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Live Arena Matchmaking is extremely unfair and stupid

Live Arena Matchmaking is extremely unfair and stupid

23 квіт. 2023, 00:3023.04.23

Live Arena Matchmaking is extremely unfair and stupid

If Plarium developers think this is a fair matchup, I have a bridge to nowhere to sell to the developers. 


I want my arena tokens returned for all these poor matchups where there is no point of me even battling my opponents.

23 квіт. 2023, 01:3623.04.23

and just faced a level 97 when i am elvel 56 no point in wasting my time there....

23 квіт. 2023, 04:1423.04.23
23 квіт. 2023, 04:20(відредаговано)

Gosh, you do give up easily, don't you? How do you expect to be able to learn to win in live arena if you run from every battle that looks like it might be a challenge?

I'm level 65 and routinely beat champions who are lvl 80+. Last night I faced a lvl 99 champion and might have won if I hadn't been so tired I forgot my new Arbiter had a revive skill!

Annoyingly, I also sometimes get beaten by players who are only in the lvl 50's. :D

It's all a learning experience, see which champs play well in which teams, building your own core, finding counter picks that work, choosing the best aura leads, etc.

24 квіт. 2023, 14:5124.04.23

Just got matched with a lvl 99 player. I nearly quit before the fight started, but figured I'd see what I could learn from the fight.

My tanky defensive team can beat this lvl 99 player, that's what I learned. :)

24 квіт. 2023, 14:5524.04.23
24 квіт. 2023, 14:55(відредаговано)

Yes that could happen but it's not the normal case. Facts are it's just plain unfair to put against a opponent who plays years longer than you. This is the reason matchmaking was invented. 

25 квіт. 2023, 00:0825.04.23

Yes that could happen but it's not the normal case. Facts are it's just plain unfair to put against a opponent who plays years longer than you. This is the reason matchmaking was invented. 

Why should you have an easier route to the same in game rewards and ranking as me? Why should I be penalized for farming more or playing longer?

No thank you. This isn't an FPS game. You don't get to make it to Gold Live Arena, G4 Tag, or place Plat without playing the real players there at some point.

25 квіт. 2023, 01:1125.04.23
25 квіт. 2023, 01:11(відредаговано)

Why should you have an easier route to the same in game rewards and ranking as me? Why should I be penalized for farming more or playing longer?

No thank you. This isn't an FPS game. You don't get to make it to Gold Live Arena, G4 Tag, or place Plat without playing the real players there at some point.

very much this. Live Arena started with all of us in the same place and if one isn't able to or inclined to fight through tougher matchups, waiting for tougher opponents to move up rather than complaining seems sensible. 

certainly can use that time to work on builds, get better at team compositions, think about how to do better at the champion selection stage, work on counters, off the top of my head. 

we all started with limited champion pools, limited gear selection. i think most of us who made it to a reasonable stage of PvP (contending for Plat if not in it, Gold tag) understood from an early point that we should be grinding our way through it rather than expecting it to be easy. if I were still in that earlier stage I would probably be focused on farming Gold 5 as much as humanly possible since there's still that loss cap.

27 квіт. 2023, 22:1727.04.23

very much this. Live Arena started with all of us in the same place and if one isn't able to or inclined to fight through tougher matchups, waiting for tougher opponents to move up rather than complaining seems sensible. 

certainly can use that time to work on builds, get better at team compositions, think about how to do better at the champion selection stage, work on counters, off the top of my head. 

we all started with limited champion pools, limited gear selection. i think most of us who made it to a reasonable stage of PvP (contending for Plat if not in it, Gold tag) understood from an early point that we should be grinding our way through it rather than expecting it to be easy. if I were still in that earlier stage I would probably be focused on farming Gold 5 as much as humanly possible since there's still that loss cap.

To your first point, "Live arena started with all of us in the same place..." That's pretty much the downfall here. When a new player starts the game and plays their first ever regular arena match, it's against another team setup from a similar player power, with a similar set of champs. With live arena, meta arena teams are pairs with rookie teams. It's not the same. 

Should a rookie team place Plat with the same number of battles as a meta? No. But, there should have been some thought put into initial ranking. Perhaps all Plat level standard arena are automatically Plat 1 or gold 4 live arena and likewise down the list. 

Telling someone they shouldn't have an easier road than you, when in fact, the current live arena path is much more challenging than when you started is garbage. Let's back this up to when you first started the game and your first 20 arena matches were against gold 4 or higher teams. That's basically what newer players are facing with live arena. 

This new portion of the game is unobtainable for many players due to the poor matching system. It is a great way to discourage new players from wanting to try though, and one availablebpart of the game That's impossible for some will be enough to close accounts. 

27 квіт. 2023, 23:0927.04.23

Besides the stupid Match ups it's slow and boring anyway. What's the point in having a timer if there's no penalty for those who don't select in the time allowed. It's not much different to tag team arena just slower.

