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I've had anough with the rigged game - time to find class action lawyersI've had anough with the rigged game - time to find class action lawyers

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

I've had anough with the rigged game - time to find class action lawyers

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
9 апр. 2017, 10:2809.04.17

morteeee said:

Persians have always been very much a "play at your own risk" part of the game, just like hitting a city blind is or hitting an emporia blind, no one, including plarium, has ever guaranteed a payout, a profit as it were, show me the document from the company that says that you will gain a profit from them? You cant as it doesn't exist, it is merely one facet of a multi faceted game 

Really? So now you are saying that Plrium openly stated that PP is gambling and the "investment" can be lost forever? 

No, it repeatedly renounces that we have our "investments" in a bank. And that after we reinvest about 110% of our last payout, we are supposed to receive another large payout. 

And we now are discussing a principal, not even a "profit". I am doing relatively well, but knigochey  has been subjected to discrimination, without any doubt. 
10 апр. 2017, 15:0410.04.17
10 апр. 2017, 15:07(отредактировано)

Mullenz said:

morteeee said:

Persians have always been very much a "play at your own risk" part of the game, just like hitting a city blind is or hitting an emporia blind, no one, including plarium, has ever guaranteed a payout, a profit as it were, show me the document from the company that says that you will gain a profit from them? You cant as it doesn't exist, it is merely one facet of a multi faceted game 

Really? So now you are saying that Plrium openly stated that PP is gambling and the "investment" can be lost forever? 

No, it repeatedly renounces that we have our "investments" in a bank. And that after we reinvest about 110% of our last payout, we are supposed to receive another large payout. 

And we now are discussing a principal, not even a "profit". I am doing relatively well, but knigochey  has been subjected to discrimination, without any doubt. 

I am not going to argue terminology or semantics with you, at the end of the day playing any aspect of the game and indeed the game itself is each individual's choice, no one forces anyone to play PP's, no one twists their arms or hold them to ransom, just like in life, some you win and some you lose I

If Knigochey feels he has been discriminated against or that his game is bugged/altered/different then please advise him to contact support, yes, I know, we always say that however it just happens to be true, support team are the only ones who can investigate this for him and yes sometimes they take a while, I was out of the game 2 weeks ago for nearly a week with a frozen city, but you know what, I kept sending them the info requested and eventually they got it fixed AND advised me how to avoid it happening again 

11 апр. 2017, 01:1511.04.17
11 апр. 2017, 01:28(отредактировано)

morteeee said:

If Knigochey feels he has been discriminated against or that his game is bugged/altered/different then please advise him to contact support, yes, I know, we always say that however it just happens to be true, support team are the only ones who can investigate this for him and yes sometimes they take a while, I was out of the game 2 weeks ago for nearly a week with a frozen city, but you know what, I kept sending them the info requested and eventually they got it fixed AND advised me how to avoid it happening again 

"φωνη βοωντος εν τη ερημω"

11 апр. 2017, 07:5611.04.17
I am not a single voice in the wilderness, I am just voicing the truth, please keep to English in the English forum, thanks 
11 апр. 2017, 09:2311.04.17

morteeee said:

I am not a single voice in the wilderness, I am just voicing the truth, please keep to English in the English forum, thanks 

WOW!! Hold your horses there Lady.. what that meant to say is that no matter how many times these guys are told about their silly conspiracy theories, they'll keep coming up with the same nonsense..

You've been bit touchy here methinks.
11 апр. 2017, 10:2211.04.17

lmao I am not being touchy, I never lose my temper or get upset about games :) 

13 апр. 2017, 10:3613.04.17
13 апр. 2017, 10:37(отредактировано)

morteeee said:

Mullenz said:

morteeee said:

Persians have always been very much a "play at your own risk" part of the game, just like hitting a city blind is or hitting an emporia blind, no one, including plarium, has ever guaranteed a payout, a profit as it were, show me the document from the company that says that you will gain a profit from them? You cant as it doesn't exist, it is merely one facet of a multi faceted game 

Really? So now you are saying that Plrium openly stated that PP is gambling and the "investment" can be lost forever? 

No, it repeatedly renounces that we have our "investments" in a bank. And that after we reinvest about 110% of our last payout, we are supposed to receive another large payout. 

And we now are discussing a principal, not even a "profit". I am doing relatively well, but knigochey  has been subjected to discrimination, without any doubt. 

