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Plarium Just killed small clan combat by raising the requirement for Holmgang to 3T influence

Plarium Just killed small clan combat by raising the requirement for Holmgang to 3T influence

19 авг. 2021, 14:2019.08.21

Uhm... SH Siege get you soul shards if you manage to make kills, but it is limited to the number of attackers based on the level of your Tower of Odin. It's all fixed and there is a maximum you can earn. 

In Holmgang you get three rounds of 15min to destroy 3 fortresses per turn. It's not difficult to destroy at least one every turn, depending on the level. If you are strong enough you can destroy two or three per turn. There's 10 to 20 times more troops in every fortress than in a wave of Siege tower lvl 1. Catching 10m soul shards is really not difficult.

I hope this clarifies that Holmgang is needed for faster growth. Unless you don't know about the millions of soul shards needed to raise each of your buildings after lvl 35 of course. In that case you know now.

Yes I know about SH siege ... it is just that you mentioned it in your OP so it confused me if that had anything to do with Homgang ... and yes I do realize about the need for soul shards ... 

19 авг. 2021, 14:2119.08.21

Also I see where you now need clan influence of 1T for Holmgang ... but I do not see where they say you need clan influence of 3T for Holmgang ...

You must have missed it. It seems to have been removed. Notice that if that would be the case, Ivar would surely have pointed that out. Maybe they are reconsidering. I sure hope so.

19 авг. 2021, 14:2119.08.21
19 авг. 2021, 14:27(отредактировано)

Also I see where you now need clan influence of 1T for Holmgang ... but I do not see where they say you need clan influence of 3T for Holmgang ...

19 авг. 2021, 14:3219.08.21
19 авг. 2021, 14:34(отредактировано)

3T was announced yesterday. 1T was announced aug 7. I assume the most recent T3 is correct since it was not denied by Ivar. 

19 авг. 2021, 14:3519.08.21

3T was announced yesterday. 1T was announced aug 7. I assume the most recent T3 is correct since it was not denied by Ivar. 

I would not be sure that Ivar picked up on that ... anyways ... seems you were not happy with the 1T either ...

19 авг. 2021, 14:3919.08.21

I would not be sure that Ivar picked up on that ... anyways ... seems you were not happy with the 1T either ...

Because they didn't announce it. I had prepared everything and then I couldn't join. Nothing to be happy about to be left out without a word.

19 авг. 2021, 14:4219.08.21

Did you have a look at WN Hub yet? I joined the birthday contest and was selected for the performance catergory. I think I'm the only one with a poem. Give me a vote if you like it. I need some good energy.

19 авг. 2021, 14:5919.08.21

Did you have a look at WN Hub yet? I joined the birthday contest and was selected for the performance catergory. I think I'm the only one with a poem. Give me a vote if you like it. I need some good energy.

I have not looked at that yet ...

21 авг. 2021, 03:1621.08.21

I am also livid that plarium went to 3T influence. total BS. I have two large accounts and this just makes me not want to spend another cent.  

21 авг. 2021, 09:0521.08.21

Lust for speedy growth fuels the game but is not the sole satisfaction it affords, particularly for someone with a taste for strategy.  You might try dveloping some different objectives.  You have not bothered with either clan or kingdom development which is a pity.  In a clan based game that limits your play dramatically.

All gameplay is about finding ways to operate effectively within the confines of its rules.  Moaning about rules is both pointless and pretty much death to strategic thinking.

21 авг. 2021, 11:4021.08.21

It does look like it has now been changed to 3T clan influence influence ... 2nd change in 2 weeks ... 

21 авг. 2021, 18:5521.08.21
21 авг. 2021, 20:46(отредактировано)
Ivar Marksman

Hi MobyDick! I am very sorry that you are not happy with the last Competition changes. All updates are thoroughly checked for saving the game balance between all players and supposed to make it more interesting for all players and bring new emotions for everyone. I want to point out that I am always happy to hear your ideas. Not a single one is left without our developers' attention.
I have forwarded your feedback to our game specialists.
I wish you a good play and a good day!🙂

Yes save game balance by refusing smaller clans the oppertunety to play Holmgang.  How is refusing a clan to fight if they whant to, game balance ?  

