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(Patch Notes) (04.07.2019) Update 1.8 Patch Notes

(Patch Notes) (04.07.2019) Update 1.8 Patch Notes

6 лип. 2019, 06:0806.07.19
6 лип. 2019, 06:14(відредаговано)

Hi Marius, greetings from Kiev by the way)

Have a question about event to get a Foli. As we see, we should get a 20k points to complete an event.

If we use a simple math, we got 1000 points per day max using all energy game is gaving to us.

So its 10k points for 10 days, then we have to donate(or allready donated) nearly 100 dollars to get energy and XP boosters to complete it.

In that case we have a situation in which new and poor players cant done it anyway, even the are playing 24/7.

Am very happy about a new hero quest but whats the point, if i can donate to shards less than 100 bucks and get an legendary with a very big chance, and also get a rare and epic heroes with it? 

Its aslo bad in a view, that strong donating players will be stronger getting Foli and distance between begginers and old players will growth. Thank for answer previos question (6.1-6,4 art quests still doesnt work by this time) 

6 лип. 2019, 07:0206.07.19
What happened to Templar? His passive skill reacts only once when getting multiple debuffs now. It was usefull in Dragon lair but now is weak and useless.. :(
6 лип. 2019, 09:0706.07.19
6 лип. 2019, 18:56(відредаговано)

The adjusted challenges 6. etc arent registering when you get the drops 

Game also still freezes during all types of combat constantly and then treats than combat as a loss :(
6 лип. 2019, 12:1606.07.19
6 лип. 2019, 12:32(відредаговано)

Overall this update is a severe disappointment for me. The nerfs and steps backwards simply kill any improvements.

- Triple painkeeper nerf (speed/turn meter; heal percentage 15%, prior 25%; heal amount: based on allies max HP instead of own max HP). I regret having spent so much books on her. Those took hours of investment. Useless now.

- Heroes demanding attention beacuase they are completely underpowered got no attention (for example Astralith). Instead ONE void (!) hero got nerfed massively.

- The new fusion is also something which would cost a lot im terms of time and/or money. Something just for hardcore players.

- No RNG improvements: Quality heroes drop chances are already low. What I would have liked to see is an enhancement of mastery scroll drop rates, even with limiting the amount that ca be obtained in a certain period of time, but with better drop amount. The way it's now is a ridicoulous grind and certainly no favor to people having a normal job and trying to play with strategy instead of investing just hours after hours of gameplay. Artifact main stats completely random. Seriously, in real life would you invest time, effeort and money in items that are completely useless with a chance of >90 %? This is just too much randomness. It's becoming more and more a gambling game.

- A multibattle option that is tied to the investment of real money to become somewhat useful at least.

- Significant difficulty invrease in spider dungeon due to spiderlings now having (high) accurcy. Threw me back at least one level. Getting less good items now. Further decrease in money or quality jewelry

Overall you should realize that those changes will most propably make people, that have been willing to spend some money in the past, very careful to do so in the future. Investments like PK are now nearly useless. Unless there RNG is not reduced to a sensible amount and the danger of massive nerfs in this way persists, I will certainly not spend any more money for RSL.


6 лип. 2019, 13:5906.07.19
Geihk said:

The adjusted challenges 6. etc arent registering when you get the drops 
6 лип. 2019, 23:0706.07.19

Marius, please take a look around the forums about a SERIOUS issue here...

While I appreciate you guys throwing a ton of events at us finally, you guys went from one extreme to the other.  The "Champion Training" event is on such a crunch (2,000 points per day to meet deadline), that even with 100% bonus xp AND the 20% bonus from the monthly membership, I am having to play nearly all day and night just to be able to make it there on time.  I mean seriously, ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT long, minus maybe a couple hours each day.

And now on top of it, you guys are adding a "Dungeon Divers" event?!  It's too much at once!  We can't level champions with what little XP we get from the dungeon, nor can we farm the dungeon for an event while leveling champions.  The two events conflict, and with the fact that it is a struggle just to get the champion training done in the 10 day allotment, this is going to make it overall impossible to get Foli, as we will have to pick and choose what we do and do not get done.

