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The number of PP available

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5 май 2017, 03:5605.05.17
knigochey said:

Admins, do you have an informed answer to the question or not? 

My coal mate had more than 100 PP and after the rest got 25 back. 

As for me, I only have 62 after my reset. 

Would you come with some useful informaton, please?

You can only have up to 60 regular persian missions (special ones with the fixed reward don't count) through reset. Anything above that means you either only did one of the 2 new positions and let it pile up or used the position item to add more. If you had 90, killed some, then reset to 90 then it means you either had a bunch of special missions and didn't clear them so it gave you back regular ones then did some special ones and those don't get reset or the game had a small bug and gave you more positions than you should get after reset which would mean Plarium gave you a little bonus. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
8 май 2017, 11:1708.05.17
knigochey said:

Admins, do you have an informed answer to the question or not? 

My coal mate had more than 100 PP and after the rest got 25 back. 

As for me, I only have 62 after my reset. 

Would you come with some useful informaton, please?

If you have only 60 regular PPs (which is a normal number allowing you to get new PPs after you clear some), you should check which levels are overwhelming and clear them. it's possible that you have too many high-lvl PPs, and low-lvl ones just can't appear because of that.
9 май 2017, 20:1009.05.17

I think i had 140 at most so far , can get more :)

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
10 май 2017, 09:3010.05.17
d3vnul said:

I think i had 140 at most so far , can get more :)

Ouch. You'll definitely need to reduce the number if you ever wish to receive lower levels :)
10 май 2017, 11:4310.05.17
10 май 2017, 12:20(отредактировано)

Don't understand why would anyone ever want low lvl ?

It's exactly what i try to avoid , low lvl positions and it's rewards , doing PP for close to 2 years.

Giving low level positions is also a very very waist of time/resources/money , especially when your city reached high level.

If it was after me , i would prefer a single position that you can hit forever (Call it xerxes and that's it) , so that i know for sure that i will always get my max reward if i get luky and filled the bank. So i never have to worry that plarium will trap and offer me the reward at a much lower lvl than "normal/expected" so it will force my ars to buy drachmas or wait a year (train) to continue. Anyways , this is just me , for the ones that likes it the way it is , have fun !

This is just one of the mechanism plarium uses to drive drachma sales. There's no "conversion" as you keep like it for people to know it as.
If you had no intent about this feature to drive massive drachma sales , then why can't i think that you could make the conversion of units from lower type/rank to upper grades with something like the instant exchange at the argentarium (without asking for drachmas again).

10 май 2017, 18:3910.05.17
10 май 2017, 18:44(отредактировано)

d3vnul said:

Don't understand why would anyone ever want low lvl ?

d3, that is exactly what you need. Since you are not a coiner or/and hacker, your troops numbers are limited.

Thus, the only option for you is to start hitting low positions, I suggest at least 10, so you still have most troops intact after that. Then you hit the largest ones; leaving small portions in each, until you spend almost everything. And then you start hitting leftovers, from the to 140s and 50s (in my case). That is the way to go. Otherwise, you will find yourself without both troops and payouts

BTW, smowman, you forgot that winter is over :)

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
11 май 2017, 08:3911.05.17
d3vnul said:

Don't understand why would anyone ever want low lvl ?

It's exactly what i try to avoid , low lvl positions and it's rewards , doing PP for close to 2 years.

You'll be surprised, but there are many players that want to raid lower levels as it's just much easier :) Requires less Units, less time to get a reward. However, I agree that each player has their own strategy. 
12 май 2017, 16:3312.05.17
Plarium, achoo, no response to the question? 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
15 май 2017, 08:4915.05.17
knigochey said:

Plarium, achoo, no response to the question? 
If you have 60+ PPs, they just won't reset, you won't get any new PPs. Your mate has probably misinformed you ;)
17 май 2017, 18:4217.05.17

Still silence?

Another issue: I desperately need low lvl positions, keep purchasing - get only high lvl, which doesn't allow me hit enough i order to get a good payout.

My friend on the contrary, need high lvl - but gets only low lvl. Another evidence that plarium deliberately creates algorithms in order  to hurt players - you always get what is opposie to your needs. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
18 май 2017, 12:1418.05.17
Mullenz said:

Still silence?

Another issue: I desperately need low lvl positions, keep purchasing - get only high lvl, which doesn't allow me hit enough i order to get a good payout.

My friend on the contrary, need high lvl - but gets only low lvl. Another evidence that plarium deliberately creates algorithms in order  to hurt players - you always get what is opposie to your needs. 
If you continue only purchasing PPs, you will end up with high level ones. To get lower levels you need to clear all (or almost all) Positions and keep their number under 60. Then you can raid low levels and receive other low levels instead.