27 квіт. 2023, 23:0927.04.23

To your first point, "Live arena started with all of us in the same place..." That's pretty much the downfall here. When a new player starts the game and plays their first ever regular arena match, it's against another team setup from a similar player power, with a similar set of champs. With live arena, meta arena teams are pairs with rookie teams. It's not the same. 

Should a rookie team place Plat with the same number of battles as a meta? No. But, there should have been some thought put into initial ranking. Perhaps all Plat level standard arena are automatically Plat 1 or gold 4 live arena and likewise down the list. 

Telling someone they shouldn't have an easier road than you, when in fact, the current live arena path is much more challenging than when you started is garbage. Let's back this up to when you first started the game and your first 20 arena matches were against gold 4 or higher teams. That's basically what newer players are facing with live arena. 

This new portion of the game is unobtainable for many players due to the poor matching system. It is a great way to discourage new players from wanting to try though, and one availablebpart of the game That's impossible for some will be enough to close accounts. 

I start from the stance that I don't believe anyone is entitled to succeed in a PvP format, especially this one. Success is not guaranteed by gear or champions either, as it is often influenced by experience and time spent improving their knowledge through fights. 

So yes, I think the current system with the loss cap being in Gold rather than Bronze or Silver is not good. It diminishes or outright removes the portion of the game that acts as a knowledge check. This is on top of the fact that it takes place in what I believe to be the wrong tier in Arena, whereas in Bronze/Silver it could help players grow their Great Hall while learning the ropes. I think getting to Gold Classic Arena so quickly - and staying there - gives a lot of players the wrong idea of how PvP is going to work in a competitive setting in Raid.

Please don't put words in my mouth as it pertains to an easier road. When myself and many other folks on the forum started out, the Arbiter quests were more difficult and the speeds necessary to get into and stay in Gold Classic were somewhere around 300.  

Also, a newer player should likely consider focusing on growing their account out through gear grinding, farming Great Hall (which is going to be better for them than the hyper focused Area Bonuses. Coincindentally this is one of the reaosns why comparing Classic and Live Arena is outright silly.), setting up their Clan Boss team, getting impactful champions to 60 so on and so forth. 

I saw the fights getting easier as I climbed out of Bronze into Silver, as the more developed accounts moved their way up so I do think things have been settling a bit in Bronze. That said, Live Arena should be more demanding than say, Bronze Classic as it asks players to have a developed account, or at the very least answers for tough champions and or matchups. 

If someone doesn't want to wait for matchmaking to level off, their accounts to grow, their knowledge to catch up or some combination of the above then they can use their free tokens without worrying about getting demoted in Live while they're in Bronze. 

1 трав. 2023, 18:3201.05.23

Why should you have an easier route to the same in game rewards and ranking as me? Why should I be penalized for farming more or playing longer?

No thank you. This isn't an FPS game. You don't get to make it to Gold Live Arena, G4 Tag, or place Plat without playing the real players there at some point.

I see where you are coming from :) But its not easier - compared to your account lvl abd opponents i should have the same difficulty level to win, even tho my equipment hasn't your stats. I hope that makes sense to you, don't wanna be confusing lol

1 трав. 2023, 20:5701.05.23

I don't mind having even better than 50% of my battles against someone 15 to 30 levels above me but today it was 100% and usually runs about 80%. How hard is it to change it so that there is weighting on level. 

1 трав. 2023, 21:0401.05.23
1 трав. 2023, 21:04(відредаговано)

Let me turn that question around to you - why should you be able to earn medals faster than me if I'm at the same rank as you, just because I have a better account? If you're complaining that you're being matched against people that you have a <50% chance of winning, why would it be fair to instead penalize me?

1 трав. 2023, 21:1501.05.23

Let me turn that question around to you - why should you be able to earn medals faster than me if I'm at the same rank as you, just because I have a better account? If you're complaining that you're being matched against people that you have a <50% chance of winning, why would it be fair to instead penalize me?

I don't think it is an either/or situation. I think that there can be equally matched players that are closer to your own level that have not had an extra year or better to develop their team. 

1 трав. 2023, 21:2601.05.23
1 трав. 2023, 21:31(відредаговано)

Still sounds like I get penalized for all the work I put in. 

I've grinded out my gear and champs for years, just like Krama. Why should it be just as hard for me to play Arena at the lowest levels of Bronze or Silver as it is for a player just getting started? Why do they get to dodge me to reach the same point totals?

Cause it seems that folks want to take away all the gear and champ advantage. Advantages I earned from farming dungeons and CB for over the past 3+ years.

When players like me and Kram move into Gold Live Arena, a brand new player shouldn't be able to do the same at the same time. And in this "only match against players with an account exactly like mine" that is seemingly what you want. You want to move into Gold Live Arena without ever fighting me, or Kram, or DThorne, or anyone else with time in game greater than you, or champs better than yours.

