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Update Highlights 9.20

Update Highlights 9.20

Hello, Raiders!

With Update 9.20 going live soon, it’s time to share our traditional Update Highlights and give you an early glimpse of the changes we have planned. Player profiles are getting a major overhaul and will display all sorts of accolades, including new Badges that you can receive for various achievements in RAID.

Of course, we have new Champions to introduce (released towards the end of the month) and a few existing ones to balance. You can find the details about all of that below!


We are introducing major improvements to player profiles across the board, and Badges are one of the new additions. They will enhance the old Challenges and provide a variety of shiny sigils - or Badges, as they are known - that each player can receive by completing associated Challenges, which range from unlocking all Masteries for several Champions to winning a Tournament.


Even if you completed all the previous Challenges and the tab no longer shows on your Bastion screen, don’t worry - it will appear once more with the new Update! You’ll be able to access the Badges tab from there. Your Badges will also be displayed on the fancy new player profile. The collection you see in 9.20 is just the beginning, too, and we’ll be expanding the number of Badges with future updates!

Player Profile Overhaul

We thought the current profile tab could be made much better, so the new iteration comes with all the glitz, glamour, and useful information you might want! It will display your overall power, your strongest Champion, your Arena Tiers, your Clan and its achievements, your own Badges, and your best performances against Clan Bosses. The common information like your username and ID won’t be left out either!


You’ll be able to select your favorite Champions (no duplicates allowed!) to be displayed on the profile screen under the best scores in CvC and Clan Boss Battles. We’re already planning to include the option to select your favorite Badges to show off in one of the coming updates as well.


  • Made adjustments to Auto-Battle AI in Hydra Battles. Champions will now prioritize the Head that has devoured one of their allies.
  • In-game UI for Plarium Play will be optimized for greater convenience. The changes will affect multiple areas of the game, Champion Collection and Tavern screens, as well as Battles. 




Rebalance: Champions




9 верес. 2024, 10:2109.09.24
9 верес. 2024, 12:5109.09.24

Thanks Olenka. 

Aphidus base and alternate form is still A1 a 1 hit. Couldn't that be block revive or scales based on Emmy max HP. Couldn't a triple or at minimum double been done for a Mythical. There's no way Tara's is better than a Mythical is what I'm trying to say. 

Maybe instead of increase defence make it a shield that cannot be removed then Attacks 1 enemy 2 times placing a provoke. 

Maybe instead of increase defence make it a shield. Maybe instead of increase defence make it a shield that cannot be removed. And resistance also increases based on the amount of attack. So something like Mithralas accuracy/resistance synergy. 

I dont know if I still love his alternate form..there could e been more to make his shine ???

9 верес. 2024, 13:0609.09.24


9 верес. 2024, 13:1509.09.24

i would say, thats not spd set in the category spd set


9 верес. 2024, 13:1709.09.24

With Frolni love the fact he my actuay hit harder than magnar now. However on his eliminate the weak could you just add on more line . 

When fighting a boss this skill will ignore 15% of targets Def.   or   When fighting a boss this skill will deal 15% more damage.  

9 верес. 2024, 13:2009.09.24

Mezomel getting a boost?! Coolness. Favorite champ already kicking it in Arena gonna kick it even better :D

Love the new profile! Looking good!

9 верес. 2024, 13:2409.09.24

Would be awesome if you could ever buff a champion I actually have for a change...

Or even if I stopped getting souls for every mythical except the one I have (Calamitus who is kind of Meh)

9 верес. 2024, 13:2609.09.24

When we are fixing the hydra AI, can we get a fix for champs without veil that keep attacking the fear head with single attacks? They do this even when there is a downed head with the same afinity! It is so annoying when my duchess keeps doing this and then misses the veil.

9 верес. 2024, 13:4009.09.24
9 верес. 2024, 13:49(відредаговано)

i would say, thats not spd set in the category spd set


The gear set is cut/pasted from the set below.  Exact same pieces.

9 верес. 2024, 14:4309.09.24

hurray for the challenges tab! 

but I have doubts about the new icon scaling of champions and equipment - making the icons smaller on large screens is fine - but will that make the tiny buttons on cell phone screens even smaller than how they are now? or is there a way to scale them for our needs? 

why not make use of the wasted space next to the items (see the weapon info in the example picture having lots of empty space next to attack 225) instead of making the icons smaller? 

will we be able to use the same filter for setting up teams as we are for filtering in the champions tab? 

when will you get rid of all the thousands of spammers in the public chats? 

9 верес. 2024, 15:0609.09.24

What is the significance of the Spider battle screenshot?

9 верес. 2024, 15:0909.09.24

Just a thought you want aphidus to be a better damage dealer and debuffer switch his a2 and a3 effect alittle. A3 place the inc. att and hp burn then a2 increase debuff duration then activate the burn. 

His alternate form still won't be used other then wave content. It needs almost a whole rework if you want it used in more then that.

9 верес. 2024, 17:0309.09.24

I believe the spider screenshot is showing that the skills icons are hidden while auto play is enabled.

9 верес. 2024, 17:1009.09.24

I hope the artefact storage will not change form 1500 to 1300 like in the screenshot shown.

I like the bufffs of the mythical champs. I'm the proud owner of mezzomel and looking forward of her buff.

I like the changes of the AI in the hydra. I have to test if I can now auto my 2 hour runs per key. That would help a lot.

I cannot see what changes are made in the tavern and with the spider.

I hope there will be one day a button in the campaign that will leed my directly into the tavern. 

9 верес. 2024, 19:4109.09.24

I actually Love all of this Update.. WOW, exciting

my favorite may be not having  to tell my team on auto to target the head that ate my last champion  in HYDRA

9 верес. 2024, 21:4509.09.24

On the badges page, would it be possible to add a "Preferred Language" ?

I get way too many invites from Clans that don't even speak English.

9 верес. 2024, 22:5909.09.24

Who can see the badges? Just the player, or can others see it?

Asking because I'd LOVE to have the ability to see some of this info when a player applies to my clan.

9 верес. 2024, 23:0409.09.24

On the badges page, would it be possible to add a "Preferred Language" ?

I get way too many invites from Clans that don't even speak English.

I agree, but I didn't read anything that said that other players could see the badges. I'd assume they could, but you know what "assume" means :)

9 верес. 2024, 23:0809.09.24

I believe the spider screenshot is showing that the skills icons are hidden while auto play is enabled.

They were already hidden while on auto.

10 верес. 2024, 00:0010.09.24

Really nice buffs and the hydra focus. I hope they can continue to buff mythicals to make all great to use.

RonnieCommunity Manager
10 верес. 2024, 10:2710.09.24

i would say, thats not spd set in the category spd set


There's been a glitch, if you take a closer look at the Champions in the back - they're not all void either :)