I am not going to argue terminology or semantics with you, at the end of the day playing any aspect of the game and indeed the game itself is each individual's choice, no one forces anyone to play PP's, no one twists their arms or hold them to ransom, just like in life, some you win and some you lose I

If Knigochey feels he has been discriminated against or that his game is bugged/altered/different then please advise him to contact support, yes, I know, we always say that however it just happens to be true, support team are the only ones who can investigate this for him and yes sometimes they take a while, I was out of the game 2 weeks ago for nearly a week with a frozen city, but you know what, I kept sending them the info requested and eventually they got it fixed AND advised me how to avoid it happening again 

Sure, after one gets robbed (most likely by the very staffers you are suggesting to go for help), he/she should feel well, right? Once again, profit is what you get OVER the investment. Stolen principal is not "profit". Do you understand what I am talking about?

13 апр. 2017, 10:5513.04.17
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Mullenz said:

Really? So now you are saying that Plrium openly stated that PP is gambling and the "investment" can be lost forever? 

To avoid misunderstanding, please check our FAQ about PPs: https://plarium.com/forum/en/sparta-war-of-empires/game-discussion/34287_faq---check-this-thread-before-posting/

Alyona, the quote you are referring to is just a vaguely formulated card blansh for plarium cheating. Gambling is illegal in games like that. But even if you were allowed, what your hidden programs do would be equivalent to tampering with the roulette mechanism. Absolutely clear, the programs you are claiming to be "proprietary" have nothing to do with random outcomes. And if they are punitive to certain players, they obvioulsy can elevate others. 
13 апр. 2017, 11:3813.04.17
13 апр. 2017, 13:18(отредактировано)

Mullenz said:

Maybe this will get through to you! (yeah right.. hehe)

This is just a GAME and I play it to pass the time. If at any point I feel aggrieved I will simply go and play something else!!

I play because I CHOOSE to.. I own nothing to Plarium and vice versa. As far as I am concerned they can do whatever they like with THEIR game!! 

Posting at the forum endless complains and conspiracy theories and on and on.. why are you still playing?!? lol 

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
13 апр. 2017, 13:1713.04.17
13 апр. 2017, 13:18(отредактировано)

Mullenz said:

Alyona, the quote you are referring to is just a vaguely formulated card blansh for plarium cheating. Gambling is illegal in games like that. But even if you were allowed, what your hidden programs do would be equivalent to tampering with the roulette mechanism. Absolutely clear, the programs you are claiming to be "proprietary" have nothing to do with random outcomes. And if they are punitive to certain players, they obvioulsy can elevate others. 

PPs are not gambling, Mullenz :) They are a part of the game. But if you don't like them, you're not forced to play them.

P.S. A warning for personal abusive statements regarding one of the players.
15 апр. 2017, 19:2515.04.17
Kakos said:

Mullenz said:

Maybe this will get through to you! (yeah right.. hehe)

This is just a GAME and I play it to pass the time. If at any point I feel aggrieved I will simply go and play something else!!

I play because I CHOOSE to.. I own nothing to Plarium and vice versa. As far as I am concerned they can do whatever they like with THEIR game!! 

Posting at the forum endless complains and conspiracy theories and on and on.. why are you still playing?!? lol 

I understand how bid you are in your own eyes but I am not interested in your perceptions. I am looking either for honest answers or soul mates. If you have nothing to say to the point, why are you here, playing a public defender for plarium? We are talking about PLAYERS'  time they are spending based on explicit expectations Plarium created. My time doesn't belong to them.  
15 апр. 2017, 19:3015.04.17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Mullenz said:

Alyona, the quote you are referring to is just a vaguely formulated card blansh for plarium cheating. Gambling is illegal in games like that. But even if you were allowed, what your hidden programs do would be equivalent to tampering with the roulette mechanism. Absolutely clear, the programs you are claiming to be "proprietary" have nothing to do with random outcomes. And if they are punitive to certain players, they obvioulsy can elevate others. 

PPs are not gambling, Mullenz :) They are a part of the game. But if you don't like them, you're not forced to play them.

P.S. A warning for personal abusive statements regarding one of the players.

If PP is a "black box" and you are refusing to give any reliable instruction and admit it is unpredictable - it is gambling. BTW, did you miss I just mirrored the "abusive statements" aimed at me? Did "other players" receive your warning, too?

15 апр. 2017, 19:3315.04.17
16 апр. 2017, 22:09(отредактировано)

knigochey said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Mullenz said:

Alyona, the quote you are referring to is just a vaguely formulated card blansh for plarium cheating. Gambling is illegal in games like that. But even if you were allowed, what your hidden programs do would be equivalent to tampering with the roulette mechanism. Absolutely clear, the programs you are claiming to be "proprietary" have nothing to do with random outcomes. And if they are punitive to certain players, they obvioulsy can elevate others. 