Please, have someone take a look in-game, and I am sure you will see that at least 90% of the people in-game are already struggling with champion training as it is.  We really need at least a few more days for champion training please.  This just isn't reasonable. :P
6 лип. 2019, 23:5206.07.19
Can we get a list of heroes who are getting a positive adjustment so we can invest in them and don't waste time/resources on currently good champs that you'll destroy down the road? I've only been playing a short time and you already make me question your loyalty to us customers. Doubt I'll be spending money on this slot machine...ever. Never understood NERFING when you can bring blance by beefing up others or adjusting the game difficulties. 
7 лип. 2019, 03:1307.07.19

yay...Robar now a useless champ. THANKS

Use to be able to stop a Martyr from soloing my arena team but not any more. 
7 лип. 2019, 04:3507.07.19
mija85 said:

God said:

 This just isn't reasonable. :P

Youre here to pay, not to get sht for free 😉
I already am paying, but even with paying, the champion training is VERY difficult to keep up with.  And then now they are adding a dungeon event on top of that.  It's just too much, even for paying customers.
7 лип. 2019, 05:2007.07.19

Hallo wollte mal fragen wieso man nach dem Update keine Kämpfe mehr machen kann was soll den der scheiss das kann  es doch  nicht sein 

7 лип. 2019, 08:2007.07.19
7 лип. 2019, 09:40(відредаговано)

Marius said:

celejmich said:

Oh she was not supposed to be a dedicated healer? That makes me feel so much better after investing tons of non-renewable skill books, gear and time.

So what exactly is she supposed to be? Cooldown reducer? Because the only 2 mechanics about PK are healing and cooldown reducing. And both were nerfed, along A1 just for good measure I guess.

No debuffs, no stuns, no buffs for team, no shields, no burst. What is PK supposed to be now?

Marius, please enlighten us: what is PK supposed to be?

Sarcasm is not going to help you get anywhere, I am afraid. But Pain Keeper is quite tanky, heals allies, and reduces their Cooldowns. She was healing better than actual dedicated healers - which is not really a good thing.

In better news for you, the description is incorrect in the game, mine was fine by the looks of it. Per Game Designer answers, heals everyone based on her MAX HP still. So I am bringing the description back and it'll get fixed in the game too.

Should also point out she is a Rare Champion. Rare Skill Tomes are much easier to come by now as well.

Ok, so you decided to nerf to oblivion hero who wasn't overpowered at all and required a lot of investment (as someone who plays since april, skill tomes are not that easy to get). 

What about heroes like Apothecary or Coldheart? They are both rare heroes and they outperform MAJORITY of epics. Why they weren't touched? Especially Coldheart, she is doing ridiculous things, things legendary heroes would love to do but can't. 

7 лип. 2019, 12:2507.07.19

Actually spider 20, killed in 43seconds with 3 coldhearts   :D

7 лип. 2019, 12:5907.07.19

Just out of curiousity: did you enjoy your exp brew / 5 green shards after the kill? 😂

On a more srs note: what items on those coldhearts? What stats? (Speed, att, accuracy)?

daydinou said:

Actually spider 20, killed in 43seconds with 3 coldhearts   :D

7 лип. 2019, 13:5707.07.19

Good update, took long but it does have some cool new stuff, specially those two new void legendary. What are the odds of getting the event champions on the dungeons? I already spent like 500 energy on spiders den stage 8 (it's where i can easily and quickly farm on auto) and still got nothing, and i still also need to get the champion from the FK dungeon. When u add that to the fact that we are also having the training event which is already impossible to finish or at least impossible to finish for who have a job, spending so much energy on dungeons and still not being rewarded becomes a huge waste pushing you even lower on the training event, and that does really feel frustrating.

Besides if i could i would like ask you about giving some thoughts into the arena progress missions. I believe every other kind of missions i have seen so far are "Ok", but every time i hit specifically the arena missions i hit a huge wall. It's always a demand that is way too hard to achieve and at the very beginning, like on chapter one asking someone to get to silver. I don't know if you realize it but on servers with so many players like NA for example, every party you see on silver has at the very least one good usable legendary already maxed, and asking someone at the beginning of the game to get to their level in order to keep with the progression missions is also frustrating, and thinking about that i don't even know how i will manage to get to gold 4 if the next missions ask me to do so if i don't get insane luck and start getting legendary champs from ancient or spend a thousand dollars on your game. When it is not that it is to collect a MASSIVE amount of medals to improve this and that bonuses. On this we also have 2 different problems; first the time you need to spend to get the amount of medals needed is overwhelming and boring and not even from a life distant equivalent to the time you need to spend on the other kinds of missions (which i believe to be rightfully balanced); and the second problem is that as on your real arena tier where you should be you will face players just as good as you, that means you will hardly win a battle there, picking them up carefully and slowly, which also means you will get way too few medals for it. So the only thing players can do is to set up a troll arena defense with like for example only one uncommon champ with no levels nor artifacts in order to drop ranks, then put your defense back and start climbing back collecting medals on the way, and keep doing that over and over again for a life time until they have the amount of medals needed, but again although that is already frustrating and boring enough that also messes up with the people that needs to climb up for their missions, because if facing the real level of each tier was already extremely hard as i explained above (like a beginner having to face a 50-60 level party with legendary champs to achieve silver), it gets even worst because now these players have to pass through other players from even higher tiers that only had to drop in order to collect medals. I didn't mean to make this so long nor to be someone that only wants to complain (I'm sorry for that), i just felt like giving this feedback to you as i also don't know if you really want these missions to be such walls. Btw in the mean time i was writing this the amount of energy i have spent on the spiders den has increased to nearly 1k and still no treefeller... I don't know what to say bud, sometimes this game is really really frustrating... (tho it's awesome other times).

