The scales fell from my eyes, so I can no longer take the game seriously,too much manipulation by too many types of people,instigated partly by the changes to the game which has effectively locked players out of certain aspects of it, seemingly to force players into a specific, and faster way of play that only results in harder objectives ( e.g. no runic coins till level 33,and only in the higher leagues like you complained about) and more time and cash needed.
There is so little to be gained for me otherwise so I now play mostly to the pass the time and whatever I do or can do is not really by design, but by accident.
Like I said,time for a rethink,maybe forget the few goals, and using up what I have quickly, and actually stop altogether, which I have considered, they are making it so much easier to do, I still curse when I miss the opportunity to claim something, but what the heck, it now doesn't matter like it did when I started this thread, and perhaps the time is more precious spent elsewhere.
All I can say is good luck to rest.
I already have the hero experience equipment and yes thats about all I'm doing,upping the level,apart from similarly with ghosts and occasionally trying to finish floor 10.
Forging the rest of the RGM and seeing the results will provide some different ertainment and enlightenment.
Didn't get to address the other points about building and learning, already got the maximum from Inga, need more charms for Baggi to get his, but I am not building or learning, so I don't need the shaman gear, nor better special equipment that I have no access to, but couldnt forge if I did because I don't have the gear to forge them with, cause it takes too much to get them, no, not be gettting mega energy pots and hitting umpteen ubers to speed that journey up .