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Update 4.90 Highlights

Update 4.90 Highlights

Hey, Raiders!

Update 4.90 brings about one of the most important features of recent months - the Guardian Ring. With it, you’ll be able to breathe new life into your duplicate Champions and find a new use for them. We’ve already discussed it in several videos - including a dedicated Feature Preview - so you might have seen the details already if you follow our social media. If not, read on and learn more!

Guardian Ring

Guardian Ring is a new building that will appear in your Bastion and take the place of the Sparring Pit, but worry not - we will not just remove the Sparring Pit, it will be rolled into the Guardian Ring. Upon tapping the building, you’ll see a menu with several tabs:

  • Sparring Pit
  • Faction Guardians
  • Empower Champions
  • Unbind Champions
  • Token Trader

We’ll go over them now!

Sparring Pit

Nothing will change about how the Sparring Pit functions. Just insert Champions into empty slots, and they will passively receive XP over time. Just remember to upgrade their Level and replace them with new Champions whenever you need that.

Faction Guardians

Here, you assign duplicate Rare, Epic, and Legendary Champions to become Faction Guardians. This means they’ll boost the stats of all Champions of the same Rarity in a chosen Faction.

Each Faction has 5 Chambers available, and each Chamber has 2 Slots. Each Chamber provides Stat bonuses to all Champions of the Faction to which it belongs and of its respective Rarity - similar to Great Hall Bonuses - but it’s Faction-specific rather than Affinity-Specific. You unlock Chambers in a specific Order by assigning duplicate Champions to them, so you need to fill the first 2 Slots that give you a bonus to HP before you can unlock the Chamber that provided an Attack bonus, and so on. If you remove Champions from a Chamber, that bonus will no longer work, and the next unlocked Chamber bonuses will also be deactivated.

Fortunately, Champions you make into Faction Guardians can still be used in battles, sent to Champion Vault, or upgraded in the Tavern. As long as you don’t get rid of either Champion, you’ll get the bonus. If you want to sacrifice or unbind Faction Guardian Champions, you’ll need to remove them from the Slots first.

Empower Champions

This tab allows you to “feed” your Legendary Champions with their duplicates in order to empower them. You can do this up to 4 times, and each sacrificed dupe will give your Champion a Stat boost. Just don’t forget that you’ll be losing those duplicates forever and think twice before you decide to sacrifice them. Also, Champions who have been fully empowered cannot be used to empower another Champion.

Though you can’t get duplicates of Lydia the Deathsiren, Gomlok Skyhide, Urost the Soulcage, and a few other unique Champions, they are not excluded from this feature. Instead, they each will receive a “surrogate duplicate” from their Faction which can be used to empower them.

Unbind Champions and Token Trader

This feature lets you release - or Unbind as we call it - duplicate Champions from service. You’ll lose that Champion forever, but get a number of Life Tokens in return. These Life Tokens can be used in the Token Trader tab to buy a Legendary Champion from the current list. Most of those Champions were part of Fusion Events in the past, so we wanted to give everyone a chance to get them. These Champions will include Maulie Tankard, Fu-Shan, Tomb Lord, Foli, Minaya, and even the jolly Sir Nicholas. 







22 листоп. 2021, 15:3022.11.21
24 листоп. 2021, 03:0824.11.21

17 books on the fragment epic!!!!??!?  Are you serious?  No way to farm books.  Can get in CB and events/tournaments but there are a lot of great epics in this game?  This epic is not worth investing 17 books in compared to others and he is useless without the books.  You just don't seem to comprehend the scarcity of books and when you put a large book requirement that goes into the assessment of value.  Pyxniel is the standard bearer of champs who's kits make no sense for an investment of 18 books.  This epic can join that illustrious crew.  Maybe we find a use for him but with 17 books, no point in trying.  Why make a fusion event with a book requirement that makes the champ useless before the event even begins?  15 books on the other epic?!  So far out of the realm of reality here.

To be fair - a new lego with 8 books!  Yes, that is what we are talking about!  Lego books are scarce but 8 books keeps that champ in play as one you can consider buillding.

24 листоп. 2021, 03:4124.11.21
26 листоп. 2021, 18:21(відредаговано)

This is not Dupe system, but a joke, mockery for everyone...I decide to quit, and just delete all, because i dont want to even see such good project ruined...and will delete name "Paylarium" from my head from now on...Farewall whales...i go back in Dota and battle net, may be even WoW....crap, even CS will help to destroy bad taste in my mouth...so big loss of time, but aniway at least i will not lose a lot, for 2 years and half my account have only 15 legos, 0 void - no big deal...is someone want it, i will give it freely (already do that for my friend and warn him this can cost him a price of big house, so now check new steam, no point to ask)...

24 листоп. 2021, 11:4624.11.21

I'm not as down on the empowerement as most seem to be but they have a point. In the current system I truly don't think its game breaking as most cannot empower and even those that can most will rather put them in the ring. 

Still, 6-8 legos to choose from a very limited pool of ok champs is ridiculous and you may as well remove it from the game. No champ in the game is worth that and of the choices we actually have it's even worse. 

What we really need now is the QOL improvements. This game takes to much time. 

1. instant artifact upgrades + give me the option to level multiple at once it's not that much silver to level to 8 and taking everything to 8 makes cleansing way easier

2. Take HH idea places with keys you have to beat once after that its auto complete. Nobody is watching them play through anyway and you cant just switch out gear that way. 

