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Discount Generator been the same junk for the past 8 days

Discount Generator been the same junk for the past 8 days

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DeletedTechnical Support
17 черв. 2018, 13:3517.06.18

Nico said:


Daily discount still showing the same discount. Please provide a solution for this. I've suggested alternatives to make me feel this matters to you. 

Two weeks went by since I raised this claim, my first post was closed and had to move here. Still facing this issue.

Do reach out internally and provide a solution, now as a customer I ask for a solution on your side. Patience time was enough.


Dear Commander.

I have forwarded this information to our devs for the further investigation. 

The discount generator is an automated system and the offer you receive depends on multiple factors. The devs will check if there are any issues with the system. If any bugs are found, they will be resolved.

18 черв. 2018, 13:4218.06.18

Agent Pavel said:

Dear Commander.

I have forwarded this information to our devs for the further investigation. 

The discount generator is an automated system and the offer you receive depends on multiple factors. The devs will check if there are any issues with the system. If any bugs are found, they will be resolved.

Thank you Pavel for your answer.

Both things have already being said, that dev team will take a look, and that discount generator system is a complicated multi-factor, cross dept mechanism.

But the fact is that I've been having 20% improvement discount for over 2 months now and it is not fixed.

I am aware I'm not a VIP player, but I still want this solved. Either manually set my discount to 50% improvements or to base defense to start, while your teams take time to see if there is a bug (which seems clear that coincidence for 2 months in a row is quite amazing, don't you think?) 

Looking forward for an in-game solution.


20 черв. 2018, 21:3820.06.18
23 черв. 2018, 14:45(відредаговано)
Nico they'er Full of .....! Its ok, They looking to Pay up like I did POTC .....Lmao they Don't answer me anymore. 
21 черв. 2018, 23:4921.06.18

njrazornj said:

Nico they'er Full of Crap ! Its ok, They looking to Pay up like I did POTC .....Lmao they Don't answer me anymore. 

RAZOR: we should keep pushing for a solution. Days go by and I want my daily discount to rotate as it does for every other player. 


AndriiTechnical Support
23 черв. 2018, 14:5323.06.18

I have submitted all the information to the engineers for further revision.  In case they confirm a bug, developers will handle it within one of the upcoming updates. So far, I cannot verify that there is some error. 

24 черв. 2018, 16:3024.06.18

Agent Andrew said:

I have submitted all the information to the engineers for further revision.  In case they confirm a bug, developers will handle it within one of the upcoming updates. So far, I cannot verify that there is some error. 

Andrew, I would suggest that your team query server's log to verify what my daily discount has been for the timeframe I'm affirming it's been stuck in 20% improvements.

Please do paste the log here to show me that I'm wrong or that you are failing to provide a solution or don not want to take seriously the claim.

We have already been said that your team would take a look for weeks, please make the query and post the results. It takes 10 minutes from any developer to create such query.

Looking forwards query's results
28 черв. 2018, 14:1928.06.18

Still getting 20% daily discount on improvements. Only answer provided is that engineers will take a look in some future that never comes.

I want this to get escalated, I bought the product and I want this to be solved.

Please take action here
AndriiTechnical Support
29 черв. 2018, 12:2729.06.18

Nico, the algorithm for distribution of discounts is the same for all players. If there is really some issue, it will affect all players. 

Fixing of a bug includes several stages. It requires the certain time to complete each procedure properly, like locating the genuine reason of the issue, editing of the code and further testing, before the updated functionality is released.  

As usual, we release updates once a month. So, the investigation and resolution (if developers verify that there is an error) can take from one to several months.  In case additional information is needed, we will contact you.

Thank you for cooperation!  

4 лип. 2018, 00:5904.07.18


I understand what you and Pavel said, totally.

Now I ask you to try a different approach, which is customer oriented instead of trying to explain me why you are not paying attention to my claim. 

This approach includes the open mind to see that what you refer to as a "algorithm" that calculates a daily discount happens to be giving out, for over two months, the same result to my base. Which is 20% improvements discounts. If you do care about your customers and also you are willing to see that there is a mistake, you should be thanking me for finding a rare case where the algorithm is throwing out a constant value as a result of its calculation!!!

So, please put you customer orientation hat, and provide a solution instead of letting me know that you might not consider this claim for months.

Thanks, and looking for an in-game reply/solution

12 лип. 2018, 03:0312.07.18
another week went by, 20% on improvements is a constant on my screen, on a daily basis.
16 лип. 2018, 00:4216.07.18
16 лип. 2018, 00:43(відредаговано)
So for the past two days it seems the discount bug is fix So for us that was at disadvantage are your paying players now Plarium should really find a way to reward some players that had Crap discount like myself Med boxs! I know Players that had 80% discount on defense and offence for two month what a shame so of these base look like there on steroids.... uid 184122 / fb1041176414 / Highlands / segment01  So do The right thing!!!!
18 трав. 2019, 15:0618.05.19

Hi, I whish tell you that I never received the daily discount generator from the beginning I played on Plarium server Badland. My base is Etabeta in -350; -200, please,can you help me?

Many thks, best regards,
