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The "Roll call of Orders" contest

The "Roll call of Orders" contest

16 март 2019, 19:3216.03.19
17 март 2019, 07:54(отредактировано)

OOU Crauftsland

The name of the order says it all. We are a multi national order with players from all over the world. 

We have numerous platforms that we communicate on including Line and discord . 

You don’t need to be a spender to join us. We raid, we defend and we hold the Es as much as we can. It’s all about being a team and a family. 

King Arthur was successful with his round table so we adopt the same style with everyone having an input in making decisions 

Long Live Order of Unity 💪🏻💪🏻
16 март 2019, 19:4716.03.19
If your looking for a decent active order look no further than Troja. This is the fourth order I've been a member of and the only one where they play the game right. They help each other build and research.. and though only 16 strong, try to win the tournaments and sometimes succed.
16 март 2019, 19:5216.03.19
Brave New Order is a new order just started today
16 март 2019, 20:0016.03.19

We are Kp1 from k133 we support k nap and work hard for the entire k to grow we concentrate on ovo and kvk

16 март 2019, 20:4716.03.19
Beg for Mercy, (BegFM) 122 best team working Order out there, good teachers, in the order to help the newer players
16 март 2019, 22:2516.03.19

My Order is OBK7 The IRON BRIGADE Number 90 Kingdom CROSTERIYA.

We are an International Order who play seriously without losing the element of fun and friendship:)

My Master is xblitzkriegx who continually leads us down the paths of righteousness and wealth.

We enjoy banter each day on our Order Chat and ensure that information and intelligence passes often and freely - to great effect!

We are a learning Order that educates our Membership while keeping the Members as safe as possible in a perilous world.

Duke William of Normandy Player ID: 4029486

17 март 2019, 00:4117.03.19
17 март 2019, 00:46(отредактировано)

Vaders is the best order in K121.

A 67 strong order with only top players from various kingdoms, all joined together under the leadership of Lord Vader.

Teamwork and play are the most important here.  We are like a family who fights, wins, plays together.

Only 6 months old and competing with the big orders in the whole game. Come and look us up.

Who knows you will be joining our order soon.

 I did and never regretted it.

May the force be with you !!
17 март 2019, 01:1217.03.19
I am a member of the Order Fake of Kingdom 87, Solesberg.  We are 24 members strong. Our leadership is committed to our individual and collective success.  They are patient with new players and share the wisdom that they have learned in the game with us daily.  They are selective in bringing in new members as we strive to keep the Order peaceful and low drama.  We are made up of seasoned and unseasoned players and we manage to make it work as we support each other in the game.   I have been in several orders since joining the game and this one is by far the best.
17 март 2019, 01:2817.03.19

ETF in K 34 has an awesome family of international players, mostly speakingEnglish, Russian, or Spanish, but you would be surprised...  (withLine and Telegram groups to coordinate attacks and help each other learn and grow...)

Our master relies heavily on an outstanding council, and excellent teamwork

We have a kingdom peace, and a serious growth opportunity

Check us out, and seasoned and like-minded players please apply...  but we do have sister Orders to help you grow and learn...

17 март 2019, 03:0317.03.19

Our order is Dogs of War (DofW) located in the kingdom of Forberg. We are mains with alts nearby in alt order.

 We are a great group of folks in an awesome kingdom. We are basically a group of farmers who kick butt and chew kibble.

 & We are all out of kibble 

17 март 2019, 05:4817.03.19

Kingdom 9


WH20 is an organized and skilled order. We love the fight! We work together well and almost always end up high in the rankings! Made by several different merges and people joining from all over to make this great order a family. Each one of our members are an asset in their own ways.  Our biggest problem is the limitation to how many members we are allowed to have in our order. 

17 март 2019, 09:0717.03.19

Us - H2HOE 

Kindom 144 (Lifesen) 


We communicate,  we battle opponents together,  we joke,  we laugh, we win and we lose as one.  To us this game is more than a game,  its our escape,  a place to unwind,  let our inner nerd come out.  We are a family,  we have eachothers back no matter what they do, we won OvO a few wks ago,  we strive to make sure every member gets rewarded equally no matter there lvl or involvement.  Once you become a member once,  your a member forever!!!!  WE ARE LOYAL,  HONORABLE,  and above all else we are respectful!  

