August 5, 2021 – New York, NY USA
To: Avi Shalel - PLARIUM Global Ltd Management & Devs
From: Jon Justice – Player Game ID# um92815246
Re: Raid Shadow Legends – My Thoughts, Experience, Suggestions and Recommended Fixes Your Company and Devs Should Seriously Consider – (Copy of this Post Emailed)
My Five (5) Suggestions, Improvements and Fixes -
Please Note: This Post is to help Plarium Global and its Game Developers, Creators to Improve and Fix the Game Raid Shadow Legends and the Overall Experience for all Players, especially for those that support the game and pay to play, like myself. This comment post is not a complaint. I am sharing my fair and honest suggestions, and experiences with Plarium Global, its Game Developers, Creators, Players and the Gaming Community to make the game better for all players.
Dear Plarium Global Devs and Management:
I been playing Raid Shadow Legends since June 14, 2021, and while I like exploring new games from time to time being a long-time gamer, there are many issues in the game your company should seriously consider fixing, and improving. Especially, for the long-term benefit of your loyal Players, your company, and the gaming community your company provides its gaming services to. Without Players and the Community that support Raid Shadow Legends, you wouldn’t have a gaming platform, so hopefully your company will consider my suggestions and take them seriously.
I understand nothing is perfect in this crazy world, but we all know better on how to
improve and make things better, and I always give the games I like to play a fair
chance, no matter how frustrating.
Side note and mention for all Players: On YouTube I strongly recommend for all new players to visit Hell Hades and ASH: RAID Shadow Legends channels - both offer some very helpful tips and guides for all players.
Considering this game launched in July 2018, I am sharing a fair review and my experiences with Raid Shadow Legends so far, here is my overall review and recommended suggestions, fixes and improvements for the game:
Here’s what I like about the game so far: Game graphics are great. The beginning game play is good with the storyline attached. The rewards are generous for a free to play Game, and frankly anyone complaining about it should not. Players are getting free and daily rewards, and that should be appreciated by all Players, regardless. Raid Shadow Legends is fun and challenging to play, I even referred my nephew to play. He likes it so far and gave me his honest feedback about the game too.
The daily rewards are also nice to have. I’ve reached level 48, and still learning about the game mechanics, even though I have run into several frustrating issues, and bugs in the game, I enjoy playing the game so far.
Here’s what I dislike about the game, and my thoughts/experience, suggestions, recommended improvements and fixes for Raid Shadow Legends: Despite the fact that I’ve spent over $300 in the game to date. I have no problem spending money on things I like, but not when there are frustrating issues and game mechanics, some buggy for sure, that make the experience unrewarding, time consuming and not fun for anyone playing. If you want to keep and expand your Player base and community, I strongly suggest you consider the follow:
The First Issue and Biggest Problem in the Game: (Gear Leveling) Your gear leveling system is either badly broken, or it’s made in a way that is of no benefit to any player, and clearly not rewarding, no matter where Players are in their game progress. For only ONE (1) – 3* to 4* star gear to cost over 1 million silver to level up is either a bad broken bug, or worse, that is your set game mechanics which is clearly flawed, unrewarding and clearly misleading to Players when you sell in-game items that offer you to progress faster to take your game to the ‘Next Level.’ Not to mention, it costs many millions more to get to max gear levels for just one to two gear items in the game. That is bad, unrewarding and seriously flawed game mechanics. Also, for the gear upgrade to fail on “High” chance is also a major issue in the game. For gear upgrades to fail 17 times on High is unreal, and seems like a broken game mechanic. That is very bad and unrewarding to say the least, especially when you offer and sell in-game items that offer to help your game progress when in fact it hasn’t helped much at all. Free to play or not, this is not a good part of the game overall, and it should be fixed and improved big time. In fact, it is the worst part of the game, and very hindering to all Players.
Suggested Solution: Bring down the silver cost of gear leveling by 50% and increase the percentage chance of success by 50% for all Free to Play Players, and offer an optional Subscription base to Premium Paying Players for them to pay the current silver prices for them to have guaranteed gear leveling to 16 max level. And if the game mechanics and percentages for gear leveling is simply buggy and broken, fix it as well, because as of this writing, it is very flawed, broken, and very unrewarding. Not to mention, it is the biggest issue and turn off in the game overall, and virtually all of the Players and gaming community agree. It is also one of the main reasons why Players end up leaving the game. It’s a progression game killer, and that is not good to have in any game, especially when Players pay for in-game items and do not progress or get to the ‘next level’ as your company sells and advertises in the game. This can be easily fixed, if your company chooses to fix and improve the gear leveling system in the game for all Players.
Second Issue: (Energy) Your Energy Game system in Raid Shadow Legends is fine for all FREE to play Players, and I get that part. However, I pay for a Raid Card to get extra perks, but I don’t get any extra Energy. When a Player is paying your company to make extra progress in the game, it is not so Free anymore. Your company can fix this, easily.
Suggested Solution: Offer a monthly Subscription game plan that includes unlimited energy, and other in-game perks, so players can make real progress in the game. As much as you offer all kinds of in-game items and a monthly Subscriptions like your Raid Card, you should offer one that has all of the max benefits to allow real progression. This would make the game a lot more fun and rewarding to play. Your company can easily do this, and have a more successful Free to Play game that players can enjoy, even if it’s a grind to make progress. But with an optional paid game subscription that offers real premium in-game perks instead of selling little perks that don’t really help make that much progress, if at
all, would be a BIG game changer for Plarium and Raid Shadow Legends.
