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New Position Takeover Requirements! Earn 100 Tournament Points And Get Rewarded!

New Position Takeover Requirements! Earn 100 Tournament Points And Get Rewarded!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
8 авг. 2015, 03:0908.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:59(отредактировано)

killerjim said:

Ok what about the smaller players that only get 1 or 2 points per fight  how is it fair to them . Its going to run them off and no new players means the game dies .

I think id find a way to bring them more in the game. 

this is true

impossible for low level players to achieve in that time frame

24 positions available in 24 hours 

when some players only make 1 or 2 points per position , 100 points is unattainable

think about things before you change them to again , suit the big players and coiners

8 авг. 2015, 03:1208.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:03(отредактировано)

ThatBloke said:

I agree 100 points isn't that much for an advanced player.

Actually, the lowest position I could hit would have given me over 600 points. However, I didn't have much time to play, spent too much time on the forum answering angry players, and was waiting for fodder to finish building.

I then missed the end of the tournament while struggling with the browser cache to be able to click on the divine quests icon, because it got all setup at the same time.

So in the end, I didn't participate and got nothing.

Well, actually, I can't deny it's fair : I didn't participate, so I got nothing.

However, 100 points for a beginner is almost impossible task, so maybe it's too high.

Now we still have to define "beginner". If the guy is hitting under level 10 positions, he sure won't get much points.

But when I was there, I wasn't even in a coalition... So maybe it's not really a problem ?

Actually, are you really recruting players that low ?

If so, then yes, this limit is too high.

If not, then does it really matter ?


again , more defending of such an irrational change (which was announced DURING the tournament) by a moderator

for once just agree that what they did was stupid
8 авг. 2015, 06:4808.08.15
8 авг. 2015, 06:58(отредактировано)

EvilTwin said:

for once just agree that what they did was stupid

For once, go back to school and learn how to read.

I precisey wrote it was too much for a beginner.

Maybe you're going to learn I'm not the submitted carpet you're thinking I am.

I accepted their proposal to volunteer here as a moderator because I thought I could help people.

I'm only writing what I think and because they're facts. I'n not here to lie to please anybody.

If something is bad, then I write it's bad.

I am perfectly right to write I think everybody's participation is important in a coalition, but maybe you can't understand that concept.

Since I'm not a dictator, I wouldn't have proposed that change, but I can still understand the idea behind it.

BTW, as I've wrote if you knew how to read, I was the first victim of the new system, and I didn't went whinning here, as I thought it was just fair.

Now I also wrote 100 points was probably too high for beginners who can hardly get 1 or 2 points out of each position. Maybe I have to write it in Greek so you can understand ?

You'll have to learn not to confuse me with that company you're loving to hate, as I can perfectly dismiss, stop helping people, stop being polite and beat the crap out of you.

It's not the first time I only tell the truth, and they're also perfectly free to fire me if they want. The fact they didn't do it is probably only because I'm only sticking to facts and not fantasms, and I dare anybody to blame me for that.

I also have the right to interrogate about the fact that lots of beginners may just not be in a coalition yet, and therefore are not concerned with this change.

I'm just not sure where the perfect limit would be : 1 point as suggested (and I agree with this proposal), 2, 5, 10, 20 points ? Or 0 ? In my feeling, all opinions have to be heard.

Instead of just looking upon people, not reading, and not even thinking about the crap you're writing, please take some time to actually think about the question and offer a solution instead of just being impolite.

I agree the whole idea may be just wrong. Why not ? In this case, do an effort and argue.

I agree we were not asked about those changes recently, but hey, this is their game, and other changes have occured in the past, about which nobody had said anything - maybe just because they advantaged them, or maybe they only advantaged the big mouths, while nobody heard the silent ones, who knows ? I'm just emitting hypothesis here, and I don't care what you think, I still have the right to talk because I'm a damn player, just like any of you.

I still have the right to think putting a limit could still be fair, though the current limit may be too high. Either way, all ideas can be discussed, and we all have the right to expose opinions without being insulted.

Who are you ? The Gestapo ? Have ever heard of the freedom of speech in your life ?


Oh, and while I'm there :

It's been a couple of times someone posted slanders about me.

Last time the post was from  "LADYTRISH". Knowing a nickname can be used by several people, I don't know if the person hiding behind this name is the actual hegemon of Kracken or just a hypocrit having created an account just to hide behind her name.

For now, after having hesitated to answer the first time, I finally decided to delete these posts, that contain only lies and half truths at the best .

