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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
21 март 2018, 15:0121.03.18

i cant play , and load in to Sparta war empire game since 1 march..20 days is now that i cant play my favord game this is after the new updates..the game loads only 72% all the time..tryd everthyng..i dont understand why the game admins dont fix this problem..i play 2 yars and never this hapend..too me is sayng the same like ather players gives same error uncaught-rangeerror array buffer alocation failed..i dont have any clue what this is tryd ather browsers same thing game loading 72% the problem is on plarium page.fix the problem or we will not be abble to play no more the game we like!

i hope that this will be fixd like was befor the updates or corect the errors.


21 март 2018, 15:0721.03.18
21 март 2018, 18:23(отредактировано)
Please give me an answer i triyd every day to load in to the game..never loading more then 72%..my user nick name is 1-Tracix-LSO..at least give me a solution or fix the problem..this problem is only on sparta  war empire game..the page is slow and bloking..loading game only 72%..i triyd all the sugestions was given on the forum nothing works.
21 март 2018, 15:2421.03.18
21 март 2018, 18:41(отредактировано)

I tryd all metods: cleread cache,updatet chrom to latest version, updatet flash player, uninstal flash and instald again instal fire fox..updatet all devices..its not i problem from my laptop this problem is only on the sparta war empire game..the game loads fast to 72% then its stack and thas not load no more..after a wile the page gets blockd..if the developers of the game after 20 days still dont fix this problem, it seams they dont care about the players..i play this game for 2 years,,and know i,m tyrd to find solution to load the game i have big regrets..i want to play but becose of your new updates know lots of players cant load in to sparta war empire game and no one is fixing the problem they maid..it is not somnthing we can fix..the problem is from plarium please fix the problem ot tell us it cant be fixd so we dont waste time tryng to load in to the game all the time loading 72%..

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22 март 2018, 11:2022.03.18

toto said:


vous reparez peut etre les bugs du jeu mais quand est il pour les joueurs comme moi qui passe leur temps a actualiser le jeu sans meme pouvoir y aller

quand allez vous faires quelque chose pour cette barre de telechargement qui se bloque a 72 pourcent avec le message d erreur de java script

je ne suis pas devellopeur de jeu , mais peut etre que le jeu en chargeant prend trop de memoire. en tout cas  on peut pas dire que ca avance beaucoup de se coter la 

a moins que nous faisions parti des dommages collateraux et que vous vous en foutez 

dans ce cas la dites le , 

Salut ! Nos développeurs ont appliqué un nouveau correctif qui devrait corriger ce problème. Essaie d'accéder à nouveau au jeu. Si tu rencontres toujours l'erreur de script, nous te prions de nous fournir une capture d'écran.

22 март 2018, 11:2122.03.18
maximus_fc said:

I tryd all metods: cleread cache,updatet chrom to latest version, updatet flash player, uninstal flash and instald again instal fire fox..updatet all devices..its not i problem from my laptop this problem is only on the sparta war empire game..the game loads fast to 72% then its stack and thas not load no more..after a wile the page gets blockd..if the developers of the game after 20 days still dont fix this problem, it seams they dont care about the players..i play this game for 2 years,,and know i,m tyrd to find solution to load the game i have big regrets..i want to play but becose of your new updates know lots of players cant load in to sparta war empire game and no one is fixing the problem they maid..it is not somnthing we can fix..the problem is from plarium please fix the problem ot tell us it cant be fixd so we dont waste time tryng to load in to the game all the time loading 72%..

About Chrome

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Google Chrome is up to date

Version 65.0.3325.181 (Official Build) (32-bit)

I'll pass this issue on for certain, Maximus. But we have applied several fixes at this point. I know that some people get longer loading screen. How much time did you give yours to load? For example, I've heard up to 3 minutes - which is another issue altogether and is being looked at, but it's a bit different from the game getting stuck completely and it would be helpful to know the details.
22 март 2018, 19:0122.03.18


I will give you exact detayls..in the  first 5 days after the updates this was 1 march the game loadet 72% after i keep tryng and refreshing the page and waiting 12-15 minuts 2-or 3 times he game loadet 100% but when i entered the game i coud not play it was very slow, the friends list was not posible to use,it was imposible to play even if i got in to the game was to slow to do somnthing in the game was very dificult..and practicly imposible to raid players..or play the game normaly..many fetures of the game did not work..for example the personal mesages i gor ffrom friends in letters i can only read them, but i had no posiblity to right them back..then i keep tryng every day to load in to the game..hoping that the problem will be fixd..but after 1 weak the game did not load more then 72% after i clered cache and updatet chrom, i instald a new brwser firefox and it was same deal..loading 72% then i figured clear that the problem is not from my side..the error was like i sayd in mesages befor this:

see your brwoser yava script console.

the error was uncaught rangeerror array buffer alocation failed..

after i get this error then the page becomes unresponsive..if i refersh page it takes 2-3 minuts then it loads game fast up to 72% then gets stuck not loading no more no matter what i do..i will keep tryng to load in to the game every day , i know this efects more players not only mee..i dont know why only certain players are having this problem..but i can see that the most players that have this problem are from uk..the players from U.S.A  dont have this problem..its clear that the problem is from the last update, but why is having this efect i dont know i keep hoping the develoers of the game will find  a solution soon that all of us can play again sparta war empire.


if anything changes in the game loading proces i will return here whith a mesage, or if things will get to normal..until then i have only hope  that developers will find solution for this problem.



