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Breaking the Siege on Leagues Sub-Forum

Breaking the Siege on Leagues Sub-Forum

15 трав. 2017, 18:0515.05.17

So my post earlier was deleted where i stated that the purpose of the Leagues thread is to intimidate, brag and recruit?


15 трав. 2017, 18:2015.05.17
Oracle said:

Driving topic offtopic, deliberately starting comments that are directed at flaming other players, with insensitive nonconstructive, conceptually juxtaposed and offending statements. Delaying responds to create an illusion that you are in control. Naturally done to intentionally drive or make people insecure, and thus make a topic nonperusive and degenerative. which leads to more degeneration of the initial topic.

I will be locking these topic if these degenerative behavior continue, in a topic that has nothing to do with the degenerative behavior. You want to discuss about degenerative topics, Start one, but intentionally polluting one of a good topic is an offense to the community, that guarantee a ban. 

Lets continue discussing the issue raised, rather than branching off. Moderator decision are not up to discussion. Any off topic post will be deleted without notification. 

stop using words you don't understand.
15 трав. 2017, 19:0215.05.17

Skycooldude said:

Oracle said:

Driving topic offtopic, deliberately starting comments that are directed at flaming other players, with insensitive nonconstructive, conceptually juxtaposed and offending statements. Delaying responds to create an illusion that you are in control. Naturally done to intentionally drive or make people insecure, and thus make a topic nonperusive and degenerative. which leads to more degeneration of the initial topic.

I will be locking these topic if these degenerative behavior continue, in a topic that has nothing to do with the degenerative behavior. You want to discuss about degenerative topics, Start one, but intentionally polluting one of a good topic is an offense to the community, that guarantee a ban. 

Lets continue discussing the issue raised, rather than branching off. Moderator decision are not up to discussion. Any off topic post will be deleted without notification. 

stop using words you don't understand.

I got those word, or at least version of them from a very prominent paper on trolling. A very thorough study, done by a great mind in Anthropology. he used similar words, or sentences in defining trolling, During my leisure hours I like to do something out of the box. Like reading such papers. 

15 трав. 2017, 19:1015.05.17

To keep these threat, and subsequent threads clear of name calling, personal attacks ect. I will be deleting posts, like the ones above that doesn't discuss or engage in the topic poster has intended to start. 

Members of the forum, you are used to the idea of branching topics into personal attacks, and name calling, and when actions are taken to correct such measures, you ''say its fall under the league threat and is allowed''. So to keep the threat clear I will be deleting such remarks without notification. should you feel like you need to thoroughly engage with another member, please start another topic. These will be done to avoid locking a topic, or deleting it. 

15 трав. 2017, 19:2015.05.17

Jezebel said:

So my post earlier was deleted where i stated that the purpose of the Leagues thread is to intimidate, brag and recruit?



Calm down, I see it.

Refresh... lol
15 трав. 2017, 19:3515.05.17
15 трав. 2017, 19:35(відредаговано)
Knightmare said:

Jezebel said:

So my post earlier was deleted where i stated that the purpose of the Leagues thread is to intimidate, brag and recruit?



Calm down, I see it.

Refresh... lol

he had deleted it for NO REASON - he has restored it to save face
15 трав. 2017, 19:3815.05.17
Oracle said:

Lets continue discussing the issue raised, rather than branching off. Moderator decision are not up to discussion. Any off topic post will be deleted without notification. 

THIS  part of his post was added after he deleted my response as you can see is was not in my earlier post which was deleted
15 трав. 2017, 19:4615.05.17
Limad said:

Oracle said:

Skycooldude said:

Oracle said:

Driving topic offtopic, deliberately starting comments that are directed at flaming other players, with insensitive nonconstructive, conceptually juxtaposed and offending statements. Delaying responds to create an illusion that you are in control. Naturally done to intentionally drive or make people insecure, and thus make a topic nonperusive and degenerative. which leads to more degeneration of the initial topic.

I will be locking these topic if these degenerative behavior continue, in a topic that has nothing to do with the degenerative behavior. You want to discuss about degenerative topics, Start one, but intentionally polluting one of a good topic is an offense to the community, that guarantee a ban. 

Lets continue discussing the issue raised, rather than branching off. Moderator decision are not up to discussion. Any off topic post will be deleted without notification. 

stop using words you don't understand.

I got those word, or at least version of them from a very prominent paper on trolling. A very thorough study, done by a great mind in Anthropology. he used similar words, or sentences in defining trolling, During my leisure hours I like to do something out of the box. Like reading such papers. 

Says the troll. Stop replying to every forum post with your garbage advice and maybe just pipe in every now and again when someone asks a question that you might actually know the answer to. If you don't 100% know the answer, you're not helping. And this reads like you just discovered the word degenerative on one of those word-of-the-day calendars. 
I think they are required to respond to a certain number of posts - if you had him restrict responses to game topics he knew answers to he may not meet those quotas
16 трав. 2017, 00:5616.05.17

So obviously Jezebel (1075 posts), Lord (11) and Limad(6) have nothing to contribute to this thread? So why don't you find somewhere else to start your trolling of Oracle.