Why did I just deleted these couple of posts ? Because this is not the place for personal fights. And if the posts would have been kept, they would just have fallen under the forum rule against personal attacks, and his/her author would have to be banned, according to these rules.

So, since I'm respecting LadyTrish and I don't want to humiliate her in public, I'd like her to confirm in a private message she's the one who wrote that crap, so I can throw her lies back to her face in private. And if her name has been usurped, then the person who did that is just a despicable cockroach.

And anyway, you'll be learning why I'm a moderator. I will tolerate no insults, personal attacks nor slanders. You may be angry about the changes in the game, and as paying customers, you're perfectly right to be. However, I'm sure substantiated arguments are always better than insults if you want to get results. Just try not to hit te wrong targets in the process. BTW, slanders about other players, especially someone trying to help you as much as I can, will certainly not make things going better.

Thanks for your attention.

P.S. : you're not forced to quote the whole text when you want to answer me. i'm not idiot, I can perfectly understand what you're talking about. Just answer and get done with it, this will keep the forum tidy and easier to read. Thanks.

8 авг. 2015, 08:2608.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:59(отредактировано)


our problem is not the 100 points , its easy to got after week of playing 

but  you changes the rules before the event ends  in 1 hour , cant you see ? this is our problem 

btw i got +1000 points so its not about me but what you did is wrong 

thank you 

8 авг. 2015, 08:3408.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:03(отредактировано)

FastReD said:

Let us be clear. Nobody is being forced to do Positions. If any Archon does not want to do them, then that is his/her choice. With the old coalition missions there were members who did not contribute but who still enjoyed the rewards. This was not fair on the members who put the work in. Now the system is fair. If you want to reap the rewards then you have to do your part. If you think the rewards are not worth it or if you don't want to do positions then do nothing and you will get what you have earned....nothing.

total CR@P

you never got rewarded without contributing

granted , some people contribute 1 point and got the same as people who contributed 100s or 1000s

but dont make comments that are total falsehoods

8 авг. 2015, 08:3708.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:59(отредактировано)

Borowolf said:

I put a lot of effort in fighting positions. In fact I did almost all I was offered (except for 2, not enough troops in time). But I was in the 30 levels. Apart from the fact I did not know about this requirement, it was not possible for me to get 100 points. It looks like you do not want new players. Why not?

the requirement wasnt stated unless you came to the forum 

was total BS

another change no-one agrees with
8 авг. 2015, 08:4008.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:58(отредактировано)
ThatBloke said:

EvilTwin said:

for once just agree that what they did was stupid

For once, go back to school and learn how to read.

I precisey wrote it was too much for a beginner.

Maybe you're going to learn I'm not the submitted carpet you're thinking I am.

I accepted their proposal to volunteer here as a moderator because I thought I could help people.

I'm only writing what I think and because they're facts. I'n not here to lie to please anybody.

If something is bad, then I write it's bad.

I am perfectly right to write I think everybody's participation is important in a coalition, but maybe you can't understand that concept.

Since I'm not a dictator, I wouldn't have proposed that change, but I can still understand the idea behind it.

BTW, as I've wrote if you knew how to read, I was the first victim of the new system, and I didn't went whinning here, as I thought it was just fair.

Now I also wrote 100 points was probably too high for beginners who can hardly get 1 or 2 points out of each position. Maybe I have to write it in Greek so you can understand ?

You'll have to learn not to confuse me with that company you're loving to hate, as I can perfectly dismiss, stop helping people, stop being polite and beat the crap out of you.

It's not the first time I only tell the truth, and they're also perfectly free to fire me if they want. The fact they didn't do it is probably only because I'm only sticking to facts and not fantasms, and I dare anybody to blame me for that.

I also have the right to interrogate about the fact that lots of beginners may just not be in a coalition yet, and therefore are not concerned with this change.

I'm just not sure where the perfect limit would be : 1 point as suggested (and I agree with this proposal), 2, 5, 10, 20 points ? Or 0 ? In my feeling, all opinions have to be heard.

Instead of just looking upon people, not reading, and not even thinking about the crap you're writing, please take some time to actually think about the question and offer a solution instead of just being impolite.

I agree the whole idea may be just wrong. Why not ? In this case, do an effort and argue.

I agree we were not asked about those changes recently, but hey, this is their game, and other changes have occured in the past, about which nobody had said anything - maybe just because they advantaged them, or maybe they only advantaged the big mouths, while nobody heard the silent ones, who knows ? I'm just emitting hypothesis here, and I don't care what you think, I still have the right to talk because I'm a damn player, just like any of you.

