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Questions about getting attacked

Questions about getting attacked

24 авг. 2021, 00:4324.08.21

Questions about getting attacked

Small backstory of my experience with base defense/strategy games: I've been playing these games for 10-20 years and I started playing Vikings: WoC 8-10 days ago.

In every other base defense game, you normally get a shield after getting attacked either once, many times or if you lose the whole base. Our bases don't get destroyed here, but my issue is with something else.

My base is at around lvl 17. The highest level of units I'm able to train is lvl 3. I did all the upgrades that I could find that help the type of units I'm training and I used up all of my speedups to train as many of them as I could. I didn't forget about the hero talents, I went for the unit training speed reduction talents and all the other ones that were beneficial for me (I understand that there might be many builds, but I went for the ones that make my army as strong as possible and help me train them as fast as possible).

I only managed to train about 100k units, that's the most I could train after using all of the resources and speedups I could use. I've been doing this every day, training all the units as fast as I can and upgrading them to the maximum.

But there's one issue, I'm getting farmed like 5-10 times a day by stronger players and there's nothing I can do about it. I understand that investing money in this game makes a good difference, but I don't understand how I'm suppose to progress without it. It's impossible to even exist for a day without losing all of your units and resources.

Are there any key things that I'm missing here?

24 авг. 2021, 01:3124.08.21
24 авг. 2021, 02:05(отредактировано)


If you hve been playing this type of game for so long you ought to have more idea, though it can take some figuring out here.

First thing I would say is , think about the tortoise and the hare. 

I woud say you have been the hare so far.

To stop loosing your resources in raids you need a shield. Purchased with gold or given free or won sometimes.

If you only started playing recently and are in a new kingdom, it will be frantic because everyone is trying to get ahead, so any  'free rides' will be taken avantage of.

24 авг. 2021, 14:1824.08.21

That makes sense. I figured this out shortly after I wrote this. It didn't seem like I could afford to have a shield forever (if I wanted to) in the beginning, but right now it seems fair to use the gold/coins that I win here and there to buy the shields. Now everything makes a bit more sense.

24 авг. 2021, 19:5424.08.21

Forget about training alot of troops, you have barely scratched the surface. You are far away from being any capable fighter at town level 17. 

Complete some of the acheivements in this game, like getting someone to block you 10 times for level 1 "Rarest of vikings" this will get you some gold to keep a shield up. You need hero energy to build your troop set, join a clan. You can get special items if they got the schematics and build in the stronghold.

Also this is a pay to play game, you wont get very far not paying. Not a fighting kind of player in any case! 

27 авг. 2021, 16:1527.08.21

How safe is the stronghold area

28 авг. 2021, 12:5828.08.21

Safe in what respect?

Do you mean your own or someone elses?  

Though thinking about it , its not going to be that much difference and its going to be dependant who owns it and what they feel about it.

29 авг. 2021, 12:4629.08.21

Click on "Items" and scroll down to "Retreat, Large Coffer" and "Retreat, Huge Coffer".  You get a shield and a relocation item at a good price in gold.

The best source for gold is checkpoints in clan events so join a worthwhile clan (of course that improves your game experience in lots of other ways also).  By a worthwhile clan I mean one in which the Chief and Elders have been online within the last few hours and there are few, or better no, members who have not been online for weeks, months or years.

Good luck.

1 сент. 2021, 07:4401.09.21

I have a few more questions, I have a peace treaty shield, I made my own clan (I'm aware that this is not the best idea, I'm just testing stuff out):

Can I still get attacked by others even if I have a shield? In specific, other clans? 

Do you only go against one clan at a time or is it free for all, anyone attacks anyone? Can you accept or deny a war request or is it automatically chosen which clan you go against?

And the last question, is it normal to receive millions of coins as a gift out of the blue? 20m Seems like a lot.


P.S. It's a bit hard to find answers to some things, seems like the majority of the guides are in Russian and I don't speak or understand enough to ask anything in that language. Thanks for the answers btw.

1 сент. 2021, 13:0901.09.21

I have a few more questions, I have a peace treaty shield, I made my own clan (I'm aware that this is not the best idea, I'm just testing stuff out):

Can I still get attacked by others even if I have a shield? In specific, other clans? 

Do you only go against one clan at a time or is it free for all, anyone attacks anyone? Can you accept or deny a war request or is it automatically chosen which clan you go against?

And the last question, is it normal to receive millions of coins as a gift out of the blue? 20m Seems like a lot.


P.S. It's a bit hard to find answers to some things, seems like the majority of the guides are in Russian and I don't speak or understand enough to ask anything in that language. Thanks for the answers btw.

Hi Mike! 

1. Your Town can't be attacked if it is protected by the Peace Treaty item👍

2. You can find the necessary information on marches and attacks here: https://vikingsweb-support.plarium.com/web/en/guide/marches

3. The reward shown on the screenshot is our Birthday giveaway gift: https://www.facebook.com/VikingsWarOfClans/posts/4352848524735851

Enjoy it😇

You can get acquainted with the game functionality features in our official Game Guide by the following link: https://vikingsweb-support.plarium.com/web/en

Have a wonderful day🙏

1 сент. 2021, 13:4101.09.21
1 сент. 2021, 14:03(отредактировано)

You have an official answer to your question, but I think you might need further clarification.

Your second question about wars and battles mixes up several things.

If you have just started playing , you are probably in a new kingdom, which tends to be a free for all, as everyone where tries to progress  as quickly as possible.