Cause really, it seems some are asking for different tiers of Silver and Gold in the background. Extra secret tiers hiding behind Gold 1 and Silver 4 and Bronze 4. Krama and I go in one bracket, the hard bracket. And some people go in a medium bracket, and some in an easy bracket, and some in a beginner bracket. And everyone gets to farm themselves into the Gold tiers no matter what, getting to the top tiers of Arena never fighting anyone with better accounts than their own

If someone can make it into Gold without ever having to fight an account like mine, and I have to fight mostly the biggest krakens in the game, doesn't seem to me that they've earned the same placement as I have. If you can't fight the teams in Silver or Gold Live Arena, then Silver or Gold isn't where you deserve to be.

1 трав. 2023, 21:3601.05.23

Like I said in the beginning. I don't mind fighting someone 20+ levels than me even more than 50% of the time but this last round it was 100% and most rounds it is 80%+. I think I had one match where they were only 17 levels higher. At least bring that number closer to 50%. 

They can figure out a match making system where someone isn't getting curb stomped 50% of the time. 

1 трав. 2023, 22:0501.05.23

Like I said in the beginning. I don't mind fighting someone 20+ levels than me even more than 50% of the time but this last round it was 100% and most rounds it is 80%+. I think I had one match where they were only 17 levels higher. At least bring that number closer to 50%. 

They can figure out a match making system where someone isn't getting curb stomped 50% of the time. 

Aehm....if you expect to win more than 50% of your matches, you do not seem to realize that you are at exactly the right spot if you get 50% wins.

1 трав. 2023, 22:1201.05.23

I am ok with losing more than 50% of the matches. I just don't want to do it by getting curb stomped time and again, although if I am going to lose a match maybe it is better than having it happen in 5 seconds instead of a 5 to 10 minute fight. 

1 трав. 2023, 22:1801.05.23

I am ok with losing more than 50% of the matches. I just don't want to do it by getting curb stomped time and again, although if I am going to lose a match maybe it is better than having it happen in 5 seconds instead of a 5 to 10 minute fight. 

Have a little patience, this new content is not designed to be n00b friendly.  And certainly will take time until the older/advanced accounts progress.  I am fairly late game and I am not prioritizing LA at all.  It really should be at the very bottom of priorities (use your 10 and move on ....) for anyone under level 100.  

2 трав. 2023, 04:0602.05.23

Still sounds like I get penalized for all the work I put in. 

I've grinded out my gear and champs for years, just like Krama. Why should it be just as hard for me to play Arena at the lowest levels of Bronze or Silver as it is for a player just getting started? Why do they get to dodge me to reach the same point totals?

Cause it seems that folks want to take away all the gear and champ advantage. Advantages I earned from farming dungeons and CB for over the past 3+ years.

When players like me and Kram move into Gold Live Arena, a brand new player shouldn't be able to do the same at the same time. And in this "only match against players with an account exactly like mine" that is seemingly what you want. You want to move into Gold Live Arena without ever fighting me, or Kram, or DThorne, or anyone else with time in game greater than you, or champs better than yours.

Cause really, it seems some are asking for different tiers of Silver and Gold in the background. Extra secret tiers hiding behind Gold 1 and Silver 4 and Bronze 4. Krama and I go in one bracket, the hard bracket. And some people go in a medium bracket, and some in an easy bracket, and some in a beginner bracket. And everyone gets to farm themselves into the Gold tiers no matter what, getting to the top tiers of Arena never fighting anyone with better accounts than their own

If someone can make it into Gold without ever having to fight an account like mine, and I have to fight mostly the biggest krakens in the game, doesn't seem to me that they've earned the same placement as I have. If you can't fight the teams in Silver or Gold Live Arena, then Silver or Gold isn't where you deserve to be.

Problem with the last line in your otherwise fairly logical statement is that at one point, anyone will reach silver, and from there, they cant go back to bronze.... So when the noobs reach the dreadful (for them) 1300, what now? 90% or 95% losses because they don't "deserve" to be there?

Now it may be argued, with some cause, that it is preposterous of newer players wanting to have the same kind of success as the older ones. Nobody will debate this fact.

But it is also preposterous that the older players should think that this content was made exclusively for them. WRONG. It wasn't even made for YOU, nor was it made for mid-game players like me. They have nothing to gain from us really. We're already here, already hooked, whether Live Arena exists or not.

This mode, and this is the irony of it all, was mostly designed to attract NEW players. Probably 80% of the reason why it was done. The other 20% maybe for current player retention. And the way they implemented it, they made it all but possible for them to engage in it with some level of enjoyment. For most of the newer guys, it's just a painful process to farm a tiny amount of PVE bonuses.

And this is why you have threads like this one and the other one and the other one, with people complaining about it. And sometimes, the exact words they choose might seem silly, but the underlying fact is that they're not excited about it, not one bit. 

Instead of always having the initial reaction of wanting to defend your position, maybe take a step back, put yourself in their shoes, and try to understand why it is that these complaints are made. They just may have a point after all. Might not be that they're 100% right, but definitely not 100% wrong either. For my part, being one of the in-between players, I see where both extremes stand and can understand it. but a happy consensus could easily be applied if Plarium put their heads to it.