I still have the right to think putting a limit could still be fair, though the current limit may be too high. Either way, all ideas can be discussed, and we all have the right to expose opinions without being insulted.

Who are you ? The Gestapo ? Have ever heard of the freedom of speech in your life ?


Oh, and while I'm there :

It's been a couple of times someone posted slanders about me.

Last time the post was from  "LADYTRISH". Knowing a nickname can be used by several people, I don't know if the person hiding behind this name is the actual hegemon of Kracken or just a hypocrit having created an account just to hide behind her name.

For now, after having hesitated to answer the first time, I finally decided to delete these posts, that contain only lies and half truths at the best .

Why did I just deleted these couple of posts ? Because this is not the place for personal fights. And if the posts would have been kept, they would just have fallen under the forum rule against personal attacks, and his/her author would have to be banned, according to these rules.

So, since I'm respecting LadyTrish and I don't want to humiliate her in public, I'd like her to confirm in a private message she's the one who wrote that crap, so I can throw her lies back to her face in private. And if her name has been usurped, then the person who did that is just a despicable cockroach.

And anyway, you'll be learning why I'm a moderator. I will tolerate no insults, personal attacks nor slanders. You may be angry about the changes in the game, and as paying customers, you're perfectly right to be. However, I'm sure substantiated arguments are always better than insults if you want to get results. Just try not to hit te wrong targets in the process. BTW, slanders about other players, especially someone trying to help you as much as I can, will certainly not make things going better.

Thanks for your attention.

P.S. : you're not forced to quote the whole text when you want to answer me. i'm not idiot, I can perfectly understand what you're talking about. Just answer and get done with it, this will keep the forum tidy and easier to read. Thanks.

8 авг. 2015, 09:1308.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:03(отредактировано)

i removed my last 2 posts as anyone who needs to resort to "and beat the crap out of you." as part of the response isnt worth debating with.

have a good life , enjoy your authority here 

8 авг. 2015, 10:0608.08.15
8 авг. 2015, 10:14(отредактировано)

hihachi said:


our problem is not the 100 points , its easy to got after week of playing 

but  you changes the rules before the event ends  in 1 hour , cant you see ? this is our problem 

btw i got +1000 points so its not about me but what you did is wrong 

thank you 

Yes, I totally agree with you.

However, it was probably more a goof than purposedly timed.

I've noticed all the games are not synchronized regarding events times, so maybe they made a general update and we got caught in the process. Remember I fell victim of it as well.

Anyway, even if you're right to protest about it, maybe you're just overinterpreting their intentions.

I just dont know, and i'm just like any of you : I'd really like to see admins answer some complaints and either explain, or even apologize... :(

In our current case, it wouldn't hurt.

Hundigo said:

I agree with you eviltwin. ThatBloke seems not be able to see the facts and figures anymore.

@ ThatBloke; a lot is going on in the game. From 2 sides;

a) a lot of 'changes' and 'updates' in the game from Plarium side

b) a lot of complains about the 'changes' and 'updates' from players side.

The players has only this forum to ventilate their complains about it. Let them have it. It's up to Plarium to deal with it or to explain more. It's not the task for the moderators.

I agree with your whole last statement ; it's just you don't have to be insulting, and it's just stupid to make responsible people who are totally disconnected from the technical staff.

And you first statement is just a lie and an offense.

Aren't you even able to see you're being rude ?

All I'm doing is trying to understand everybody (Plarium included), while you're only acting as a brainless lynch mob, most of you.

@ EVILTWIN > I'm sorry you just happened to be the one who got answered to the offense,

You're not the innocent person you're faking to be either. For instance, you purposedly took  part of what I wrote out of context :

EvilTwin said:

and you did say " So maybe it's not really a problem ?' in regards to the changes 

While I explicitely wrote it wasn't a problem IF THE PLAYER WAS NOT IN A COALITION !

Are you going on lying like that ? Can't you see it's your dishonest methods that made me talk to you like that ???

Hundigo said:

Richt or wrong, that isn't the point, it gives you no right to describe that forumuser as a "descipable cockroach", just because of the use of nickname.  And surtenly not when you are a moderator. 

And here you're going on lying again.

Someone creating an account only to usurp someone else's name is cetainly not a forum user, and even less a player.

