Whilst the announced QOL features tend to direct in the right way, it rather seems to me merely to be a 'quick win' or 'low hanging fruit' regarding the effort put into implementation, however, thanks for the fish, yet I really would love to see something more substantial being realised.
Many areas in the game have tedious and redundant steps (read: "too much tapping/clicking") required to perform a certain kind of action.
I'd like to criticise some of them here and utter my suggestions on these.
1) Bulk-summon champions:
When I open green shards, most of the time I go for 30 to 70 at once, which is lot's of clicking in the end.
Since I do have a defined:
- maximum of space in the tavern
- amount of silver
- amount of shards
summoning-amounts would be calculable, hence I'd like to have a slider to summon X champions, the result could be displayed in a similar manner as the sum-up of a set of finished "Multi-Battle"
2) Enhancing items by applying glyphs:
Let's assume we do have an item with multiple substats (e.g. 4)
Currently, I do have to single select a single glyph per substat and apply it to the item or attempt an upgrade of the current glyph-bonus.
For each attempt I do have to select glyph and click, for the 3 other substats too.
Least I would want to have is a "max stat with this glyph"-option,
e.g. apply a Speed Rank 5 Glyph to the speed substat until either:
- maximum roll was achieved
- no more glyphs for selected rank available
- lack of silver to perform upgrade attempt
And if I'd be the insatiable feature urchin I am, I'd like to have it like this:
Similar UI as in the champion-fusioning menu.
topmost: my item and its mainstat
split into 4 coloumns beneath:
substat #1, substat #2, substat #3, substat #4
left bar: my glyphs I may select to assign per substat
a) One Button with "perform upgrade"
b) One Button with "perform until maxed"
Whilst a) is just a check for "does the current amount of silver suffice to perform the upgrade attempt",
I am aware b) would be bit more complex, however:
Let's cut it down to let it run from left to right through the individual glyph application attempts and stop for all if the silver is depleted.
Aside of that 2 possibilities:
- Columns for substats which ran out of glyphs/ are maximised should just become inactive whilst the rest keeps running.
- soon as one column is running out of glyphs/becomes maximised, stop the entire stack (probably easier to implement, yet not optimised usability imho, still a big improvement here)
3) Upgrading ranks of champions:
Upgrading Champions from Rank X to Rank X+1 is a pain regarding the amount of clicks and time I have to invest.
I'd love to have something similar like in the Champion fusion.
Similar UI as in the champion-fusioning menu.
topmost: 4 Cells for champions to get rank-upgraded, connected to each cell is a box consisting of 4 (better: 5) cells to assign chicken/champions for the upgrade.
This way I could reduce amount of clicking required, create tons of happy faces from your players and still keep the implementation effort for the feature on a decent level so stakeholders and product owners probably would give it a go ;)