Two simple, yet great, ideas.have there be a radius limit, set by user, regarding the greatest acceptable travel time for a trade. it is truly obnoxious when a player 6 hours away decides that my wheat is better than his neighbors. that means though, that my ships are out for 12 hours, a time in which i could trade away all my excess with closer neighbors instead of just one inconsiderate jerk. it shouldn't be that difficult to say ok, i want this trade to be offered to players within a 2 hour travel radius.
secondly. perhaps a way to recall troops from the raid bubble that shows up at the bottom of the screen after a raid has been sent. you can boost from that space, but you cant cancel and recall from there. to recall i have to go back to my city screen, go to the war concil screen, and find which raid i want to cancel, and then cancel it. it would all be much easier if there was an x for cancel next to the boost button.