of your concerns about our recent patch and for balancing some of the in-game mechanics.

So by making those moves multiplicative rather than additive, would that be a nerf?
Sorry if I misunderstood, but you guys should not be rolling out nerfs right now....
Skrags 15% damage reduction is now multiplicative but norogs 15% damage reduction stays same addative! Same as coffin smashers 5%. What's the point of nerfing this meanic only on half of the heroes. Or I didn't got it right? 

This change is a balance fix for the skill interactions of some champions, and it is not a nerf. Many other champions have multiplicative skills from the start, for example, Norog and Bad-el-Kazar.

 Thank you for your concern.

Is there any possibility of fixing Elenaril's A3, combust, for clan boss

"Combust" is a skill that instantly explodes all Poison debuffs, dealing damage equal to the duration left. This skill transforms multiple debuffs with damage as a percent of target maximum HP into one hit, therefore considers as being an attack based on target maximum HP. All attacks of that nature have a damage cap in the Clann Boss fight, to prevent exploits. We are working on making these aspects of indirect damage skill more identifiable.

I wish to see some day 'training arena' for clanmates. We really needed duels to check how some team works against specific champs or teams.

We are working on including more of social and in clan interactions, yet currently, it is in development.

Please hurry up with the good thing to do with doupe legos!

There are big plans to tackle that specific situation. Rest assured that dupes will be more beneficial in the near future.

Please please do something about rank upgrading. It is such a pain to scroll through every time to the bottom of the 200 champs to fuse 1 to 2 stars. Before 1.13 it would just automatically stay at the place where you last chose the champ but after it goes right to the top.

We will look into it, and share your suggestion with the development team.

So if the clan bosses no longer die, will there be no more double chests?

You will receive two chests If the boss is reduced to 0 HP before the reset, and it does not matter if you start contributing damage when the Clan Boss is already ‘unkillable.’

Have a nice day and stay healthy

Apr 30, 2020, 18:5804/30/20
GreenKnight said:

Greetings and salutations.

 I'm here to address the most popular of your concerns about our recent patch and for balancing some of the in-game mechanics.

So by making those moves multiplicative rather than additive, would that be a nerf?
Sorry if I misunderstood, but you guys should not be rolling out nerfs right now....
Skrags 15% damage reduction is now multiplicative but norogs 15% damage reduction stays same addative! Same as coffin smashers 5%. What's the point of nerfing this meanic only on half of the heroes. Or I didn't got it right? 

This change is a balance fix for the skill interactions of some champions, and it is not a nerf. Many other champions have multiplicative skills from the start, for example, Norog and Bad-el-Kazar.

 Thank you for your concern.

Is there any possibility of fixing Elenaril's A3, combust, for clan boss

"Combust" is a skill that instantly explodes all Poison debuffs, dealing damage equal to the duration left. This skill transforms multiple debuffs with damage as a percent of target maximum HP into one hit, therefore considers as being an attack based on target maximum HP. All attacks of that nature have a damage cap in the Clann Boss fight, to prevent exploits. We are working on making these aspects of indirect damage skill more identifiable.

I wish to see some day 'training arena' for clanmates. We really needed duels to check how some team works against specific champs or teams.

We are working on including more of social and in clan interactions, yet currently, it is in development.

Please hurry up with the good thing to do with doupe legos!

There are big plans to tackle that specific situation. Rest assured that dupes will be more beneficial in the near future.

Please please do something about rank upgrading. It is such a pain to scroll through every time to the bottom of the 200 champs to fuse 1 to 2 stars. Before 1.13 it would just automatically stay at the place where you last chose the champ but after it goes right to the top.

We will look into it, and share your suggestion with the development team.

So if the clan bosses no longer die, will there be no more double chests?

You will receive two chests If the boss is reduced to 0 HP before the reset, and it does not matter if you start contributing damage when the Clan Boss is already ‘unkillable.’

Have a nice day and stay healthy

Except the biggest concern is the decision to increase the level cap while keeping the energy cap as low as it is right now.
Apr 30, 2020, 20:3804/30/20

Please prolong the possibility of creating Var-Gall. I almost did it

Apr 30, 2020, 20:5404/30/20
Иоанн said:

Please prolong the possibility of creating Var-Gall. I almost did it

I feel for you... having all those drakes and nothing for show for the effort wouldn't be what I'd call fun
May 1, 2020, 15:5805/01/20
Please  re do skills of lord van gar he is  soo  Nice to have useless skill like theyr first passive . The story say that he is a leader then he need skills that buff the team
May 1, 2020, 16:0005/01/20

no maximum energy increase ... what are you thinking? stop putting this paid game to play it correctly, battle pass is ok! but stop being gold diggers

May 1, 2020, 17:3805/01/20

Nothing about the new Battle Pass,it will be in the new patch?The problem with energy really sucks,me at level 50 i consume aprox 800 on a day,so what to doo with 180 energy.And we want to fight with friends or team up agains other shards sucks same champs every time not even an epic in 5 months...really sucks plarium.

May 1, 2020, 19:1305/01/20
So another nerf for Lilitu in less than a month. Instead of buffing some useless legendary champions that we keep as vault guardians nerf the good ones so we can have more vault guardians. Nice one.I just can't understand how you guys think really. So many champions desperately need a buff and you decide to nerf the good ones. 
May 1, 2020, 19:1405/01/20
May 1, 2020, 22:43(edited)

I like this game, but the energy system and the will of Plarium not to reconsider it, will gradually drive away many players who really want to stay and are waiting for Plarium to wake up.

You have heard us enough about it, this is the major problem (just read on the forum, and chat clan, we all talk about that)

Maybe you currently benefit from a large number of players, but in the long term you will kill your own Game.

PS: Like most people who complain about this system, I have already invested in your game, at least 100 euros for me and maybe more if you take the time to listen to us. We can invest in what seems right, but beware, everything has a limit.

May 2, 2020, 04:2305/02/20
May 2, 2020, 04:24(edited)

Whats the point in raising the level cap but not the energy pool? What benefits does a higher than level 60 get? Aside from a number next to their avatar?

I find this confusing and weird. 

Other than that. Happy about the CB changes. Sad about the constant nerfs to useful champs. And ignoring faulty/useless champs.

Oh and for the record. What is the point of the X10 events where it’s X10 to get champs that are next to impossible to get anyway? If you want to get my money. Make it guaranteed to get certain Legendaries. That I’d go for it!
May 2, 2020, 07:5705/02/20
Wow 🤦🏼‍♂️lorelogic said:

Plarium, thank you for the update during this very difficult time, not only for us, but also for you and your family.  It is very much appreciated.  There are some very good suggestions in the comments. Please don't let the comments made in frustration obscure those nuggets...Thank you for your efforts!! I wish the best for you and yours.