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SO I LOST, MY STRONHOLD IS ONLY LEVEL 3, i cant do battle in my stronhold

SO I LOST, MY STRONHOLD IS ONLY LEVEL 3, i cant do battle in my stronhold

1 апр. 2022, 16:2901.04.22

SO I LOST, MY STRONHOLD IS ONLY LEVEL 3, i cant do battle in my stronhold


1 апр. 2022, 16:3701.04.22

Or do i mis something ?? 

His stronghold was level 4

1 апр. 2022, 20:4601.04.22
2 апр. 2022, 03:53(отредактировано)

Your opponent won three categories, your clan won three categories, the outcome was decided by the side with the highest total points which is your opponent.

You are correct that your clan cannot initiate battle in your stronghold.  To start a siege your SH must be level 4 and you must also build the Tower of Odin in the SH.  Then, at the cost of 100 precious dust, you can start a siege.

It seems to me that a contest between a clan that can initiate a siege and one that can't is somewhat one sided and Plarium International Ltd might change their matching criteria to prevent that.  But don't hold your breathe for such a change - it is not the sort of things that gets attention from the developers.

I guess you think that, but for your opponents being able to win the SH siege categories, your clan would have won this contest.  However your opponents knew that they could win those categories and rack up enough points to win overall so they did not have to try very hard in the three categories your clan won.  From the look of the scores this was a match in which - even leaving aside the SH disparity - you were overmatched.

You did have one chance to snatch victory.  Had you intervened in your opponents siege you would have scored points in the Killing enemy warriors during an attack category - which your opponents could not have answered.  If the other scores remain the same you then win four categories to three.  To overturn that outcome your opponents would have had to catch and overtake your clan in one of the other categories.

P.S.  Your caps lock is stuck.

1 апр. 2022, 23:5901.04.22
2 апр. 2022, 00:17(отредактировано)

At the risk of upsetting some by sticking my nose in where it is not appreciated.

First I am sure that John knows much more than I do about siege of the stronghold and tactics to use in competitions so I wouldn't try to out do him on that. 

Though I would add to  your findings, and his suggestions that you probably had an unfavourable draw, and that you were not that far ahead in the categories that you were leading in, such that if you had managed to score in the category where no points were gained that your opposition couldn't have still won the match  4:3 or better, than the win on points they got from  the 3:3 draw.

All this aside,I would suggest you think carefully about upgrading the stronghold to level 4, perhaps read the posts about players regretting advancing their game progresss in general, or upgrading the stronghold.

First thing I noticed was that you wrote ''I lost'' and ''My  stronghold'' which made me wonder if that's what you meant,and you are a one man clan,if this is the true my suggestion about  not upgrading could be more significant.

A one person clan, or even a clan with few members ,could find it more difficult to win on seige battles against a clan with more members with access to larger armies.

Also currently, not just your opponent, but any clan can attack a  stronghold siege ,which is something small clans have complained about.

Whether it is just  you in the clan, or many, when the draw is made you have to consider what are your chances of winning, there's not a lot of reasons for spending a lot of effort if it looks like you are outnumbered from the outset.

Maybe you do this already, maybe you win most of your matches, and this is the first time you lost a drawn match to a clan with a stronghold siege. If you upgrade to level 4 you could find  that  more  of your opponents have siege capability, and your wins decrease in number.

Final point can you obtain enough legendary gems for the precious dust that you need?

Except I forgot to add read this Plarium post.

''Tips for activating Siege status in the Stronghold'' 


Here is something  else I just looked at that John wrote  peviously on the subject of siege  and accumulating gems for  precious dust.


2 апр. 2022, 00:4502.04.22

Ty both for the reaction, he went strait for the stronghold siege, because he knew i could not do it.

And i was offline when he did it. So not fair, the game should give me one with level 3 Stronghold same as i have, but yes will keep an eye open next time if again a level 4 i will not play. That way plarium will lose the money i usual spend. Again ty both for the reaction.

3 апр. 2022, 07:5903.04.22

Ty both for the reaction, he went strait for the stronghold siege, because he knew i could not do it.

And i was offline when he did it. So not fair, the game should give me one with level 3 Stronghold same as i have, but yes will keep an eye open next time if again a level 4 i will not play. That way plarium will lose the money i usual spend. Again ty both for the reaction.

Hi VJAL! In the Clans Battle all Clans within their Leagues are divided into pairs according to their Influence and activity in the previous Competitions: https://vikingsweb-support.plarium.com/web/en/guide/clans-battle/clans-battle-competition-features

Stronghold level is not counted👍

Anyway, I have forwarded your feedback further. Thank you for being with us😇

3 апр. 2022, 11:2003.04.22

You give "Stronghold level is not counted" a thumbs up.  Would you care to explein what it is about ignoring stronghold level which is considered to be a good thing?

