knigochey said:
Kakos said:
knigochey said:
These are not "rewards", these are tiny pieces of what I "invested".
Your rewards/investments returns are worth over 360m resources.
If these represent "tiny pieces" of what you have invested then is reasonablo to assume that you invested well over 1 billion.
If you are not a coiner is hard to imagine how is this possible..
Now you are pretending to not understand the context. You seem to manage to disregard the Alyona's post I responded to "you have a guaranteed reward on each PP. :)" Or maybe you are implying 360 mil comes "on each PP"?
I do not know why you are doing your palrium "advocacy": for salary or maybe some in-game perks. You do that poorly, though.
Never mind context the question still stands:
Where did all these resources come from? Your city is a dump.. maybe you should "invest" in your resources production instead of spending all your money on PPs so you can say that you play high levels..
You are right about one thing though.. I should be fired for doing such a poor job defending Plarium.. lol
But you see, instead of "doing my job" and telling you off any time you go on about your silly conspiracy theories and your persecution complex, never mind your exaggerated self-importance in thinking that out of all these thousands (millions?) of players you are the only one selected for persecution, I actually find your posts quite amusing and I'm certain I'm not the only one!
Btw.. if you like to see a nice city, please come and have a look at X:-1700 Y:-2135