This is a designed way to screw the players. These games remove players choice as much as possible. In their tiny lizard greedy brains, player's freedom to make choices and express their thoughts about how they are being treated by the devs, affects their profits negatively. If they screw you, they will even say that showing proof of their crooked ways in a screenshot to Apple Store, Amazon Store, Google Play or whatever, is against their TOS. I haven't read theirs yet, but I have in other games and they claim that. What a joke. They don't have any problem letting youtubers show all kinds of content, until a shadow falls over it exposing their dirty deeds. You guys are smart enough to know that so many players can't be having the same issue, play on different platforms, and think it's in your devices. It's a purposeful move by these guys. It isn't broken, it is crooked. If you spend any more money than just poket change or out of curiosity, and know these things are going on, you can't complain when something crooked or unfair jumps out in the game and give you a nut shot. Play for fun, or casually, but don't fill the pockets of devs in countries that don't know or respect freedom. They will never respect your issues in these games. You may find the odd person who has had positive experiences, but overall, meh. The reviews and ratings are rigged so badly I doubt the devs even trust thier own analytics.