Only balance that is of interest with this is the bank balance and everybody knows it.  In my case i can save a few packs from rebuilding from HG and so far all 3 in our 2.2 tril clan is connsidering just walking away as we are basically told to bend over and find a new clan or no longer get to play 1 of the very few events that is actually fun to play. 

22 авг. 2021, 11:5722.08.21

Lust for speedy growth fuels the game but is not the sole satisfaction it affords, particularly for someone with a taste for strategy.  You might try dveloping some different objectives.  You have not bothered with either clan or kingdom development which is a pity.  In a clan based game that limits your play dramatically.

All gameplay is about finding ways to operate effectively within the confines of its rules.  Moaning about rules is both pointless and pretty much death to strategic thinking.

Your judgement is based on nothing. You have no clue where I play and where I have played before. I am not going to elaborate on your bs. Move on John.

23 авг. 2021, 12:1523.08.21

   Personally I believe some of these lastest changes to the game are very bad for the regular player and their clans! I believe everyone should be able to play in all of the events. I played another game for years until they started making lots of changes and charging more money for a player to play the game and be able to keep up with the big boys!! Please listen to the feedback from your customers, Players,and their feedback. They are the ones who will keep your company in business!!

27 авг. 2021, 10:0827.08.21

all changhes have same purpose : more money 

more trops, new troups, new skills, etc , need more and more ....moneys 

who care of players ? 

you dont spent you dont play 

29 авг. 2021, 16:1229.08.21
30 авг. 2021, 13:09(отредактировано)

all changhes have same purpose : more money 

more trops, new troups, new skills, etc , need more and more ....moneys 

who care of players ? 

you dont spent you dont play 

You are damn right. Look at how much you have to do to get all the checkpoints in leaque of Asgard events. It's getting ridiculous. The alternative is less Runic coins and I have already embraced that option. I personally think Seasons are a cool idea but the effort is insane at that level. This game already takes so much of my time. They crossed my limits for sure.

1 сент. 2021, 15:1001.09.21

When I first posted here, I was under the impression that  the 1,000,000,001 influence requirement would only apply to the CvC, now it would appear that it's effectively all clan events, which wasnt clear before, because of a placement in the League of Odin and gaining points there.

2 сент. 2021, 07:4402.09.21

When I first posted here, I was under the impression that  the 1,000,000,001 influence requirement would only apply to the CvC, now it would appear that it's effectively all clan events, which wasnt clear before, because of a placement in the League of Odin and gaining points there.

So your point is?

You no longer can play clan battles?

2 сент. 2021, 12:0702.09.21

Maybe they cannot do any global events ... since the clan is not yet in league of rookies ...

2 сент. 2021, 18:1502.09.21
2 сент. 2021, 18:16(отредактировано)

If you follow this thread, and some of the others on the recent update, and similar in other updates, it might be more clear than it appears to have been.

Several of you who thought the new update was ace, because  initially you seemed not to be greatly impacted by it, have now realised it isn't as attractive as first thought,now you have seen  what the new levels and rewards are. 

However its not that usual for them to do this with updates,where they are effectively shutting players out of more and more aspects of the game. Like the new conditions for gaining achievements and more recently Helheim.

The competitions and levels could be difficult enough before when the access was there, but sticking us in a league with levels that are beyond us takes the biscuit.

 Being in the League of Rookies isnt going to help.

There is little point in doing anything, as the light at the end of the tunnel grows fainter ,and the dangers inside grow stronger

There's little point, or even no point in some cases, to spend hours to pick up a few measly bonuses.

Everyone less than 1.000.000,0001 will have been affected. who knows how many that is?

Only them.

What is clear is, sometime  soon, it will be all those less than 2,000,000.000 or some other amount who will get bumped.