Cirilla said:
Hello everyone! First of all, I would like to say that we are in the process of discussing teasers about upcoming double-chances events in the game. Since this one is a relatively new thing for us we have not yet worked out the exact order of notifying players about it. And I am sorry for putting tag 'here' instead of 'everyone' in the announcement, in Discord. Just a human factor.@cirilla on other games I played usually they put together with the event. It's not times random and based on schedules.
When summon event started they will give additional features likes below :
1. extra chances to get high ranked hero
2. free summon item when reached certain point
Next times you arrange the event you can try same pattern.
Summon event ----> extra chances to get epic / legendary hero. Ancient / void shard reward after reached certain point. This will help players to complete with the event without spending too much money
@Elviraz Sent this suggestion up the chain!