3. Artifacts need to sort by stats they do not have to make cleansing easier

4. More champ space - and stop with the increased costs we now need 280 total more slots nobody can afford to pay for that, you made us need all that extra space just give it to us. 

5. if I have 3 champs the third one should still be useable for the guardian ring. Did you think that through? it's still a dup and should count. 

This game has so much potential but plarium has this consistent habit of ignoring all feedback. We get it your a business and want money but short sighted views will get you a much shorter lived game. Listen more, communicate better, and stop releasing half features like the feasts. Give us a full clear picture and it will be received better. 

24 листоп. 2021, 13:1724.11.21

about empowerment, it doesn't really affect me, it's only for whales

About Token Trader, the legendary ones cost a lot to choose and very little what you pay for a duplicate. Either you lower the price, or you raise the sacrifice price. Or you let us sacrifice not only duplicates, we have legendaries that we do not need and that are garbage and that we are willing to sacrifice.

24 листоп. 2021, 14:3124.11.21

They release it...game just update itself and it is here...welcome to the bright feature, who is the same like dark past, but more pictured....endgame, i was think to unninstall it yesterday, but decide to little wait...unneeded, they just ignore all f2p player and low spenders and release their new trade system...now even trash will cannot be avoid and will cost money, great work...for someone....this is last bitching, was a great project, but like many others, was ruined...i check how thing goin and decide to just go back to Blizzard games, DOTA and CS....but trying to get things here right, i see this was searched effect really - too many f2p players and low spenders overload the servers, and Paylarium cant just tell them officialy to go away, so just make them feel misserable, get their reward, nerf they chances, drop and heroes, give them a trash dupe system, broke arena again and they alone will do it...goodbay greedy people, only regret will be that i lose a lot of time and even some money on doomed project (idea was good, but thats it, and then suddenly just became wallet pay-to-win game)...goodbay

24 листоп. 2021, 15:0224.11.21

about empowerment, it doesn't really affect me, it's only for whales

About Token Trader, the legendary ones cost a lot to choose and very little what you pay for a duplicate. Either you lower the price, or you raise the sacrifice price. Or you let us sacrifice not only duplicates, we have legendaries that we do not need and that are garbage and that we are willing to sacrifice.

I dont understand those like you who says "it doesn't really affect me, it's only for whales",you have some acces of Raid free  to play only???? you battle arena with AI bots?you have some hacks to empower yourself over those who pay for op gear or have better champs ,or that specific op legendarie?Yes Raid is free-to-play but all free players are bound to fight against others ,others that payd to be more powerful than the f2p.And thats normal,this is the business model for any f2p game.The problem is that we get to the point that no matter how many time and effort you put in the game as f2p ,you will never and NEVER have a chance against  a p2w player.If we need almost 3 years to have 15 legendaries like rigden or 21 like me,imagine how many years we will need to empower ONE legendarie.

24 листоп. 2021, 22:3824.11.21
[777] Darknor

I dont understand those like you who says "it doesn't really affect me, it's only for whales",you have some acces of Raid free  to play only???? you battle arena with AI bots?you have some hacks to empower yourself over those who pay for op gear or have better champs ,or that specific op legendarie?Yes Raid is free-to-play but all free players are bound to fight against others ,others that payd to be more powerful than the f2p.And thats normal,this is the business model for any f2p game.The problem is that we get to the point that no matter how many time and effort you put in the game as f2p ,you will never and NEVER have a chance against  a p2w player.If we need almost 3 years to have 15 legendaries like rigden or 21 like me,imagine how many years we will need to empower ONE legendarie.

but a p2w player is in platinum, in gold 4 that does not alter anything, those who have 4 repeated legendary for that are the ones who pay, I spent little in the game, with all this I do not do it, but I do not cry because they leave to kill are the whales to empower. I have been playing for 2 years and like 30 legos, only 2 duplicates, and I am not going to do anything with them. They must let us kill the garbage laymen and that's it. Always the one who pays has and will have an advantage over the one who does not. There is no reason to cry about it. Let us leave envy, and do what we can with what we have.

24 листоп. 2021, 23:2424.11.21

Well...  this  will  mske  new  whales  more  competitive  against  the  old players.

I  guess  that  old  buyers  have  slowed  their  spending  as  they  where  already  set  and  with  this  new  brnd  feture  a  guy  with  1000  bucks  can  compete  with  people  without  habing  to  fight  on  the  arena  or  anything  like  that.  Just  shards.

i  will  loose  after  2  years  playing  against  a  whale  that  has  not  helped  the  game  to  evolve.

you  have  done  this.

Love  the  game  And  will  stop  buying  things,  raids,  energy  and  I  will  start  playing  other  betas

2 груд. 2021, 14:4702.12.21

but a p2w player is in platinum, in gold 4 that does not alter anything, those who have 4 repeated legendary for that are the ones who pay, I spent little in the game, with all this I do not do it, but I do not cry because they leave to kill are the whales to empower. I have been playing for 2 years and like 30 legos, only 2 duplicates, and I am not going to do anything with them. They must let us kill the garbage laymen and that's it. Always the one who pays has and will have an advantage over the one who does not. There is no reason to cry about it. Let us leave envy, and do what we can with what we have.

if you dont  see p2w in gold 4 than plarium is the one who refresh your arena :),or you are lucky or rng bless you, if you believe in that bs:luck and rng,i open so many shards in 3 years that i would won in lottery if rng was the main factor.