"Leagues thread - this is where we brag, intimidate and recruit"

Nowhere does it say "hijack" threads for purposes of mod bashing. As the creator of this thread, I would like to see all the offending posts deleted. Those that are upset with the decision can take it up with the moderators in private so the rest of us don't have to read their continued whining.

16 трав. 2017, 01:4216.05.17

Trentos said:

So obviously Jezebel (1075 posts), Lord (11) and Limad(6) have nothing to contribute to this thread? So why don't you find somewhere else to start your trolling of Oracle.

"Leagues thread - this is where we brag, intimidate and recruit"

Nowhere does it say "hijack" threads for purposes of mod bashing. As the creator of this thread, I would like to see all the offending posts deleted. Those that are upset with the decision can take it up with the moderators in private so the rest of us don't have to read their continued whining.

There was no reason for my original response to this thread to be deleted - which was this post that has been restored https://plarium.com/forum/en/stormfall-age-of-war/leagues/39724_breaking-the-siege-on-leagues-sub-forum/?post=310195

You started a thread that mentioned several leagues on a public forum which opens it for any response from anyone


carry on - there was nothing offensive in my post as you can clearly see

16 трав. 2017, 06:5616.05.17
16 трав. 2017, 07:00(відредаговано)


Like I said, this thread has nothing to do with mod bashing. So about time you move on. Or are you also already too committed to the bandwagon?

I think if you re-read the thread you will find that Oracle pointed out that posts were getting off topic (which I agree) and you thought your place to chastise him. You didn't have anything to contribute to the opening post, and should of just moved on if nothing positive to add.

16 трав. 2017, 07:5816.05.17

Trentos said:


Like I said, this thread has nothing to do with mod bashing. So about time you move on. Or are you also already too committed to the bandwagon?

I think if you re-read the thread you will find that Oracle pointed out that posts were getting off topic (which I agree) and you thought your place to chastise him. You didn't have anything to contribute to the opening post, and should of just moved on if nothing positive to add.

I am offended by the manner in which you are addressing me I think a mod should delete your post 

again PUBLIC forum if you want to have a private discussion perhaps you should stick with pm's
17 трав. 2017, 01:3717.05.17
17 трав. 2017, 01:46(відредаговано)
Jezebel said:

Trentos said:


Like I said, this thread has nothing to do with mod bashing. So about time you move on. Or are you also already too committed to the bandwagon?

I think if you re-read the thread you will find that Oracle pointed out that posts were getting off topic (which I agree) and you thought your place to chastise him. You didn't have anything to contribute to the opening post, and should of just moved on if nothing positive to add.

I am offended by the manner in which you are addressing me I think a mod should delete your post 

again PUBLIC forum if you want to have a private discussion perhaps you should stick with pm's
You find that offensive? Wow!!! This is coming from the same contributor that champions flaming? I confused.
17 трав. 2017, 01:4417.05.17

Limad said:

Trentos said:

So obviously Jezebel (1075 posts), Lord (11) and Limad(6) have nothing to contribute to this thread? So why don't you find somewhere else to start your trolling of Oracle.

"Leagues thread - this is where we brag, intimidate and recruit"

Nowhere does it say "hijack" threads for purposes of mod bashing. As the creator of this thread, I would like to see all the offending posts deleted. Those that are upset with the decision can take it up with the moderators in private so the rest of us don't have to read their continued whining.

Trentos, you're right. I'm happy to have a mod delete my posts on this thread, given that you started it with the express purpose of it being used to talk about recent events happening on your Server. I'm on Server 3. I was reasonably active on a very quiet Kabam forum and sometimes frustrations boil over. 

No problems Limad. Completely understand how frustrations can boil over.

As for the original topic, I note how the mighty Emperors have cut out a swath of territory on the Northern edge and have now moved back up into the top 5 ranked leagues. At the same time, their nemesis Destiny is absent from the map, and tucked away in their fortress. Funny how the situation can change in such a short amount of time.

So what does this mean for the server? Will we see resumption of hostilities come the next Massacre event? Has Destiny come calling upon your  league begging for help to take down the 'evil' Emperors league? Will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
17 трав. 2017, 05:5417.05.17
Trentos said:

Limad said:

Trentos said:

So obviously Jezebel (1075 posts), Lord (11) and Limad(6) have nothing to contribute to this thread? So why don't you find somewhere else to start your trolling of Oracle.

"Leagues thread - this is where we brag, intimidate and recruit"

Nowhere does it say "hijack" threads for purposes of mod bashing. As the creator of this thread, I would like to see all the offending posts deleted. Those that are upset with the decision can take it up with the moderators in private so the rest of us don't have to read their continued whining.

