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Pioneer  Achievements --- Bad Secret Achievement

Pioneer Achievements --- Bad Secret Achievement

28 трав. 2020, 10:0828.05.20
29 трав. 2020, 09:34(відредаговано)
jamessheldon444 said:

rln88 said:

You can just get it in other kingdoms, global competition, CvC... KvK.. JoT.. you will get it! Stop being so impatient and crying to Admin to fix everything you cant do.. oh oh I cant do this, the game must be broke, someone fix it so I can do it.. grow up !!!! 

It's happened in every kingdom for every event since the achievement was announced. CVC, kvk/r, fury. One Kingdom had a level 5 town squatting there.

Indeed. That's my kingdom for you.. pretty sure that stronghold was the very first establishment in 863 and its asshat of a chief (level 5) has been sitting on 0:0 ever since. ಠಿ_ಠ
29 трав. 2020, 09:3929.05.20

frigga said:

@Admin - Your idea does not work on the central tile. There is no way to build a SH there to exile.  Some players are sitting there with long shields on. In some kingdoms players were already there.  That tile is essentially blocked forever.  You should allow the holder of PoP in guarded status to clear any Pioneer tile.  That should liven up the competition for PoP a bit. 

Hello, frigga!

As we said earlier, any player could place their town at any free spot on the World Map. We understand your situation however we can't perform any actions in regards to an account without the player's consent. You can move your Town to these coordinates during the global Competitions while being in other Kingdoms or contact the player using the in-game mail. 

If you notice that such players violate the Terms of Use, please let us know and send screenshots where the violation would be visible so we could investigate it.

Dear Jarls, notice, please, that all suggestions and ideas about this situation from the topic were forwarded to our specialists. Thank you! 

Have a nice day!

8 черв. 2020, 19:3308.06.20
10 черв. 2020, 06:29(відредаговано)

Once again, we have a lvl 1 town that was just created squatting on 256:517 in kd 798.

And don't give us any about not being able to do anything about moving towns. They get relocated from the forest if you hit one that's unshielded. Towns get moved from KD to KD after a cvc/kvk/jot/fury ends. You can absolutely do something about this.
9 черв. 2020, 20:2109.06.20
10 черв. 2020, 06:30(відредаговано)
And now there's talk that Pioneer #8 is out, and people are already around with it. In my kingdom (614), someone just built a SH on the spot (51:755). In the current cvc opponent KD (798), there are people hovering around and on it. Plarium really with this one.
12 черв. 2020, 15:4612.06.20
Ok, I'll open with my 1 post, which is going to cause some discomfort to some. If you want Plarium to respond to this problem. STOP BUYING STUFF FROM THEM AS A BOYCOTT. I guarantee they will take notice. Do it thru Facebook. However, it won't happen, because no one will stick it out. 
19 черв. 2020, 10:3319.06.20
19 черв. 2020, 10:39(відредаговано)

A simple solution would be for Plarium to designate new coordinates for the levels - maybe at frequent intervals if needed: we have a level 5 blocking one for the past 4 weeks or more, and shielded until 2025 !

ie Ivar said " We understand your situation however we can't perform any actions in regards to an account without the player's consent." and he wouldn't need the player's consent to change the coordinates of the rewards.

19 черв. 2020, 12:4119.06.20

You are right , they wouldn't need permission to move the coordinates, however  this would mean a lot of expensive searching for them, which has already been done, and would there be any incentive for the players that found them before ,the ones that already have got the awards to do this?

Maybe so, so they could block those as well.
20 черв. 2020, 12:2420.06.20
20 черв. 2020, 12:27(відредаговано)

Ivar Marksman said:


Any player could place their town at any free spot on the World Map. We understand your situation however we can't perform any actions in regards to an account without the player's consent.

If you want to move your Town to this specific location you can try to do the following:

1. Build the Clan's Stronghold and exile the Town of the player using the Supreme Thing.

2. Move your Town to these coordinates during the global Competitions while being in other Kingdoms.

3. Contact the player using the in-game mail.

If you notice that such players violate the Terms of Use, please let us know and send screenshots where the violation would be visible so we could investigate it.

We wish you success in your quest for achievements!

Ivar: all the above suggestions don't work when the player blocking the tile also has the stronghold, has a shield until 2025 and simply doesn't log back in for several weeks.

4 лип. 2020, 11:2904.07.20
how long do we need to stay minimum at a pioneer spot for achievement upgrade - pioneer seven 
4 лип. 2020, 17:2304.07.20
4 лип. 2020, 17:27(відредаговано)

tomsonantony007 said:

how long do we need to stay minimum at a pioneer spot for achievement upgrade - pioneer seven
A few seconds is all it takes. When I was finally able to sneak in for my Lvl 8 while the Clan was trading people to sit on it (yeah, a Clan was holding it hostage) I was only on it long enough to be exiled. Seconds. But I got the achievement leveled up ;D
8 лип. 2020, 15:4908.07.20
Pioneer Acheivement seems to have stopped working in the last 24-30 hours.  I move on, wait a minute, kill a ghost or invader and move off. I loog on and off the account. No achievement.
8 лип. 2020, 16:1908.07.20

You have lost the last update...now you have to have a palace of a certain level to each level of the achievement.... To every achievement to be exact....