Events  where you are competing against other clans are organised by the owners and you take part accidentally or deliberately by what you do with your account.

Wars are started by clans who have arguments with others.

As they have just changed the rules, and you are a new starter , it could be a very long time before you need to worry about the Clan v Clan competition, where the opponent was drawn for you.You couldnt refuse the match, but were not forced to do anything.

Presently you need 1,000,000,001 influence points, some of us have been playing years and are no where near that amount of points and are thus excluded from this event..


I have just checked on something,and either I didnt realise it before , or its since been revised, ALL clan competitions require a minimum of 1,000,000,001 influence. 

Ivar explained the surprise gift.

Occasionally you might get things from the game this way.

Otherwise , you know beforehand what the rewards are, and a message is sent when you reach the level set.

The exception to this is when its a kingdom wide match, and the members of the clan , only get the personal rewards if the match is won, when again you will get a system message.

If you do the achievents etc, you will also get official notice and rewards.

11 сент. 2021, 13:5511.09.21

Best advice I received was to build knowledge before troops. I aim for knowledge to be at least 80% of my total influence.

You also need the right gear for your hero and shaman. Recommend making best royal guard gear you can for your hero and upgrading each piece to legendary as you get the items. This will help kill invaders, which you need to do to get the items.

By the way killing invaders and ghosts count towards The Hunt Has Only Just Begun Achievement, which gives good amounts of gold.

Good luck

11 сент. 2021, 15:0811.09.21

The topic of the right gear has been mentioned before, perhaps even by you.

As, I am sceptical in particular of the merits of the Royal Guardsman gear.

I should like to see a proper analysis ,including when to start, when to upgrade, a break even point ,and all costs,rather than the parroting of the 'do this'

I appreciate that there are many ways to play this game,which complicates everything. 

11 сент. 2021, 15:5411.09.21

That this is a complicated game is very true. 

With right knowledge and with Hero Invader skills maxed except Increased Hero Energy then without Royal Guard it's 1052/hit on Uber but with top gear it's 916/hit (without any Hero boost). The more powerful the hit the better chance of higher grade items being dropped from any level of Invader but, obviously,  better the higher the invader.

Invader knowledge needed to unlock higher invaders and improve power of hits and sustained attack. I have a town with a level 59 hero and only Lvl 5 Oracle which gives max bonus of 345%. At higher levels of Oracle this rises to a max of 600%, hence better gear if multiple hits up to max boost rather than a kill with enhanced hit and less hero juice used.

Suggest you join a Clan with active members who will help with more tailored advice.😀

11 сент. 2021, 16:0111.09.21

Also look under Games Database section of the Forum

11 сент. 2021, 16:2111.09.21

Thanks,I am pretty smart ,though I do not know everything, advice becomes obsolete as the game changes, and just because it says something official somwhere, doesn't mean that it's accurate (just asnswered your other post about the silver levy)  or not misleading or misdirecting.

My comment about a realistic analysis  of the merits of R.G.M gear , wasn't personal. I just want to see real proof, not I was told its good so I pass it on.

11 сент. 2021, 18:0511.09.21

No problem and no offence taken. As you say, always changing. Just when it seems to make sense it gets changed or something new is added.

Doesn't seem all that long ago when someone with 1 billion influence was a seriously strong player 😂

12 сент. 2021, 00:3312.09.21

For my two cents worth: dont bother making any gear unless it is epic (purple) or legendary. You lose too much upgrading lower level gear. Select gear items that give at least 20% boost. Items giving 2% or 3% isn't going to make much difference. The wait for better gear will pay off in the long run. And 4 gems or runes on separate items will give  a greater boost than the same 4 gems or runes combined on a single item. The gems and runes you can remove and upgrade without any loss.

12 сент. 2021, 00:4812.09.21
12 сент. 2021, 01:31(отредактировано)


' without Royal Guard it's 1052/hit on Uber but with top gear it's 916/hit (without any Hero boost). The more powerful the hit the better chance of higher grade items being dropped.'  

This section of your post,and its apparent contradiction, is only one of the reasons behind my scepticism. 

Is the number of hits in each case the same ?

Hitting with less energy isn't much of  saving if you end up using more hits.

Hitting with a larger force may result in an improved drop. 

1052 v 916.? 1052 seems the best option unless the force is the same, but just costs less energy.


The piece of RGM gear that I accidentally built ,( I didn't know then ,what the potential penalties might be, in cancelling the forging process) has no effect on energy used.

12 сент. 2021, 01:1512.09.21

xyz: once you reach your maximum boost the force stays the same as does the energy cost - at that point I just use the enhanced attack option and finish with one hit. 

12 сент. 2021, 01:2812.09.21
12 сент. 2021, 01:28(отредактировано)

xyz: once you reach your maximum boost the force stays the same as does the energy cost - at that point I just use the enhanced attack option and finish with one hit. 

Thanks I am aware of that, some advocate carrying on with single hits.

Ages ago I was tempted to do, what many of the big hitters are doing all the time now, i.e. see if I could one hit kill an Uber, and test the quality of the drop.

12 сент. 2021, 01:2912.09.21

Mike21daisu: and don't get sucked in trying to be the biggest -  there is ALWAYS someone stronger . There are now more than 70 players with well over 10,000,000,000,000 influence (strength)  each. The bigger you get, the bigger the oponents you come up against, ..... and the more attractive you become as a target for much bigger players  - they need to kill many more higher level troops to get the rewards they need and  hitting small towns becomes a waste of time.