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Wars of Nords

Wars of Nords

21 листоп. 2015, 22:0021.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:45(відредаговано)
21 листоп. 2015, 23:5621.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:55(відредаговано)


A several months of joined effort of several dozen players puffed by a bought advantage?

This goes straight to gaming reviews for never it has been seen more brutal carnage upon ingame balancing systems.


22 листоп. 2015, 00:0522.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:55(відредаговано)

If Plarium hopes we spend as much, they are wrong!

In my clan, we have decided to strike points for this type of palyer ... Nothing to hit !

22 листоп. 2015, 00:1222.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:55(відредаговано)

bon y'a pas a dire je m'efforcerai de ne pas lui laisser le loisir de me piquer des pts, pas d'attaque pas de defense contre ce joueur, il finira par se lasser ou très certainement nous en premier

bien joue plarium votre jeu est pas loin de mourir ...

22 листоп. 2015, 00:2122.11.15


bon y'a pas a dire je m'efforcerai de ne pas lui laisser le loisir de me piquer des pts, pas d'attaque pas de defense contre ce joueur, il finira par se lasser ou très certainement nous en premier

bien joue plarium votre jeu est pas loin de mourir ...

chaque jeu a t-il des joueurs d'argent, nous ne pouvons rien faire à ce sujet ....

Amusez-vous et continuer à jouer comme vous l'aimez, 

22 листоп. 2015, 00:2622.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:55(відредаговано)
jouer comme nous l'aimons ? comment veux tu qu'on joue quand qqn te détruit une obelisque meme si tu la blinde comme jamais une obe à été blindé ? Chaque jeu à ces joueurs d'argent , oui , mais osez me dire que vous avez eu à ce point ; et bien sur que vous pouvez faire quelque chose , mais il vous fait gagner trop d'argent ^^ Donc non on ne peut pas jouer avec quelqu'un comme ça , ce n'est pas du jeu , c'est de la déloyauté . Votre publicité le meilleur jeu de stratégie n'en prend pas un peu de plomb dans l'aile avec cet energumène ? 
22 листоп. 2015, 00:3822.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:55(відредаговано)
This is freaking freak. How the hell can one player have such a power and be more powerful to the whole map united in this short time the game is on? Say what ever you want but no one can deal with this. Ans it kinda disgust me and i'm pretty sure, lot of players from the game. A limit has to be fixed and allow people grow strategies as it is said (a strategic game).
22 листоп. 2015, 01:0922.11.15

kingainer said:

jouer comme nous l'aimons ? comment veux tu qu'on joue quand qqn te détruit une obelisque meme si tu la blinde comme jamais une obe à été blindé ? Chaque jeu à ces joueurs d'argent , oui , mais osez me dire que vous avez eu à ce point ; et bien sur que vous pouvez faire quelque chose , mais il vous fait gagner trop d'argent ^^ Donc non on ne peut pas jouer avec quelqu'un comme ça , ce n'est pas du jeu , c'est de la déloyauté . Votre publicité le meilleur jeu de stratégie n'en prend pas un peu de plomb dans l'aile avec cet energumène ? 

Je comprends ce que vous dites, je voulais jouer comme vous avez, faites votre expérience de jeu amusant pour vous, thats ce que je fais, je ne permets pas à les guerriers cc ruiner mon expérience de jeu, il n'y a rien que je puisse faire à ce sujet, et ce il paie pour avoir ces troupes paie pour nous de jouer le jeu .... Malice déjà nouvelle façon PIP a joué, comme il l'habitude d'être Malice, nous allons reconstruire et nous allons déchirer merde appart fois de plus que nous sommes MALICE - sans aucun doute

- My french sucks sorry - 

I understand what you are saying, I meant play as you have, make your gaming experience fun for you, That's what i do, i do not allow the cc warriors ruin my gaming experience, there is nothing i can do about it, and what he pays to have those troops pays for us to play the game.... Malice already new how PIP played, as he used to be Malice, we will rebuild and we will rip shit appart once more AS WE ARE MALICE - no doubt

22 листоп. 2015, 01:1522.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:44(відредаговано)

no problem blasphemy , malice has always be respectful and always kept his word with his allies, I am very grateful 

22 листоп. 2015, 01:3322.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 17:08(відредаговано)
Have no doubt, we like Malice and the game as they are playing. In Heaven or in Hell we will still allies with honnor !  ;)
22 листоп. 2015, 04:0122.11.15

Hello Nords World.  I am the Chief of UNITED LEGION and a Nords Moderator.  UNI Clan was able to gain the Conquerors achievement level 5 just from taking Malice Obelisks.  Clan UNI is one Month Old. This was in part to the support of Clan NOD, VAN, and 5th Amendment.  And of course a special thanks to our intelligence officer ;-)

We did not take out the heavily defended last 2 Obelisks that Malice held.  This was all PIPO and Vanguard.  Last estimates on the Defense of the two Pipo took was about 60 Million or about 230K ish troops.  