This has far surpassed PAY_to_WIN, this is actually PAY_to_PLAY....

17 лип. 2020, 14:3917.07.20

I agree that moving the co-ordinates from time to time is a good idea. 

At the very least it will deter people from building strongholds for the purpose of controlling the Pioneer tile.  Although I think there might be other benefits also.

4 груд. 2020, 04:3004.12.20

No matter the agenda or rules in favor of ot against the issue at hand, the blocking of achievement tiles maliciously is abusive action and does violate terms of service. It is also content blocking. If plarium can't flush out abandoned accounts and players can't operate with respect for friendly play, then the buck doesn't  stop here, it stops with plarium for not having moderators with power to intervene.

2 січ. 2021, 02:1702.01.21
Ivar Marksman


Any player could place their town at any free spot on the World Map. We understand your situation however we can't perform any actions in regards to an account without the player's consent.

If you want to move your Town to this specific location you can try to do the following:

1. Build the Clan's Stronghold and exile the Town of the player using the Supreme Thing.

2. Move your Town to these coordinates during the global Competitions while being in other Kingdoms.

3. Contact the player using the in-game mail.

If you notice that such players violate the Terms of Use, please let us know and send screenshots where the violation would be visible so we could investigate it.

We wish you success in your quest for achievements!

You can't build a stronghold in the forest by the POP, so you can't exile a member in that location x256y517.  If there was an exile in the POP then that would help the kingdom.

3 січ. 2021, 00:4303.01.21

You can't build a stronghold in the forest by the POP, so you can't exile a member in that location x256y517.  If there was an exile in the POP then that would help the kingdom.

You also can't move your town to these coordinates during the global competitions because there is a ghost image left behind.

9 квіт. 2021, 11:3309.04.21

very nice, to delete my post, still plarium not doing in this problem, maybe stop buy packs while 2-3 months all then they start fix this problem if tehy dont get any money from us?"

9 квіт. 2021, 12:3209.04.21
9 квіт. 2021, 12:33(відредаговано)
Wisper X

very nice, to delete my post, still plarium not doing in this problem, maybe stop buy packs while 2-3 months all then they start fix this problem if tehy dont get any money from us?"

Hello, qwas! We respect your opinion, however, as your comment violated the Forum rules and contained obscene expression, the comment was deleted. We kindly ask you to follow the rules. In case of repeated violations, we will be forced to restrict your access. 

More details about the Forum rules can be found at: https://plarium.com/forum/en/throne-kingdom-at-war/597_news--updates--and-contests/37846_official-forum-rules-6/ 

What about your question, we understand your situation however we can't perform any actions in regards to an account without the player's consent.
If you want to move your Town to this specific location you can try to contact the player using the in-game mail.

If you notice that such players violate the Terms of Use in order to gain any commercial profit, please send us a short video that allows us to clearly see the proof of the violation and how you open such a player's game profile. 

Have a nice day!

24 квіт. 2021, 11:1424.04.21

Well you can say that.... you saw where you have to get lvl 9 Pioneer?  Yep, people has to try to get the spot in Jot.😭 One player is allready for 2 days on this spot .... A lot off shards for him and a good kill count... 1,5 bilj troops sit and wait, good for him. The rest off the players can attack him to try to get him leave.... Crazy. 

25 квіт. 2021, 00:2025.04.21
Ivar Marksman

Hello, qwas! We respect your opinion, however, as your comment violated the Forum rules and contained obscene expression, the comment was deleted. We kindly ask you to follow the rules. In case of repeated violations, we will be forced to restrict your access. 

More details about the Forum rules can be found at: https://plarium.com/forum/en/throne-kingdom-at-war/597_news--updates--and-contests/37846_official-forum-rules-6/ 

What about your question, we understand your situation however we can't perform any actions in regards to an account without the player's consent.
If you want to move your Town to this specific location you can try to contact the player using the in-game mail.

If you notice that such players violate the Terms of Use in order to gain any commercial profit, please send us a short video that allows us to clearly see the proof of the violation and how you open such a player's game profile. 

Have a nice day!

ihr redet hier immer von regeln und haltet euch selber nicht an die regeln und unterstützt spieler die probleme haben, warum verlangt ihr von anderen sich an diese regeln dann zu halten? ich hab euch schonmal gesagt, löscht euer regelwerk denn wenn man verstösse meldet tut ihr doch eh nix dagegen, denn dann verliert ihr ein zahlenden kunden. im regelwerk steht ganz klar und deutlich: spieler am spielfluss des spiels zu hindern ist nicht erlaubt. und der erfolg pionier ist ganz klar ein teil des spielflusses und dort werden spieler drann gehindert diesen in vollen zügen zu geniessen. wenn eure programierer mal auf der höhe wären, würde man an den pionier positionen ein debuff hin machen, wer dort steht hat -1000% alle werte(als beispel). meint ihr dann würde da einer ganze 2 tage stehn? mir kommt es halt nur vor als wenn ihr den leuten garnicht helfen wollt, denn vollen spielfluss zu geniessen.