3 апр. 2022, 15:0303.04.22

You give "Stronghold level is not counted" a thumbs up.  Would you care to explein what it is about ignoring stronghold level which is considered to be a good thing?

I got your point, John, and have forwarded this feedback to the developers🙂

If you have any other questions or suggestions regarding the matchmaking functionality, feel free to share them with me🙌

10 апр. 2022, 09:1810.04.22
10 апр. 2022, 09:28(отредактировано)

I like John's first reply but if the sh siege occurred early in the game then I would imagine the oponent would have worked hard to win one other category  (like troop training) just before the end  to secure the win on points? (So that as John suggested, you were outmatched anyway).

10 апр. 2022, 09:2410.04.22

(Our clan does have lv4  SH but not enough troops to defend it successfully, and I have the impression that Plarium alternates us with clans that does not have a level 4 SH so that we can win every 2nd or 3rd cvc even with a failed defence of our SH. )

10 апр. 2022, 14:0510.04.22
10 апр. 2022, 14:09(отредактировано)

I like John's first reply but if the sh siege occurred early in the game then I would imagine the oponent would have worked hard to win one other category  (like troop training) just before the end  to secure the win on points? (So that as John suggested, you were outmatched anyway).

Difficult but  not impossile to do.

Hampered here by being one against many.

Also problematic if the CvC ends during sleep.

The whole problem is not new.

I appreciate it may be difficult ,wieldy,or  perhaps even impossible to achieve otherwise, but competitions, and levels in them should not just be based on influence alone.

Numbers in clan should count, as well as actual playing parameters of individual players.


Events and levels  and opponents should be geared to what can,is, actually normally done,not what is considered should be done, or is done by players/clans near the top in their leaagues who find targets and winning relatively easy.

11 апр. 2022, 00:3911.04.22

My main gripe on CvC is the fact we are time after time being matched against 1 man clans, usually Russian, & formed within a week or so of the event. We are a small outfit of low spenders & can't compete vs 1 guy who outspends & outguns us. I'm sure these 1 man outfits just form for CvC and return to their main clan after the event.

11 апр. 2022, 01:1511.04.22

My main gripe on CvC is the fact we are time after time being matched against 1 man clans, usually Russian, & formed within a week or so of the event. We are a small outfit of low spenders & can't compete vs 1 guy who outspends & outguns us. I'm sure these 1 man outfits just form for CvC and return to their main clan after the event.

Same thing regularly happens to us, small clan getting paired against a 1 man coiner team who has higher infl than all of us combined. we can't compete in a fight & they use $ to beat us in other fields.

No wonder people are quitting the game in their droves.

11 апр. 2022, 14:5611.04.22

It doesn't take much to figure out what is going on and why?

It's either done deliberately,or its a natural occurrence of continued unintended consequences of ill thought out updates. 

20 апр. 2022, 04:3520.04.22

Ivar. The link you provided comes up "page not found"

21 апр. 2022, 09:3821.04.22

Still nothing did change for me in the clan v clan battle, my enemy clan did get support from the strongest clan there. And i did get a bad repute, needless to say i lost again. they also did attack me thogeter with my enemy clan. I to spend 75/100 € to try to win the game every CVC. 


Again i need to rethink on how im going to play this game and spend less money, is that what plarium wants ? 

21 апр. 2022, 09:5921.04.22
Ivar Marksman

Hi VJAL! In the Clans Battle all Clans within their Leagues are divided into pairs according to their Influence and activity in the previous Competitions: https://vikingsweb-support.plarium.com/web/en/guide/clans-battle/clans-battle-competition-features

Stronghold level is not counted👍

Anyway, I have forwarded your feedback further. Thank you for being with us😇

If i get matched with to a level 4/5 enemy stronghold i know i lose the game anyway, they only need to spend some dust and fight in the battle of stronghold AND BAM THEY WIN 3 levels, while i need to work on getting warriors, upgrading clan, attacking invaders and ghosts. If they start battle in stronghold i need to be home and awake. This time i was awake but with help from that other clan i lost again tyvm.

21 апр. 2022, 15:0121.04.22

It is beyond me to understand the satisfaction which spending 75 euro to buy a "victory" brings.

You could try playing Vikings: War of Clans instead.  The satisfaction of victory then comes from thinking that you have shown greater application or better understood the game mechanics than your opponents.

21 апр. 2022, 16:2821.04.22

It is beyond me to understand the satisfaction which spending 75 euro to buy a "victory" brings.

You could try playing Vikings: War of Clans instead.  The satisfaction of victory then comes from thinking that you have shown greater application or better understood the game mechanics than your opponents.

you cant play Vikings War of Clans if you dont spend money, how else you will kill invaders and ghosts, get more warriors, and upgrade your Stronghold, you cant buy victory you also need to work for it.

21 апр. 2022, 20:5821.04.22

I have played for a number of years without spending any money.  You gain the materials needed from those made available within the game.

Join a clan and ask one of the experienced players to teach you how to play.