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New: Warrior Pass

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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New: Warrior Pass

New: Warrior Pass
Seize Stunning Rewards Before The Season Ends!


The oracle speaks of good fortune. So, I have authorized the launch of a special opportunity for Archons that are Level 15 and above to be rewarded - the Warrior Pass. You can find it in the Events window.

This is a time-limited Event during which you can get special Rewards in two ways:

- By completing Warrior Quests

A certain number of Warrior Quests open during the first five days of the Warrior Pass Season in the "Quests" tab of the Event. By completing them, you can earn Rewards as well as Warrior Points.

Warrior Points are needed for the second category of Rewards in this Event. Collecting enough of them can also give you bonus Warrior Points through Milestone Rewards.

Completing Warrior Quests is the best way to get Warrior Points, but you can get them through some Special Offers too.

- By unlocking Warrior Pass Levels

Once you have accumulated enough Warrior Points, you can use them to unlock Warrior Pass Levels in the "Pass Levels" tab to get remarkable Rewards.

Each Level has two types of Rewards:

Free Rewards - Available for free when you unlock a Level.

Premium Rewards - Only available if you have a Premium Warrior Pass.

Note that all unclaimed Rewards from unlocked Levels will be added to your account automatically when the Season ends. All unused Warrior Points will be lost, though, so remember to use all of them before time runs out.

Do us proud and claim all the Rewards to enrich your City!

Basileus Leonidas 

18 фев. 2022, 11:4218.02.22
7 март 2022, 08:3507.03.22

you are the unfair with us.

7 март 2022, 08:3607.03.22
7 март 2022, 08:38(отредактировано)

i did what you asaid and i keep saying support dont answer to players, only to the top 10 ones

you want respect, respect us, when we say that support don't answer to us, and not because we don't know how to do it. that is to treat us as stupid, always thinking that we are stupid and in the wrong, like plarium does, always blaming others.

you want respect, respect us, don't treat us as children or ignorant, please

8 март 2022, 00:4308.03.22

Hello Saintsone. Regarding the task for the help request of our teammates, the game clearly says respond to  x   DEVELOPMENT   help request from your coalition. Development is agreements and buildings help requests. The help request for breaking the general's equipment isn't development. Regarding the training troops, the task asks  us to train 450 units or get them from the market.  The task can complete by the time that the unit's training has finished, not the time we add them to the training queue. If you think that the Warriors pass doesn't work properly and you don't get the points you deserve, please contact Plarium Support Team. Regarding the tournaments rewards, they are just a well-done gift. They never meant to cover our losses. we must admit that nowadays the players getting a lot of free gifts, that we never got them in the Stone Age of Sparta when the game was new. 🙂 

Thankyou for response Katia. 

I am talking about moon quests where we have 30 days to train troops and are rewarded along the way until we reach final target. But we must train more than double the value of troops for game to acknowledge we have trained the required value. Example. Train 5m power points of troops. I can set up to train 10000 agemas which will give mucy, much more than 5m points. I then boost training using boosts till more than 5m power points of agemas are trained. I go to collect prize and it shows I have NOT trained 5m points worth but only 4m points worth.  I go back and train another 3m points worth. Go back to collect prize and it still shows not ernough trained. I have trained more than 12m points worth before it says I have trained 5m worth. 

I use this as an example only as I train all types of troops but I do so 1000 troops at a time so is easy to know exactly what the value trained is. When I know the value is 10m yet game says less than 5m something is wrong. It is not even close.

Same with moon quests, guardian quests Where we must create guardians of 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th order. Very hard to complete when I almost never get a quest of the 7th order. I have currently 1 completed (which I have not claimed) and require 2 to complete that quest. for 8 months now I have not received a 7th order quest I can complete to claim that prize. This means I can never complete all quests each month making guardian quests useless to me.

I know it is a small thing but 8 months with zero 7th order coming up is a joke. 7th order is a 1% chance yet in 8 months I must have earnt/opened 1000's of quests as we get 150 free every month and then many more as prizes in tournies etc each month. I even purchased a few packs to get many of the quests to open yet never a 7th order. maybe the real % chance of getting one is 0.0001%.


KitanaCommunity Manager
21 март 2022, 13:5721.03.22

Правда что plarium уволил Русских модераторов? 

В связи с войной в Украине мы вынуждены были временно прекратить сотрудничество.