Playing Sparta WOE over 2 years on the .com server. All in all, a fantastic game. I am a somewhat moderate "coiner" (maybe 1 or 2 times a month).
Regarding Guardians:
I have completed over 100 attacks on warlords-yet I get very few "payouts" in summoning bonds (all I get is basic).
Today I hit 20 Warlords and received 2 basic summoning bonds. I never have received any summoning bond over basic!!
I now have over 70 "basic" summoning bonds. Each time I order up a new summoning bond it is a level 1. It takes weeks to bring that Guardian up to a 2 stars or 3 stars ranking.
Can the algorithm be set to "give up" a level 3 Guardian every 1-2 weeks?
Too many countless hours spent hitting Warlords with no higher level/ranking in sight (other than making a purchase) is not something I look forward to.
Would it be possible to delete a Guardian outright that I do not want?
Regarding Additional Raids:
Would it be possible to add 1-5 individual raids after hitting so many Warlords?
Would it be possible to offer additional raids in PVP as well? I loved this feature when we had the Capitol showdown and received 10 additional raids.
Still enjoying the game, but the time factor Plarium has added to each feature is kind of limiting my attention. Troop builds, Guardian upgrades-it's a boring static environment in that it requires monotonous months to build & upgrade troops.
I was thinking if the time was decreased, there would be more battles and less days to build-which would translate into more battles.
Maybe Plarium can do this once a month for a 24 hour period?
Try this just for 1 month-decrease build times radically and watch how many battles start-rather than having players wait 6 months to build up your army after a loss, a loss which I am still recovering from 6 months ago.
Yes, I know, "in game upgrade packages" is the company line-but I've lost a lot of people due to this game requiring so much time to devote actions to.
Thanks for reading.