If it's the case, it would only be a scam, and LadyTrish will certainly have a similar opinion about someone writing under her name. What would YOU think if someone did that to you, huh ?

On the other hand, if she's the one who wrote that, then as I said, either we're going on telling our lives on the forum (which is not supposed to be made for that), or we explain in private first, because either she's shamefully lying and forging, or someone told her crap, and she should also react accordingly.

Now if I had to explain in public, then some people (though as far as I may know, the two of them have been gone for a long time and the third one is just a complete forgery) won't end up honored with the facts, so yes, I'd rather keep this private. Lots of people could testify about these two people deeds, and though it would be funny (as they're totally nuts indeed), it would just not be the place for this. Unfortunately for the liers, not all of the players from this period are gone, and they would have LOTS to say... Too bad !

But actually, the text looks too much similar to the one I censored already several months ago, so I suspect she's not responsible for it.

That's why I'm suspecting a scam here. So yes, the guy who did that to her is a cockroach. Can't you see it's not about me, but about her ? What's there in your eyes ???

8 авг. 2015, 10:0708.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:03(отредактировано)

in waht paralel universe plarium live ?!?

where you ever face that rule changes in midle of tournament or evan after it is finished???

for what reason is caled COALITION TOURNAMENT if you set a limit to acive for every player... not easy to make it just player tournament???

will plarium show respect to their players, ever???

8 авг. 2015, 10:1308.08.15

LOL Martoru ^^

They have to get it right, huh ? :D

8 авг. 2015, 10:4308.08.15
8 авг. 2015, 10:46(отредактировано)

Blah blah blah, spam spam spam. Please go buy a life.

Please Just make the effort to read and understand what I'm writing and get done with it.

The reason why i'm writing a lot is i'm trying to make things clear, but I see it's useless once you've decided not to understand and follow you imagination instead.

8 авг. 2015, 10:5808.08.15
8 авг. 2015, 10:59(отредактировано)

OK, I so take you decided NOT to read what Im writing, and NOT to try and undesrtand anything ? And to go on living in your imaginary world ?

Maybe I should actually wish you goodbye right now, actually. :)

i'm still on the good side of the eject button, you know. ;)

8 авг. 2015, 13:3108.08.15
ThatBloke said:

it was probably more a goof than purposedly timed.

I've noticed all the games are not synchronized regarding events times, so maybe they made a general update and we got caught in the process.

Every time? Became quite common. Besides why should that be players problems? Its not like plarium is paying for those rewards from their pockets. Didnt you notice the patern already? They do something bad "unintentionally" and than just offer bunch of good discounts.
8 авг. 2015, 14:0308.08.15
8 авг. 2015, 14:04(отредактировано)

Maybe it's their way to apologize ? :p

8 авг. 2015, 14:2208.08.15
Sure is, benefits them more than giving us free rewards that were in the tournament guidelines until the very end.
8 авг. 2015, 16:4708.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:48(отредактировано)

Way to apologize?

they promise something free and to apologize they ask for money???

I made 30 points because i didn't know of the rule, otherwise i could have made 100.

8 авг. 2015, 21:4708.08.15
8 авг. 2015, 21:51(отредактировано)

Its a fair idea in essence to combat coalition members who never contribute to any missions at all. 

But as said, what about new players. Also, is it fair to players who make high contribution in some missions, but not in a certain other, those people may choose to miss persian mission to save troop for pvp, or they could be busy that day, or they may just decide not to participate one mission for some other reason. 

There is already an avalanche of quests/missions/tasks etc that have turned from fun into a chore. Previous response to the overkill was something like 'you don't have to participate in all of them'. Well, this now seems like an attempt to force participation rather than a choice. 

9 авг. 2015, 00:0209.08.15

Im not here to fight with anyone im here for my lower lvls  , My coal might not be the biggest or best but fair is fair and they did try. I think the scoring should be adjusted or lowered for them . 

I stand up for my lower lvls and i do not want to see them drove out .

 I do think that if you do not try you should not gain from it but they did try . I and my coal enjoy helping the newer players and i always will as long as im here . 

thatbloke I have been there done that in a final motive game bro ... No matter how hard you try you will be wrong in the players eye you are part of the company. That i learned the hard way 

I just think that 100 points is to much for them and a few of our newer players want to walk away over the timing of there change . We need to keep and bring new players to the game if it is to stay alive . 

Just think on that is all 

11 авг. 2015, 13:1311.08.15
Is this 100 point minimum just for coalition position takeover tournaments or does it apply to coalition pvp as well?