22 март 2018, 20:0222.03.18
22 март 2018, 20:03(отредактировано)

helo Dimitri.

i,m back whith some new information.

today i tryd again to load Sparta war empire game, this time whith the firefox browser, same loading game 72% after refreshd page 4-5 times i got this error mesage from plarium..this is somnthing new..

the page https://cdno1.x plarium.com says.

An error occured running the unity content on this page.See your browser yavascript console for more info. The error was: not fond error. the operation failed becose the requested database object could not be found. For example, an object store did not exist but was being opened.

This is incredible..what can i undestand from this that it is un error but the error thas not exist!! ther is an object that it opens but it thas not exist and to check yava script..to check for what in yava script..Dimitri please if you undestand more then me from this error sent by plarium .com tell me..i gived you all the information, if you have any solution that can help i,m willing to try  to fix, if its somnthing that i can fix..but from this error mesage it seams that its probably a cod from the new updates that is not corectly aplaid and that is why not loading the game its sonthing i cant understand...if any ather playr that had same problem and found the solution to the problem please leave here the solution.

please send this to developers of the game, if you find any solutions i will check here for your response..
23 март 2018, 04:5723.03.18
Dimitri Molchanov said:

Hey, everyone. Thank you for the reports, Devs are going to take a look. In the meanwhile please make sure to update your Chrome to the latest available version, it could help.

23 март 2018, 10:1823.03.18

maximus_fc said:

helo Dimitri.

i,m back whith some new information.

today i tryd again to load Sparta war empire game, this time whith the firefox browser, same loading game 72% after refreshd page 4-5 times i got this error mesage from plarium..this is somnthing new..

the page https://cdno1.x plarium.com says.

An error occured running the unity content on this page.See your browser yavascript console for more info. The error was: not fond error. the operation failed becose the requested database object could not be found. For example, an object store did not exist but was being opened.

This is incredible..what can i undestand from this that it is un error but the error thas not exist!! ther is an object that it opens but it thas not exist and to check yava script..to check for what in yava script..Dimitri please if you undestand more then me from this error sent by plarium .com tell me..i gived you all the information, if you have any solution that can help i,m willing to try  to fix, if its somnthing that i can fix..but from this error mesage it seams that its probably a cod from the new updates that is not corectly aplaid and that is why not loading the game its sonthing i cant understand...if any ather playr that had same problem and found the solution to the problem please leave here the solution.

please send this to developers of the game, if you find any solutions i will check here for your response..

Could you provide me with a screenshot of this? Also please use the following link: https://get.webgl.org/

This is a test to see if your browser supports WebGL. 

23 март 2018, 12:5923.03.18


Pourriez-vous vérifier la compatibilité de votre navigateur avec WebGL? Essayez ce lien: https://get.webgl.org/

23 март 2018, 13:0023.03.18

par contre , je viens d essayer avec le pc  d un  ami , son pc est windows 64 , ca rame mais par contre sa telecharge 

mon pc , lui est windows 32 , la barre de telechargement se bloque a 72 pourcent avec le message d erreur de java script , voir lien capture ecran , ci dessus 

j espere que cela vous mettra sur la bonne voie 
23 март 2018, 13:0123.03.18
mon pc sous windows 32 , fai test : mon navigateur est ok
23 март 2018, 13:5523.03.18
23 март 2018, 14:00(отредактировано)

Your browser supports WebGL

..i testet the link..my brwser suports webgl..the problem is not from my browser or from my laptop..its from the plarium new updates that they implemated at 1 march..its nothing i can do to fix from my side..if i,m playng storm fall from plarium whith same brwoser and it loads the game..i think its clear that the problem is on the sparta empire game..that game is not loading after 72% gets blockd.
23 март 2018, 14:0523.03.18

Dans ce cas, il pourrait y avoir quelques problèmes liés au matériel, pourrais-tu me fournir une brève description des spécifications de ton ordinateur ? Je dois savoir combien de RAM tu as pour te donner la réponse exacte.

23 март 2018, 14:0623.03.18
maximus_fc said:

Your browser supports WebGL

..i testet the link..my brwser suports webgl..the problem is not from my browser or from my laptop..its from the plarium new updates that they implemated at 1 march..its nothing i can do to fix from my side..if i,m playng storm fall from plarium whith same brwoser and it loads the game..i think its clear that the problem is on the sparta empire game..that game is not loading after 72% gets blockd.
Could you provide me with your basic computer specs as well, Maximus? I need to know how much RAM you have.
23 март 2018, 18:4023.03.18


j ai windows 7 edition integral 32 bits , 4 go de memoire , google chrome 32 bits a jour et fait test de la compatibiliter webgl= ok
24 март 2018, 11:1524.03.18

Since game devs and forum mods are useless and won't help... 

Did anyone from players  find any solution to 72% stop loading game problem? One of my coalition members is having same problem, he tried to even access game from different computers and laptops, and still same problem 72% - stop.

24 март 2018, 14:1424.03.18
24 март 2018, 14:22(отредактировано)

misotisa said:

Since game devs and forum mods are useless and won't help... 

Did anyone from players  find any solution to 72% stop loading game problem? One of my coalition members is having same problem, he tried to even access game from different computers and laptops, and still same problem 72% - stop.

it's week-end  end they don't work ,not that they are doing anything else   but annoy users  in the time they are on  :)

To answer you

 1) Try    to   tell them mate to   use an  vpn to log in game maybe it  works  like 


2)install  the app and try to play from there 

3) try   to play  from  the puffin browser   from mobile 
4)  disable flash player if   you are an  beta   tester  

5) update youre flash player   version if u aren't an beta tester 

24 март 2018, 16:1324.03.18
Dimitri Molchanov said:

Hey, everyone. Devs applied a new fix that should help with the loading issues. Please check!

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