Ok, i am pretty new to this game but enjoying it a lot and don't mind spending coin on something i like.
I have played multiple MMO games in the past, and spent coin to get an advantage.
After reading all the comments on here about how much it costs etc., i have to say that i do NOT agree with your complaints.
Everyone seems to forget that developers need to be paid their wages and all games that are out there are developed for the owners to make money out of it.
Ofcourse it's very nice that freebies can play the game and advance, but the game lives and/or dies with the money that comes in.
If things would be too easy to get, or sold too cheap, then you take away the advantage from the players that are willing to invest in a game.
There are plenty of options to develop a haven/city/island or whatever one has to develop in the game one is playing at that moment, but the coin players will always have the advantage.
They SHOULD HAVE the advantage!!!
Remember, they are the ones that keep the game alive for the freebies that are not willing to spend coin on this game.
If you go out into town, do you avoid the bars/restaurants and clubs too, because they charge higher prices than the beers you buy in the supermarket/shop and drink at home/park or where you feel comfortable?
Please stop complaining, this system is implemented in EVERY game that's free to play.
And the coin players will and shall always have the advantage.
GREAT game, keep up the good work!!!
PS: Is there anywhere to be found exactly how many etchings are needed per level tp upgrade which particular building?
Would be nice to have that list, so one can plan which buildings to upgrade and which not.