That is order H2HOE

17 март 2019, 09:4717.03.19

Kingdom 126 Bos-Vittan

Order RAFT - Risen Above The Fear 

We are an english speaking order and the no1 order in Bos-Vittan 

We win in KVK as well as in OVO. What makes us stand out is the support you get within the order in terms of tips and resources. we want our members to be strong and active. 

Thanks to us our kingdon grew together as one uinity in KVK enabling us to win in KVK. 

And off course there is a lot of banter going on ... which is a nice difference  
17 март 2019, 10:4917.03.19

Our order is from Kingdom 99

It is called (OAnon) Stone Heart 

                  Our Order has been a hard working team!! Everyone is wonderful in helping out each other.

                 We respect each other; and other kingdoms. BUT don't disrespect one of us, you will find out the

                 hard way. Love to have anyone who wants to play hard and we accept people who can not be on the

                game every day. We love having fun; and meeting new people; but the best about this game is having 

                a great "BBQ" lol 
17 март 2019, 13:0317.03.19
17 март 2019, 13:05(отредактировано)

The Rum_Collectors  (tRumC ) It is the order most solidarity, the people who play with me are not partners but brothers, with them you can turn off your shield and sleep quietly, they are when you need them

17 март 2019, 13:1017.03.19

Hello all,

Our ordre Cevennold is born few days ago, and we all are ready to build some great Kingdom in respect to freedom of every womens and mens in the earth of the universe.

French language much appréciated.

Notre Ordre CevennOld [7OLD] est né récemment dans le royaume Espen(148).

Sa motivation : Une bande d'insoumis prêt à tout construire afin de réaliser la VIème République Francoise, dans le respect de la liberté de toutes les femmes et tous les hommes de la Terre et de l'Univers.

Si vos valeurs sont Humanisme, Tolérance, Liberté, Equité, Respect, Humilité, venez nous rejoindre pour le meilleur du Futur, il sera ce que l'on en fera, nous avons un Avenir en Commun à bâtir.



17 март 2019, 13:5617.03.19

Kingdom 44 War Pigs

They rock!!! Best of all orders! I helped Ara build this order from nothing to the greatest !! We have some of the most loyal members an order could ever come up with. Our council is knowledgeable and helps no matter what level of play your at!  This order is always helping the members! The older members teach the younger to help develop better players ever day!! I can’t say how proud I am to be called a War Pig councilor member!!!

Go War Pigs!!! 
17 март 2019, 14:4617.03.19

War Pigs of kingdom 44

The order was started in a kingdom that was already well established and had little to no members that were not already in orders.. but we found what we could and grew to 10 then 20 members and then we decided to to recruit from the newest kingdoms . 

We started to really take off with those new little members and to this day we continue to bring new members in from new kingdoms. 

We have some of the most loyal members and helpful council members you will ever find! 

We play with a family mentality and nurture help support and grow our members!  We look at the game as a place to come to and rejuvenate yourself after work and play your heart out to support the order! That’s not to say we don’t have rules to follow because we do and we kick and burn if we need.. but it isn’t what we want to do! 

Win draw or lose we work and learn together as a team!! We rise up as one! An order that is strong and growing stronger each day !  

If you want an order built with a strong foundation with knowledge members and is growing helpful and supportive and plays the game with values and heart the War Pigs is the one!!! 😘

17 март 2019, 15:0517.03.19
Sénateur Ric said:

John the Fearless said:

Our Order is the best !  The name is  ORGANISATION   137   Kingdom Astrastiya .   

We ares a team we haves a lot of fun everyday ! We exchanges many tricks on the chat and wins many war since 3 mounth  :  All for One and One for All !    Offen,Dave,Kat,Danaus,Mike,Steve,Arkanoid  many friens and its about to be a graet family .  We ares a frenchs warrors and do the best for all in our order !  VIVE NOTRE ORGANISATION !   We ares proud of you team ;)

17 март 2019, 15:4617.03.19
Hello.  Our order is Skif, the strongest order of Merselands Kingdom.  Most of them speak Russian.  We learn about our cultures, we scape together from our lifes, from the reality, we play together and we make the impossibel come true.   We are growing together keeping good relations with the rest of players from our kingdom.   
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