PPs are not gambling, Mullenz :) They are a part of the game. But if you don't like them, you're not forced to play them.

P.S. A warning for personal abusive statements regarding one of the players.

Alyona, If PP is a "black box" and you are refusing to give any reliable instruction and admit it is unpredictable - it is gambling. BTW, did you miss that I just mirrored the "abusive statements" aimed at me? Did "other players" receive your warning, too? Hope they are not deliberately provoking me in order to give you a reason to shut this conversation down. 

BTW, once again, I (helping mullenz) got a decent payout, but knigochey is still strugglin, despite hitting 135 mil PP points. Again, I cannot blame lack of skills or lack of attempt, as you would like me to. 

15 апр. 2017, 20:0215.04.17

deleted duplicated post

17 апр. 2017, 23:0617.04.17
morteeee said:

deleted duplicated post

Duplicated .. And who posted it? 
18 апр. 2017, 01:1418.04.17
18 апр. 2017, 01:27(отредактировано)
knigochey said:

ItBurnsWhenIPvP said:

The players with 50k horses are the ones who abused the persians a while back and took advantage of a glitch..There is no way anyone could have that amount unles they cheated or are plarium employess..It doesnt take rocket science to know that.

Come on, do you buy in this tale? The only Plarium concern is that some of the players who were not favored ALSO found out about the "glitch". But at the time of that announcement, there were very few if at all 300 mil + troops monsters. Since then,  their number skyrocketed, because the backdoors always can be created and apparently are created. Cheating is going on. And it is shielded by "proprietary secrets". 
Buy a tale??? You are the one that plays a free game and thinks you could ever compete with people that pay to play and then you come here to cry about it....I have seen some of these monster armies myself
18 апр. 2017, 01:1818.04.17
18 апр. 2017, 05:15(отредактировано)
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

ItBurnsWhenIPvP said:

The players with 50k horses are the ones who abused the persians a while back and took advantage of a glitch..There is no way anyone could have that amount unles they cheated or are plarium employess..It doesnt take rocket science to know that.
No, they're not :) There were only a few players that were able to abuse the system in the past. And why do you think they were on your server? :) We have 6 browser games, more than 60 servers... :)
You couldnt be more wrong..There were quite a few bragging about abusing the glitch, Also seen screenshots of some of there armies ..Also you do not even play any of the games you defend so how could you know anything that has went on?? Also you have claimed in the past cheating isn't possible yet people have abused glitches in the past and now you even admit some were able to abuse the system...So which is it??  
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
18 апр. 2017, 08:5718.04.17

ItBurnsWhenIPvP said:

You couldnt be more wrong..There were quite a few bragging about abusing the glitch, Also seen screenshots of some of there armies ..Also you do not even play any of the games you defend so how could you know anything that has went on?? Also you have claimed in the past cheating isn't possible yet people have abused glitches in the past and now you even admit some were able to abuse the system...So which is it??  

Abusing game mechanics is different from cheating that allows you to create in-game values by non-gameplay ways :)

And by the way, all Plarium employees play our games. However, not on the public servers.
18 апр. 2017, 18:5618.04.17
ItBurnsWhenIPvP said:

knigochey said:

ItBurnsWhenIPvP said:

The players with 50k horses are the ones who abused the persians a while back and took advantage of a glitch..There is no way anyone could have that amount unles they cheated or are plarium employess..It doesnt take rocket science to know that.

Come on, do you buy in this tale? The only Plarium concern is that some of the players who were not favored ALSO found out about the "glitch". But at the time of that announcement, there were very few if at all 300 mil + troops monsters. Since then,  their number skyrocketed, because the backdoors always can be created and apparently are created. Cheating is going on. And it is shielded by "proprietary secrets". 
Buy a tale??? You are the one that plays a free game and thinks you could ever compete with people that pay to play and then you come here to cry about it....I have seen some of these monster armies myself
You misinterpreted my post. I do not deny that "abuse" could have taken place in the past. My point is what happened in the past cannot "explain" the cheating that happens every days since. Do you understand? Not to mention, I am more than sure that the "loopholes" you are referring to  were deliberately created by Plarium for selected players who apparently did not keep their mouths shut. Thus, the only problem was that too many of those unauthorised knew the dirty secret. We cannot change what was in the past, but what is going on now should stop. That is what I am saying. Do you disagree?