Trentos, you're right. I'm happy to have a mod delete my posts on this thread, given that you started it with the express purpose of it being used to talk about recent events happening on your Server. I'm on Server 3. I was reasonably active on a very quiet Kabam forum and sometimes frustrations boil over. 

No problems Limad. Completely understand how frustrations can boil over.

As for the original topic, I note how the mighty Emperors have cut out a swath of territory on the Northern edge and have now moved back up into the top 5 ranked leagues. At the same time, their nemesis Destiny is absent from the map, and tucked away in their fortress. Funny how the situation can change in such a short amount of time.

So what does this mean for the server? Will we see resumption of hostilities come the next Massacre event? Has Destiny come calling upon your  league begging for help to take down the 'evil' Emperors league? Will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
The fact that the leadership that put them there has quit the game pretty much explains it all I would say.  I left Destiny because the people I joined to play the game with were all quitting.  Sooooo there is your explanation but I am sure Emps will have no problem finding a new nemesis
17 трав. 2017, 14:2017.05.17

Trentos said:

No problems Limad. Completely understand how frustrations can boil over.

As for the original topic, I note how the mighty Emperors have cut out a swath of territory on the Northern edge and have now moved back up into the top 5 ranked leagues. At the same time, their nemesis Destiny is absent from the map, and tucked away in their fortress. Funny how the situation can change in such a short amount of time.

So what does this mean for the server? Will we see resumption of hostilities come the next Massacre event? Has Destiny come calling upon your  league begging for help to take down the 'evil' Emperors league? Will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

wow, still crying...you just can't seem to stop.

I quit logging into the game around new-years (but I still log into the forums regularly), it's taken about 5 months for Emps to make their way back to the top 5 ranked position since then.  And I'll note that it's only after someone else did the work of wiping fellowship out of those beacons.

They spent $$$ tens of thousands of dollars $$$ to buy their hammer, and it took many months after Destiny quit playing to make it back up to the top 5.   

They could of bought:

Instead they have:

Pretty sad.


Trentos, keep those pom-poms pumping, you're the biggest emp cheerleader out there.  

Keep on bragging about the "accomplishments" of some of the biggest spenders in the game after their enemy quit playing.

It's quite amusing :D

18 трав. 2017, 02:1818.05.17

No crying here Test. Quite content with how the game is going for me.

But thanks for your contribution anyways.

1 черв. 2017, 21:1901.06.17

djmoody said:

Sir Crusher said:

Isn't that the website you guys are using to collect IP addresses?

Why would you write stupid bullshit slander like that? Sad pathetic little man.

Crusher is an utter and complete fool who runs around accusing people without a shred of proof.
He is like this little kid throwing a tantrum .... much like oracle.

Now that you mention it .... is Oracle your alt crushie?
He knows just asmuch about the game as you ;)

2 черв. 2017, 06:4802.06.17

So let me get this right. After almost 2 weeks, the biggest league hopping, mod bashing troll on the forum has gone looking for old threads to contribute to? I think you deserve some kind of award Douche Viking. Really, your contributions to the forums amaze lesser mortals like me.

As for the original topic, I'm sure the entire server has seen a big shakeup in the rankings, with The Rebels unleashing their massive army throughout the lands. Now the top ranked league on the server, they hold two corners and significant inside territory. They took the opportunity to seize a swathe of Unforgiven Knights territory, and were thoroughly professional in the way they stacked and upgraded beacons. Having been on the receiving end, I have to congratulate them on their achievement.

Looks like we have a new big league on the block. Very well done
2 черв. 2017, 11:3502.06.17
2 черв. 2017, 17:41(відредаговано)

Trentos said:

So let me get this right. After almost 2 weeks, the biggest league hopping, mod bashing troll on the forum has gone looking for old threads to contribute to? I think you deserve some kind of award Douche Viking. Really, your contributions to the forums amaze lesser mortals like me.

As for the original topic, I'm sure the entire server has seen a big shakeup in the rankings, with The Rebels unleashing their massive army throughout the lands. Now the top ranked league on the server, they hold two corners and significant inside territory. They took the opportunity to seize a swathe of Unforgiven Knights territory, and were thoroughly professional in the way they stacked and upgraded beacons. Having been on the receiving end, I have to congratulate them on their achievement.

Looks like we have a new big league on the block. Very well done

These is troubling news indeed. I hope they don't take small leagues on hostage, like they do in Server 2. I asked more than 10 league marshals in Server 2, and they confirmed to have received a PM that goes like these

You are too small, we will crush you in 3 years.

The PM is sent by affiliate of the aforementioned. I am a fan of the aforementioned, especially LOBR and I must admit their play styles differs much with mine. So they matter little to me, as their actions will never affect my play style.