Examples of other gaming company that offer Free to Play, but also offer in-game items that
allow for real progress and for players to enjoy. Example: Hearthstone, SWTOR and many other successful games offer true Free to play online games, and charge reasonable prices for in-game items offered optionally for all of their players, which allows all Players to truly enjoy their gaming experience and make progress. Improving on these suggestions would further help expand and support Plarium Global and its gaming platforms.
Third Issue: (Honesty & Pricing in Raid Shadow Legends) Your company should be more transparent about all in-game items Players buy and what they actually do in terms of genuinely progressing in the game, and what real progress and expectations Paying Players should have, especially under your current gaming mechanics. Because it is not very honest at all. As per my own experience, and many other players who PAY your company to make progress in the game to get to the ‘Next Level’ – unfortunately, the progress is minimal at best, but the bugs, game mechanics and grind make it very disappointing when you spend real world money, only to be stuck with many limitations in the game, and there is no real progress even when paying for in-game items. That is very troubling and disappointing to say the least.
Suggested Solution: Like I said, offering a monthly Subscription option and removing in-game limitations would be one big way to fix this. While Free To Play Players should expect limitations, and grinding to progress, Players who Pay your company should NOT have such limitation and progress issues when real money is involved. This is a big issue and a problem your company can fix. Also, your prices for in-game items are ridiculously overpriced for a game system that has major limitations, bugs and issues that hinders game progression in many ways. And it is a big turn off to all Players, as I am sure you already know this by now. Again, it is a problem Plarium Global and its creators can fix.
Fourth Issue: (Arena PvP in Raid Shadow Legends) This can be fun to play, but the biggest problem here is: It is very unbalanced when it comes to (PvP) Player vs Player, not to mention we are not really Playing PvP in real time with another Player is NOT a true PvP experience. Because I am NOT Playing another Player live at all! It's as if there are just a list of opponents that you select, as there is no mutual selection between two players, or groups to join in the PvP Arena. PvP Players can simply choose any opponent in Classic Arena or Tag Team, and the choices all Players have for a real and fair challenge in the game are very limited. For example: Arena PvP opponents in either Arena in terms of Power, are very high in power, to very low in power, and most of the time the list of opponents are much higher in power to challenge, forcing players to “Refresh once for free” then pay 5 to 15 gems to refresh until you find a fair challenge, or wait every 15 minutes for a free refresh, which is a bit time
consuming. So if a players wants to find a decent or fair challenge it can end up costing players extra gems only to find a fair and challenging Arena opponent. Not to mention all of the bots in the game.
Suggested Solution: Program your game AI algorithm to fairly balance and match other players in PvP in terms of Power, level etc. to avoid this issue in the game overall. Since Players in Raid Shadow Legends are not really battling other Players in real time PvP game play, make an option to have Players put together their best Champions to battle in auto mode with opponents of similar Power to compete for rewards, or make PvP truly live where we are playing each other in real time without “Auto mode” as another option. And remove the cost of refresh for all Subscription based premium game accounts for all players, as an added perk for paying Players. You can leave the Refresh option as is for all Free to Play Players, but regardless, you should fix and improve the Arena PvP system so there is not such a major disparity in Power and level between Players. Raid Shadow Legends should be a more fun, fair, challenging and rewarding game system for all Players, especially for those who pay your company to play. This can definitely be improved in many ways.
Fifth and Final Suggestion: (Raid Shadow Legends Storyline, Gear and Unique Looks).
I believe the game can seriously improve and attract a lot more players if you expanded on the game storyline, and expansions to make the game worth spending the time, and money (optionally) to play it. Also, on Champion Gear – Plarium Creators / Developers should allow for players to change their Champions gear appearance and allow for players to make all of their Champions unique in their look and appearance in the game. Imagine all of the in-game items you can sell offering unique gear skins, and appearances in the game from swords, shields armor etc., this is always a fun aspect of any online game and the characters players create. Giving players a creative role with their Champions in the game will attract a huge amount of players, and can lead to another source of fun gaming experience for all players, and much more revenue for Plarium Global and its creators. The possibilities are many in this area, as I am sure you all know.
Whoever is reading this is probably asking why I care. I care when I like something, and spend my time and money on it. And, if I can offer helpful suggestions based on my experiences to help improve things in the game, not only for myself to have a better experience, but for everyone to benefit as well, (Plarium and all Players), it is worth a small effort by sharing this post.
All of these suggestions, recommended game improvements and fixes I have shared in this post can be of tremendous help to Plarium Global and its Creators, and make all Raid Shadow Legends Players, and the Gaming community a lot happier. It would also be a smart move for your company Plarium and its Creators to seriously consider, and incorporate these suggestions into the game. I would be your biggest fan if you did! Thank you all for taking the time and considering my suggestions to help improve the game for everyone.
Remember, it’s FREE to be Kind! So spread some love and kindness in the world, and enjoy your gaming! – Jon Justice – New York, NY USA -😊