Domika said:
they have made it so people get more battleground each day....
Sorry Domika, that is not entirely true. What about those players who only kill the highest BG?
I copy:
IMPORTANT: Don’t worry, you’re not receiving any fewer Battlegrounds – in the past, you received 24 Battlegrounds with only ONE Level-up Battleground. Now you can receive 24 Battlegrounds, but with 2 Level-up Battlegrounds per day – you just have to defeat the first 12!
End of copy.
That's not how it worked.
you recieved 12 off and 12 def BG's a day. If you play on only the highest level BG, destroyed it, you get inmediatly a level up, destroy it, get a new level up etc.
You could go 10 to 12 levels up in 24 hours.
This new way of battleground is in fact less battlegrounds level-ups a day, you can only get 1 or 2 levels up.
This is just a way to slow down certain type of BG players totally. (like i am)
Just a small calculation:
Old system 10 level up a day = 125/10 = 12 days to gain to level 125 BG
New system, 1 level-up a day = 125 days to get to level 125
or destroy all BG, = 2 level up = 62,5 days !
But on the higher levels, you don't destroy all 24 BG's you don't want to do that because you will remain with zero army if trying that.
theoretical you can get more BG a day, but less level ups a day so playing on BG to level up is drastical delayed. So what seems to be a benefit is in fact a terrible slow down in the game. What you could do in 12 days is now doable in 125 days! This is very slowing down gameprogress and a bad solution.