Hello, Raiders!
We have been receiving quite a number of questions concerning the current state of affairs in the Classic Arena, and would like to elaborate on what we’re planning to do to improve the situation. The ultimate goal is to make the progression in the Bronze and Silver easier so that the Arena in these Tiers becomes less of a head-against-wall bashing exercise.
Matchmaking adjustments. The changes will only concern tweaking the matchmaking in Bronze and Silver Tiers. We’ll still be filtering the opponents in these Tiers by the player’s account power and level as before, but the pairing in Bronze will be configured in such a way that newbies won’t meet the teams way too much out of their depth, and will be able to steadily progress to Silver. As for Silver, naturally, this Tier will be more challenging than Bronze, but the opponent selection will also be not so harsh.
As for Gold, where we do not filter opponents by their account power here, and use only the current Arena placement as the main criteria when picking up the opponents, this Tier will remain challenging. Be ready to fight strong opponents here to remain competitive.
Defensive battles. We’ll implement a flexible system to prevent players from being demoted to the lower Tiers too quickly by losing defensive battles in Bronze and Silver Tiers. It is logical to assume, the higher your Tier the greater is the number of points that you can potentially lose in the defensive battles.
And last but not least.
While the changes will make the Arena easier in terms of progression, remember that it is still one of the most competitive game elements: keep improving your team, explore different strategies, watch videos dedicated to Arena tactics on YouTube created by enthusiastic players and content creators to increase your knowledge, and you’ll be able to reach higher Tiers, eventually.
While we cannot reveal the exact date when the Arena adjustments will come to live, we are ready to tell you at least the approximate time of their release. It will happen shortly after the release of version 4.20, but definitely not on the same day. The Arena-oriented update is planned for the first half of May, and the changes will take effect only after server reload.
Guys, we'll continue to closely monitor the situation in the Classic Arena after the upcoming fix goes live, and will make all the additional changes needed to ensure our players have fun in the Arena and enjoy the game.
That's it for today! Have a wonderful day ahead!