Deleted6 трав. 2021, 15:0906.05.2119maintenance ok, all serverers need to be mainteine , all games too Buth in general major maintenance is annonced, in game or in forum ( major = more than 1 hour) When game start again ? ( and dont tell me you forget to restart PC servers )
Soso6 трав. 2021, 15:4606.05.2124.06.14102yep :)) seem to be a long party 3 Hours now and nothing hapend yet
Deleted6 трав. 2021, 16:3006.05.2143109hope we can play Fury how many time till servers will run again ?
Soso6 трав. 2021, 16:5606.05.2124.06.14102lack of respect for customers no annonce no reaction in forum
dude6 трав. 2021, 17:1906.05.2109.07.1710Girls dont worry, send a nice letter to technical support , the one with the most nice letter get a answer .....
dude6 трав. 2021, 18:1606.05.2109.07.1710Yeah perhaps they repare the flaws in the game and it take a bit more time than planned.
Deleted6 трав. 2021, 18:2706.05.2115dudeYeah perhaps they repare the flaws in the game and it take a bit more time than planned.Perhaps... or they are just screwing up even more of there "updates".
Alice576 трав. 2021, 18:2706.05.2105.09.204a bit more yeah ....... 6 or 8 hours of maintenance , no shield and no response of assistance
Halfrigg6 трав. 2021, 18:3106.05.2128.03.212Not good for towns with small shield time remaining. I have been locked out for 5 hours now! I hope they offer a better compensation that what they normally provide! Not even a response from plarium explaining the unusual length of down time!
Marco Polo266 трав. 2021, 18:3206.05.2117.12.201What is going on ???? more than 5 hours for an update !!! Do the Plarium team has forecasted to reimburse the losses ( troops & ressources) once the shield is down ???? Waiting for comment
Sania6 трав. 2021, 18:4806.05.2105.10.199Main question is why they did not anounce this "SCHEDULED" maintenance? If its scheduled a proper NEWS should be sent to everyone 3 days in advance.
Deleted6 трав. 2021, 18:5606.05.21194 hours till Fury starts we need to shield POP -s so in max 1 h server need run
shirikan6 трав. 2021, 19:0706.05.2121.03.201They should announance 8 hrs peace treaty for all towns after maintance over, so people will be able to protect their towns