My clan is a smaller clan with active member who enjoy playing the game together. I will describe the tactics for a smaller clan to gain points to pass checkpoints and points for the kingdom
Know the tactics of the larger clan in your kingdom so you are working with them for the kingdom win
Do tasks together with you clan and have fun whilst you are playing is the most important point. Keep the clan chat going with what you are doing to gain points. Involve all clan members in attacks
Know the tactics of your enemy clans, know which other smaller clans from the enemy kingdom that are active, try to engage these clan in battles, not the larger clans. You gain more point this way
keep an eye out on the fury bonus, ensure all clan member know which kingdom and task have the bonus
The key points are you have to work as a team, attack level 1 tower of fury as a team, have fun, try to gain points to pass checkpoints. Keep your resource shield for these events, move to the kingdom with the bonus. Your going to loose troops attacking level one fury try to learn what you need to build up for the next time.