Just a note.  Clan Malice got its roots from a collection of heavy coiners(Credit Card Players).  Keep that in mind before judging PIPO.  They got bored and ventured to others games or reached their limits.
22 листоп. 2015, 04:0822.11.15
22 листоп. 2015, 07:05(відредаговано)

Pipo being one of then those you are talking about.. keep that in mind. Also while you got the achvs, Uni only took one that we tried to defend.Our gift to you. It should be noted "one" of the reasons Pipo left was because he basically wanted to destroy the whole map and we said no and i  mean all clans big & small. Pipo lost 61,434,533 in offense taking our obelisk, without knowing his bonuses and such he probably launched 80-90 million in attacks. Your number posted is without bonuses and straight stats.

22 листоп. 2015, 05:4922.11.15

On another note (lol), I suffered defeat...and it's a bitter pill to swallow one way or another.

What needs to happen next (IMO), is to show what Clan you are. It's a Clans Actions after a defeat that truly define how that clan is.

Either Malice shall rise from the defeat and become stronger or it will slowly disappear. 

The Actions of all clans involved has been done...it's what happends next. 

Malice............ The Ball is in your court, what you guys do from this point on In the Game shall define you.

So...no more words, lets see some action. Rise from the ashes like a Phoenix, or stay buried in the ground and with time be Forgotten.

So Sayeth the Prince of all Stars.

22 листоп. 2015, 06:1822.11.15
22 листоп. 2015, 06:20(відредаговано)
Thanks Starless..but we will define ourselves and already have, no one else will:) Stay or go, we have made our mark on the game and will always be written in the history of the game along with Solstice & Vanguard, it is yet to be seen about the other clans.
22 листоп. 2015, 06:4622.11.15
All right, well let's see what you guys do "next"... is what I'm saying.
22 листоп. 2015, 07:0322.11.15

It's HOT in here 

I think all smaller clans must be thankful to Pipo for stirring the whole Obelisk map up. If not him we would still have the same trio, Vanguard, Malice and Solstice holding tight to their Obelisks and the rest of the world would have to fight for 1 "trapped" Obelisk. I must say well done Pipo!

Its a pity you are not the Orc warrior, cause I would be glad to have you in THE ORCS army. Listen, change your ugly norsemen into Orc warrior and join us. I would appoint you to wormfood right away. What do you say?


22 листоп. 2015, 07:4722.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 17:02(відредаговано)

if these obelisks were taken to the fair , your speech would work, but this come to a point that absolutely no one can ever counteract this player , just in advance raid ranking, it will take at least 1 year , I 'm not talking about those who use their credit card for convenience and intelligence game , I speak of indecency , you have obelisks great, but told you that it what it wants it's the score explode

22 листоп. 2015, 08:1122.11.15
25 квіт. 2020, 12:07(відредаговано)

turbomaster74 said:

I am the Chief of UNITED LEGION and a Nords Moderator. And of course a special thanks to our intelligence officer ;-)

This is so funny, how you are acting so proud. Aren't Moderators supposed to follow the Plarium TOS? I think it's time to come clean and tell us. Do you, forcefull, kitsune and novastorm have alts in other clans? I have none and never did, of course. You can answer honestly... mods should be trusted to play by the rules, right? 

22 листоп. 2015, 08:2222.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 17:02(відредаговано)


ce n'est pas des troupes qu'il a ce joueur, a ce point la c'est de l’indécence, plarium lui a offert les clefs du serveur ?

la strategie  devient celle de la plus grosse carte bleue,  prenez les Obelisques elles ne servent plus a rien, juste a donner des points XP

a un joueur de ce type sans que vous puissiez en gagner contre lui ... amusant 

22 листоп. 2015, 12:5322.11.15
29 груд. 2018, 17:03(відредаговано)

I’m afraid some are missing the point here. UNI clan engaged the war against one of the top clans, and did it with collective effort of majority of its members along with the support of its alliances. So, their success was the result of good intelligence, careful planning, solid diplomacy and outstanding leadership that managed to execute this strategy. So, honestly, for the rest of the server, there isn’t much left to do but to congratulate them on their won battles, just like the leader of loosing party did:

However, the problem I can’t stress enough is in the way Malice lost their last 2 obelisks to a single player. Keep in mind that Malice leadership decided to withdraw all collective defense, accumulated by vast number of their members over the period of 4 months, to just two obelisks of their choice making them ‘meat grinders’ as some of Malice enemies would call them. In any game, this would prove to be a sound strategy with next to zero chance of failure. But not here.

Look, please try not to make a mistake and blame Pipo2 for what happened. The ‘mate’ was just playing within game rules frame setup. And if you allow an example, try to imagine a human society (and every gaming community can be considered a reflection on basic society principles) in which, by defined rules (laws), one can do everything one desires as long as he/she pays a corresponding fee for their actions. In other words, theft, rape, murder is absolutely legit as long one has money to pay for it. Now, don’t go and make a mistake and call upon of morality of each individual from that society to refrain themselves from such harmful activities. Individual morality was never the sound building block of society, and therefore we do have rules (law) in the first place.

Finally, we all are here because we love this game’s concept, its art, playability and social interactions we have build within it, but I’m afraid this kind of unbalance, allowed by game rules would eventually destroy it.