Basileus Leonidas said:
Archons, this is your last chance to get your hands on the limited edition Champion units!
The mythical units will be going off the Market in 4 days!
Get them now for FREE and keep them in your armory for as long as you want!
Explain, in 5 words, why you need these units in the comments below.
The 10 Archons with the most convincing responses will receive one of each limited edition unit for FREE!
These units our critical in boosting the massed troops that our gathered Withing the walls of the greatest pantheons on the planet that blot out the sky of the peasants with there pitch forks waiting for there chance to burn them down. These the largest and most critical pantheons on the map as they control a vast area of the map these units provide the maximum and crucial power boost that any army will need to face in these dire times of unrest were the hole world is against them these units will stand fast with there gaze of tear make any and all who challenge them flee in tear Wo to any and all that threaten its life of peace and tranquility. There shall be no mercy.
Basileus Leonidas said:
Archons, this is your last chance to get your hands on the limited edition Champion units!
The mythical units will be going off the Market in 4 days!
Get them now for FREE and keep them in your armory for as long as you want!
Explain, in 5 words, why you need these units in the comments below.
For Sparta, Victory or Death!
The 10 Archons with the most convincing responses will receive one of each limited edition unit for FREE!
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