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Apr 29, 2018, 14:3404/29/18

Agent Pavel said:

C.T. said:

Agent Andrew said:

Hi, C.T!

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it. Our developers fully understand the gravity of the issue, so one of their main priorities in the near future will be adding all needed fixed to the mechanism for the launching of discounts.

As mediators, we keep them updated on the players' community mood.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Please, do not insult my intelligence. I didn't complain about the error itself, nor did I say that it is not getting fixed. There is a name for the kind of "argument" that you are using: a Straw man. What I am arguing above - and quite clearly, if I may say so - is that I got significantly overcharged due to your error, yet you refuse to compensate me.

All you need to do is check your logs of spending (you're bound to have those) to verify that I really did get charged the full price when it was supposed to be at the half price, and then add half of those rubies to my account. I take it that you do know that those are not real rubies and it wouldn't cost your company anything to correct the wrong that your developers have caused?

As for the mood, this player is in the mood of thinking that you are all a bunch of crooks for refusing to return the money that you stole from me through a bug that you let slip through when you released your poorly tested software.

Dear Captain!

When you revived troops at your Infirmary with the full price, the discount was not active on your account. The regular price has been specified in the Infirmary and the event was inactive at your Haven. Our developers were working on a solution to this issue so that all players could receive the discount. However, I am afraid, we are unable to provide compensation in case the troops were revived within the regular price. 

That is true, but it doesn't change a thing. I am not here 24/7, so it would still leave me with two choices:

1. Revive at full price after the discount is over, because I wasn't sure I'd be online again before the discount is over.

2. Don't revive at all.

There was no information from Plarium what to do (apart from the information that the discount is on from 12:00 to 12:00 UTC, and I was within that time frame). My only hope was to revive full price in hopes that you'll rectify your mistake... you know, like a decent company that respects its paying customers.

You obviously won't do that, and there's not much I can do about it, but at least stop claiming that it was somehow my fault that you messed up and refuse to compensate me (and those like me).

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Apr 30, 2018, 09:1504/30/18
C.T. said:

Agent Pavel said:

C.T. said:

Agent Andrew said:

Hi, C.T!

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it. Our developers fully understand the gravity of the issue, so one of their main priorities in the near future will be adding all needed fixed to the mechanism for the launching of discounts.

As mediators, we keep them updated on the players' community mood.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Please, do not insult my intelligence. I didn't complain about the error itself, nor did I say that it is not getting fixed. There is a name for the kind of "argument" that you are using: a Straw man. What I am arguing above - and quite clearly, if I may say so - is that I got significantly overcharged due to your error, yet you refuse to compensate me.

All you need to do is check your logs of spending (you're bound to have those) to verify that I really did get charged the full price when it was supposed to be at the half price, and then add half of those rubies to my account. I take it that you do know that those are not real rubies and it wouldn't cost your company anything to correct the wrong that your developers have caused?

As for the mood, this player is in the mood of thinking that you are all a bunch of crooks for refusing to return the money that you stole from me through a bug that you let slip through when you released your poorly tested software.

Dear Captain!

When you revived troops at your Infirmary with the full price, the discount was not active on your account. The regular price has been specified in the Infirmary and the event was inactive at your Haven. Our developers were working on a solution to this issue so that all players could receive the discount. However, I am afraid, we are unable to provide compensation in case the troops were revived within the regular price. 

That is true, but it doesn't change a thing. I am not here 24/7, so it would still leave me with two choices:

1. Revive at full price after the discount is over, because I wasn't sure I'd be online again before the discount is over.

2. Don't revive at all.

There was no information from Plarium what to do (apart from the information that the discount is on from 12:00 to 12:00 UTC, and I was within that time frame). My only hope was to revive full price in hopes that you'll rectify your mistake... you know, like a decent company that respects its paying customers.

You obviously won't do that, and there's not much I can do about it, but at least stop claiming that it was somehow my fault that you messed up and refuse to compensate me (and those like me).

We sincerely apologize for this situation and will do our best to avoid such issues with the further discounts. Thank you for your understanding.