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Auto Clicker

Auto Clicker

29 сент. 2021, 07:1229.09.21

It is tedious to complete hundreds, or thousands, of Tasks one at a time or a score at a time.  How can it be wrong to remove tedium from the game?

Well the structure of the game offers an answer - as you progress through the VIP levels one of the benefits achieved is to cut down on that time and tedium - first by allowing individual tasks to be completed in a single click, then a dozen or more, then a hundred at a time and there is talk of it becoming a thousand at a time.  Using an autoclicker undermines this part of what advancing VIP level achieves and sets the user effortlessly on a par with a competitor who has invested the time and effort to advance VIP.

This sort of game poses a challenge to patience and persistence and, curiously, quite a bit of the satisfaction from achieving particular bits of progress comes from knowing the cost in time and patience.  I recently completed the level 9 Skald achievement at a cost of nine hundred name changes, each taking a number of clicks.  Of course I did a few at a time every now and then over a period of months;  approaching the last few clicks required was satisfying because of the persistence required to tackle the first few and the countless clicks in between.

When you watch one of the elite gamers it is their ability to balance numerous priorities and translate their decisions to their deft fingers on the game controller at lightning speed which arouses admiration, of course autoclickers are not allowed in top level gaming just as use of a computer destroys chess as a game.

 Of course those who come here to buy pixels will have no understanding or sympathy with this - assuaging impatience is what they seem to want.  But that is an altogether different activity.

29 сент. 2021, 13:1029.09.21
29 сент. 2021, 13:10(отредактировано)

A great incite expressed well.  

Though it applies to many areas of the game,as to tasks specifically, it is only a problem to do the order of magnitude that is being talked about, because the game introduced that magnitude, without which, there would be no need to speed crunch.

As to the last point, this is precisely the trap that is used against those eager to fall for it.  

Though it deserved it, I decided to undo the quote element of my post and liked it instead.

Full quotes, especially of a long text can be rather tedious, and rather unnecessary if directly following the quoted post. 

30 сент. 2021, 12:5730.09.21

Has anyone thought about how unhealthy it is for your hands to click that much clicking required to play the game? Plarium themselves confessed to that when they increased the Tasks per click to 100 instead of one! Add to that combining materials, Gems and Runes,  Transforming materials, or sending convoys!

This game should have been called the "Clicking Game". Those who complain about autoclicking, should start by complaining about running Hellheim in automode as long as they like clicking a lot. Do they run Hellheim by hand? No they like automode more. So, please stop your BS talk about autoclicking. You are probably beaten and blame autoclicking for it.

30 сент. 2021, 17:0730.09.21
1 окт. 2021, 12:35(отредактировано)

There is such a thing as repetitive strain injury.

Unless  you just assumed it, I dont think they admitted to anything when they increased the  number of tasks completed per click, but maybe you  did read it somwhere that I cannot.

Oh and they are not equivalent, if they  introduce something, heinous as it might be, its official,if someone introduces something either illegal or tolerated for convenience, that's something altogether different.

Oh  and apart from being able to do multiple tasks in such a short time as was complained about, i.e.the sneaking up on someone and running, it's only possible because  it's possible within the parameters of the game, and because they made relocating and dropping and engaging shields  
cost inconsequential.

12 окт. 2021, 07:5612.10.21

well, we [played a clan recently that had one player who could hit invaders 24/7 throughout the whole event. 

so he is either superman's son and can go without sleep for a few days or he has a new type of auto clicker that i have been told by numerous people now in this game that it exists. 

fair ! i don't think so.  What chance do those clans that abide by plarium's rule have against these people that use them !!

NO chance what so ever.   very close to quitting this game now.  its only good for coiners. 

12 окт. 2021, 12:0312.10.21

well, we [played a clan recently that had one player who could hit invaders 24/7 throughout the whole event. 

so he is either superman's son and can go without sleep for a few days or he has a new type of auto clicker that i have been told by numerous people now in this game that it exists. 

fair ! i don't think so.  What chance do those clans that abide by plarium's rule have against these people that use them !!

NO chance what so ever.   very close to quitting this game now.  its only good for coiners. 

Hi game-bling! I am sorry that you feel this way. If you notice a player violating our In-Game Rules, please inform the Support Team: https://vikingsweb-support.plarium.com/web/en/problems/ 

They will check the issue🤗

19 нояб. 2021, 14:4119.11.21

The lack of invaders is down to single hitting them.  Not using an autoclicker.  Maybe they use an autoclicker to single hit, but ... with the 30k limit on what you can see, it is usually someone with tons of energy, wiping them out for points, as you desperately try to kill them for materials.

My point?  Stop allowing single hitting ghosts and invaders.  Make people (or auto clickers) work for them. 