Anyways thanks for the attention if you read this and have a good day.

7 лип. 2019, 17:1707.07.19

Hey did templar receive a huge nerf? In this patch, he no longer counter attacks for EVERY defuff given to him but rather just one time. I am really sad about this because he was great and I have spent alot of time building him up. 

7 лип. 2019, 19:0007.07.19

mija85 said:

Just out of curiousity: did you enjoy your exp brew / 5 green shards after the kill? 😂

On a more srs note: what items on those coldhearts? What stats? (Speed, att, accuracy)?

daydinou said:

Actually spider 20, killed in 43seconds with 3 coldhearts   :D


8 лип. 2019, 11:4708.07.19

arthurios said:

Overall this update is a severe disappointment for me. The nerfs and steps backwards simply kill any improvements.

- Triple painkeeper nerf (speed/turn meter; heal percentage 15%, prior 25%; heal amount: based on allies max HP instead of own max HP). I regret having spent so much books on her. Those took hours of investment. Useless now.

- Heroes demanding attention beacuase they are completely underpowered got no attention (for example Astralith). Instead ONE void (!) hero got nerfed massively.

- The new fusion is also something which would cost a lot im terms of time and/or money. Something just for hardcore players.


  • I've noted in my post before, she still heals allies based on her HP, but the in-game Skill description has an error. One that I very much hope will be fixed soon, given how it confuses players. So far, the data we have shows that Pain Keeper is still viable. Certainly weaker than before, but she was outperforming dedicated Healer/Support Champions while maintaining an advantage in survivability over many of them as well. 
  • Those Champions are in the queue and will be adjusted. I do agree that one Champion getting a nerf in the Update with no other balance changes is hardly a good idea. It was noted in my report to the Dev Team
  • I am still gathering feedback on the Fusion. It was never meant to be easy, but we will need to compare public feedback with actual hard data to see how different groups of players performed and if it is indeed nearly impossible for f2p players to complete it, as many angry posts claim

petr1ab said:

What happened to Templar? His passive skill reacts only once when getting multiple debuffs now. It was usefull in Dragon lair but now is weak and useless.. :(

A bug was fixed. Counterattack is never meant to happen more than once per enemy attack.

Geihk said:

The adjusted challenges 6. etc arent registering when you get the drops
Game also still freezes during all types of combat constantly and then treats than combat as a loss :(

Challenges should be fixed now. And be sure to update to 1.8.1 for the lag issues. 

God said:

Please, have someone take a look in-game, and I am sure you will see that at least 90% of the people in-game are already struggling with champion training as it is. We really need at least a few more days for champion training please. This just isn't reasonable. :P

I'll pass it along to the Dev Team.

jumanj76 said:

Can we get a list of heroes who are getting a positive adjustment so we can invest in them and don't waste time/resources on currently good champs that you'll destroy down the road? I've only been playing a short time and you already make me question your loyalty to us customers. Doubt I'll be spending money on this slot machine...ever. Never understood NERFING when you can bring blance by beefing up others or adjusting the game difficulties. 

That's not how Champion balance works, sadly. As noted above, at the moment we have every reason to believe Pain Keeper is still viable, and we will keep monitoring her performance.

8 лип. 2019, 14:2608.07.19
good evening.

i thought patch 1.8.1 was out to fixed the gems bug in market? but it does not show up in play store. my market still auto refreshes everytime i open them

8 лип. 2019, 15:1508.07.19
8 лип. 2019, 15:16(відредаговано)
Shamalu said:

good evening.

i thought patch 1.8.1 was out to fixed the gems bug in market? but it does not show up in play store. my market still auto refreshes everytime i open them

Yep, really frustrating as it sometimes kills good offers due to the automatic refresh issue.
8 лип. 2019, 18:2308.07.19
Still losing gems every time the market refreshes. I don't even know how much gems I have lost as I only noticed this today. Please please solve this problem.
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