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Upgrade Your Buildings to Even Higher Levels!Upgrade Your Buildings to Even Higher Levels!

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

Upgrade Your Buildings to Even Higher Levels!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
1 дек. 2015, 19:5401.12.15
1 дек. 2015, 19:58(отредактировано)

Stop kiddin folk with 'hopefully'.  You'll know fine well the sketches will be made reward and that was the plan, just hold them back a little while to gain some purchases. Players can read plarium's next move like a book.

I'm just waiting for the spiel that the gods have listened to what the people want and have decided to do it.

1 дек. 2015, 20:2001.12.15

john_zed said:

Thank you Archon No_One for explaining things beautifully. 

Hopefully after the Sketches are made available as reward for different tournaments (which is a possibility as Leonidas told earlier), all the hard working players will be benefited & get the chance to make the upgrades (slowly). 

I hope this works fine :)

And yes, I still expect it to be slow. It has to be, or people would have no reason to buy anything in game ever, and the game dies. It's just about drawing the line between "slow" and "impossible"! 

Someone who raids every single day and participate in every event to get drachmas with whatever he built during the week, should be able to, eventually, get to the point where he has everything he needs in game. ( Which means, before the next thing to buy ). Right now of course you 'can' get it at some point, but at this point there will be other things released that you'd have to buy too, so it's impossible to make it without $. 

Well, let's hope sketches are made available as reward or something like that, so it goes from "impossible" to "possible for dedicated players" :)

1 дек. 2015, 20:5001.12.15

necab15-games said:

You'll know fine well the sketches will be made reward and that was the plan, just hold them back a little while to gain some purchases. Players can read plarium's next move like a book.

Nice to hear that you can read Plarium! Please teach me that if you have spare time. I'll appreciate it.

1 дек. 2015, 20:5801.12.15
No_one said:

It's just about drawing the line between "slow" and "impossible"! 

& Slow is better than Impossible for everybody. 
2 дек. 2015, 12:1902.12.15
Milles said:

Totaly agree with what NO_ONE said. Dedicated players are trying to get to the point, where they can match the top players and there should be at least some balance between those who invest a lot of time (and some money) with those who invest a huge amount of money.

What i found attractive in this game in the first place was broad variety of units with unique graphics and most importanly a freakish amount of ways to pursue and improve your whole army and city, that is what i call a perfect gameplay and is something most free to play don't have.

Even some of the last changes were awsome in this way and improved the gameplay by a lot. Daily quests with better rewards, Warfares and Tournaments with even more rewards, even the rule of always getting units when attacking persion positions helped. That's why i would love to see more achivements with higher levels and according rewards or more units for example, both means more gameplay.

What achievements exactly do you want to see?
3 дек. 2015, 10:1303.12.15
Milles said:

To Basileus Leonidas:

Well that's not easy to say, since i do not know what is not hard to implement and what will be balanced before its implemented. What i could think of, then more levels of those which are easy to max out (resources etc.), than new ones for completing divine quests, for raiding positions or even archons, killing units worth of power points or specific number of each persian units, for number of mixed potions, number of GPs, Denariis and scrolls produced or earned, experiences earned, the options are limitless almost, since the game has endless mechanics.

But with like 15 levels of each, so that high levels can participate as well with according rewards of units/resources.

Hello, Archon! Are you suggesting new levels for other buildings?
4 дек. 2015, 10:3904.12.15
Milles said:

No no, the entire post was about achievements. So new levels to those achievements, which most of the active players have maxed out (resources, upgraded agreements) and a new ones entirely (for raiding, mixing potions etc. as i said previously). Or you can just make all achievements (old and new ones) up to like lvl 15 or 20 so that people can have a new things to pursue :-D.
I heard that the gods are thinking about this improvement! 
4 дек. 2015, 10:4304.12.15

johnthaman said:

Soooo BL. More then a week after updates and mostly negative respond from players, what is devs/Plarium opinion/reactions about it? Any news?

I have already left my answer in this topic concerning this issue and your feedback has been forwarded to our developers.

I want to pay your attention on the fact that there are a lot of ways in the game to earn Drachmas as a reward. So all the Archons have a possibility to buy these Sketches.   

And there is a possibility that the gods will decide to add these Sketches to the Tournaments' rewards. 

4 дек. 2015, 11:3104.12.15
Basileus Leonidas said:

And there is a possibility that the gods will decide to add these Sketches to the Tournaments' rewards. 

That would be great
4 дек. 2015, 12:2404.12.15
And What Psycho said is all true, with each update its getting more and more difficult for non-coiners and occasional coiners to compete with regular coiners because they fall under the same category.
4 дек. 2015, 14:2404.12.15
Psychokiller said:

only the money players are the ones that are in the weekly tournaments, 

No. I know Archons who haven't bought Drachmas and are placed in the top Rankings. Yes, maybe they need more time for this, but they can do it. Everything is possible
7 дек. 2015, 08:5507.12.15

it is possible..

I am an example... lol

admin knows this :)

3 months is nothing compared to big players (unless a heavy coiner)

6 янв. 2016, 11:5406.01.16

1. Is there a breakdown on the gains for each and every level on a per level basis beyond lvl 20 to 24?

2. What are the resources and sketches required per upgrade until new maximum level?

6 янв. 2016, 14:4606.01.16

1) Please, specify your question in more details

2) Timber, Bronze, Grain and Sketches that you can find at the Market in your "Resources" tab.
1 март 2016, 06:4201.03.16

Hello Archon,

- Just click on your building

- Then on the "Upgrade" button to upgrade it to level 21 or above.

Of course, the said building has to be at least level 20 !

The sketches icon displayed there is only to list the amount of required resources, as usual.

Up to level 20, you only need timber, bronze and grain.

From level 21 onwards, you need timber, bronze, grain and sketches.

If you're redirected to the market, it's probably becasue you don't have enough of one of them. Or because you clicked on the resource icon, instead of clicking on the "upgrade building" button.

6 апр. 2016, 18:1606.04.16
you apply them once your buildings are at level 20 to take them to a higher level than 20
20 июнь 2016, 20:5020.06.16
jycayandag said:

wow.. how can i upgrade if i only play w/out any money involve? 

 its unfair for me to play this game if my enemy was strong bcoz of money'''
I would suggest you to join some stronger league (they are often good placed on all tournaments) where you will get rewards from coal. tournaments and you will collect it much faster.. 
10 июль 2016, 12:2710.07.16

jycayandag said:

wow.. how can i upgrade if i only play w/out any money involve? 

 its unfair for me to play this game if my enemy was strong bcoz of money'''

Actually, not for money, but for drachmas.

The idea it to earn drachmas from the game, not buying them with money.

Well, it's up to you, of course.

As the problem is those sketches are worth lots of drachmas... Or more precisely, you need lots of sketches to upgrade anything. :(

However, the idea was the upgrades would be slow and scarce, to avoid advantaging too much some players over others.

But once again, big coiners can distort this principle, of course.

19 апр. 2017, 18:2619.04.17
suck my dick nigers
25 апр. 2017, 22:3625.04.17
26 апр. 2017, 07:47(отредактировано)

Basileus Leonidas said:

What a total scam. Sorry but its a no. You want real cash go and earn your own as you won't be seeing any of mine.