24 нояб. 2021, 13:1124.11.21

one kill one uber or a lv6 ghosts + autoclicker with plunder  suscription it's just crazy - you can't follow if you play as you should + not everyone can have infinite energy  - when you try to hit between 300 and 600% for the bonus - all ubers are killed and they target your uber you desperately try to kill - i play without both it's just exhausted - checkpoints are like crazy need 12h or more hours to finish my checkpoints if i am lucky and kill at 300% - please reduce lvl of checkpoints and forbide plunder suscription + all automatic commands

25 нояб. 2021, 23:5825.11.21

Events are becoming boring slogs because some players seem to be able to score 24/7 and it feels like the rest of us are penalised because of this.

If the developers think it's fun to kill 1000 invaders/ghosts one after the other they are wrong.

28 нояб. 2021, 21:3828.11.21
28 нояб. 2021, 21:39(отредактировано)

when you already need to kill 120/150 ubers/a week  it's already exhausting it took so much time if you can't one kill - i can't play 24/24 and no infinite energy - if you watch asgard league checkpoints invaders and ghosts you need to achieve is just impossible except if you play 24/7 or you can one kill them with infinite energy, plunder and auto clicker ( otherwise by cheating) - few weak ago was odin league checkoints were already crazy  invaders/ghosts i had to one kill ghost lv4/5 and kill lv6 at 135% and spend a lot of time even like that it was already so hard. 

24 март 2023, 18:3724.03.23

I agree that this type of gameplay is cheating and that it is without a doubt in the game along with scripters/boters, and most would say why do these people bother "playing" if the main part of the game isn't being played..??

    The awser is that they gain an advantage by using them like other people gain an advantage by spending money..!

   Ftp/Ptw games are infamous for these types of players, and corporations know that making this type of game compeditive will get people that want to be #1 -that are not cheaters - to spend thier cash to compete.

    If you don't think this is a known thing to these corporations, and that it is allowed to an extent you would be niave.  Just as niave as these wallet warriors that toss a years eanings into a game and claim that they are skilled or l33t not realizing that it can be shut down tomorrow, and the corporation would have no obligations to anyone if they did while walking away, counting your money, and laughing ALL the way to the bank.

 TLDR: It is a fun game that should not be taken in as more than that. Try to have fun with what it is and try not to spend more than you are willing to DONATE for the game to continue on. Have fun, meet nice (and some not so nice) people,  and be prepared to be attacked if you drop your shields if you have high influence.  Enjoy!

25 март 2023, 13:3125.03.23

I agree that this type of gameplay is cheating and that it is without a doubt in the game along with scripters/boters, and most would say why do these people bother "playing" if the main part of the game isn't being played..??

    The awser is that they gain an advantage by using them like other people gain an advantage by spending money..!

   Ftp/Ptw games are infamous for these types of players, and corporations know that making this type of game compeditive will get people that want to be #1 -that are not cheaters - to spend thier cash to compete.

    If you don't think this is a known thing to these corporations, and that it is allowed to an extent you would be niave.  Just as niave as these wallet warriors that toss a years eanings into a game and claim that they are skilled or l33t not realizing that it can be shut down tomorrow, and the corporation would have no obligations to anyone if they did while walking away, counting your money, and laughing ALL the way to the bank.

 TLDR: It is a fun game that should not be taken in as more than that. Try to have fun with what it is and try not to spend more than you are willing to DONATE for the game to continue on. Have fun, meet nice (and some not so nice) people,  and be prepared to be attacked if you drop your shields if you have high influence.  Enjoy!

Well said. 


'Just as niave as these wallet warriors that toss a years eanings into a game and claim that they are skilled or l33t'  

'that it can be shut down tomorrow,'

11 май 2023, 11:4011.05.23

I do not spend money on the game, it ceases to be a game as soon as you buy benefits.  Of course this means that the I do not do many of the things the shoppers do.  I do not go to Jot and swop hits or (vainly) wait for someone to send an onslaught; I do not go to Asgard;  the tiny clan of which I am a member is excluded from Holmgang; the Seasonal Store and Asgard store are not for me; I have few town skins and upgrading the one or two I have is close to impossible.  But there remains a game to play.  All the stuff which exists for those wishing to buy trophies is of no interest and I am glad it is there because it pays for the servers and the little bit of programming time needed to keep the game functioning.

What does the game involve?  It comprises focussing the materials available into achievable ends.  Gold from achievements and soul shards from sieges allows me to continue developing my Palace 39 town, advancing Aesir and completing hidden knowledge.  Other materials allows me and my clan mates to have a 132/30 CvC record often enough, as in the recent contest, beating those who just throw money at the contest (which is satisfying).  I also rather enjoy twisting the tail of the Russian trophy hunter/shopper in my kingdom.  Advancing the clan SH is also just possible and perhaps there will be a window of opportunity to advance to level 5 should I ever be able to get gems to Legendary III/celestial.

That is quite a lot.