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Upgrade Your Buildings to Even Higher Levels!Upgrade Your Buildings to Even Higher Levels!

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

Upgrade Your Buildings to Even Higher Levels!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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25 нояб. 2015, 18:1925.11.15

Upgrade Your Buildings to Even Higher Levels!

New Item - Upgrade Sketches!

Put your Artisans to Work!

Upgrade Your Buildings to Even Higher Levels!


The gods have blessed your City with a new Item – Upgrade Sketches!

Upgrade Sketches can be used to upgrade certain buildings in your City, increasing their bonuses and making them even more powerful!

You can purchase Upgrade Sketches from the Market, within the “Upgrade Sketches” section of the “Resources" tab.

And with Upgrade Sketches, comes further updates: now you can upgrade your Buildings to even higher Levels! Each new Level brings even greater bonuses.

Upgrade Sketches can be used to upgrade:






The Temple of Hephaestus;

The Agora;

The Acropolis;

The Infirmary;

The Port;

The Harbor;

The Lighthouse.

Check in the “info” tabs for each of the buildings above to see which bonuses you shall receive with each Upgrade Level.

With so many buildings to upgrade, your Artisans will always be kept busy!

Furthermore, to Upgrade the Agora past Level 20, you must first upgrade the required buildings in your City to the required Levels. Only then may you Upgrade the Agora past Level 20.

Heed this message and head forth to victory, Archon!

Develop your City further and reclaim the lands!

25 нояб. 2015, 18:5125.11.15
Guys, this is horrible upg..... We need 10k drachmas for a single upg.... Sorry, but that's it. You will not gonna take even a single coin from me any more!
25 нояб. 2015, 19:0325.11.15
30 нояб. 2015, 13:54(отредактировано)

Archons , you can write your opinion, just Remember to Use Appropriate Language ^_^

25 нояб. 2015, 19:0825.11.15

You shouldn't even have to use drachmas to upgrade basic buildings...these prices are outrageous! It appears you only want people with unlimited credit cards playing this game. Time to start looking at other options...

25 нояб. 2015, 19:3025.11.15
25 нояб. 2015, 19:34(отредактировано)

Thank you for destroying all of the years of hard work, efforts and dedication by the members of our coalition and our friends in other coalitions  with your endless, and this final act of stupidity, arrogance and greed.

Up yours.
25 нояб. 2015, 19:4225.11.15
25 нояб. 2015, 19:43(отредактировано)

I really like to be able to upgrade infirmary and other such nice buildings.

But at the same time I kind of agree with the previous post that the expense per scheme is quite big only available for big spenders. I would rather you lower the expense per scheme( either throught discounts) or you should do something similar like you do with dominion points in some tournaments. Give like 20 schemes per 5k points of pvp.

That way both big spenders  and grinders will be happy. Big spenders can continue being something akin to top-guns and grinders through patience can eventually catch up.
25 нояб. 2015, 19:4625.11.15
Please wait until tomorrow for confirmation as to whether or not the upgrade schemes will be available in tournaments or in the wheel of fortune.
25 нояб. 2015, 19:4725.11.15
25 нояб. 2015, 19:55(отредактировано)

I completed a year of game I have not spent any penny

I completed all the buildings and agreements, I will not update more

I will keep throwing until reaching the maximum level by sending troops in the Persian positions and not gaining rewards

sparta war of empires it was a game of strategy, now a game of "coiners"

people with various cities and sponsored by entrepreneurs

everyone knows that appeared cities all over the map, by providing resources in exchange for money

whoever controls the cities;)

sparta war of empires is over

25 нояб. 2015, 19:4925.11.15
30 нояб. 2015, 13:54(отредактировано)

Archons, discussion and debate about changes is welcomed however please dont report to nasty comments and inappropriate language

25 нояб. 2015, 20:1925.11.15
plarium must be fair with all players and here in game is old players ho work hard to be active and have a good city.plarium must give to all this worker players posibilited to can have same advantage with money players.because if we worker player stop to play sparta game died in short time.money players is 10 % and they can,t play allone.Please think of this good and when make an update do something good to make all players to play more and more this game not to stop to play.
25 нояб. 2015, 20:2525.11.15

morteeee said:

Archons, discussion and debate about changes is welcomed however please dont report to nasty comments and inappropriate language

I am sorry but I think the language is appropriate response to this upgrade. That is like having someone punch you in the mouth and saying you shouldn't swear afterwards...

People are mad and they have every right to be, please look at the root of the problem. If they cant deal with the language then they shouldn't be doing something so insane, this is a form of assault on people money for basic upgrades. This has gone way to far!

Some people will continue but you will loose a lot of people with this insane upgrade cost.

25 нояб. 2015, 20:2825.11.15
rojo22 said:

the expense per scheme is quite big only available for big spenders. I would rather you lower the expense per scheme( either throught discounts) or you should do something similar like you do with dominion points in some tournaments. Give like 20 schemes per 5k points of pvp.

Thank you for your idea Archon Rojo22!  
25 нояб. 2015, 20:3825.11.15

this update is for the new cities that have emerged on the map

so that they (plarium) will make several farms with a high acropole

updating favors the "plarium" in several ways.

25 нояб. 2015, 20:3925.11.15

What on earth is this!Sketchy Upgrades!

Why not fix lag and bugs, improve server etc, before yet another money fleecing idea.  Game has been laggy for weeks, plus other bugs with res count delay, sections jumping back to first page(market and member stats) and simple to fix stuff like the troop hanging out of the build icons, but hey, why bother with silly things like fixes when you can mug more cash from loyal players instead.

I can picture plarium business meetings with someone like dr.evil at the helm rubbing his hands with glee at another cash orientated suggestion from one of his grovelling minions.

Buildings did not have this before and just required standard res to upgrade to max. Add futher lvls - good, but add a new thing that has to be purchased in order to upgrade - bad(especially upon seeing the cost). I would never have spent on this game at all and would have been long gone, if I knew it was going to turn out as bad as this.

Please bring out a delete account function that actually does delete account, so I can put myself out of my misery with this game for good.

25 нояб. 2015, 20:4025.11.15

How the F can you stay calm after those stupid upgrades. Total rip off omg. And we asked Leonidas to bring us pan report...and he said it is their high priority and should be here soon...well we have been screwed...again money over enjoyment. Having too many bloody pan reports and losing other reports is really killing me. And in the meantime i still have space for 9 buidlings where i want something for free. Why in this game nothing is free anymore like it used to be. And many suggestions have been added what to do with those empty spaces...you see what we want...think hmm no money--> not gonna do it. Ill be polite go home idiots

25 нояб. 2015, 20:5925.11.15

This is a sure sign the game is slowly dying.  It's unfortunate that you just can't expand the game with just resource costs.  When it becomes a money grab at every single corner, you know things are slowing down. 

Hint:  I spent more Drachmas buying resource packs at the current discounted price than when they were regular price and more drachmas on them then troop revival and champion units.  Why? because it's the only thing in this game that is at a reasonable cost! When the cost makes sense, more people spend. 

Anyway, I will ride this game out until the wheels fall off since I have too much invested and I enjoy the company of the many friends I have made here.
25 нояб. 2015, 21:1025.11.15
26 нояб. 2015, 21:37(отредактировано)

you spending money on online games, think twice you might be funding something wrong

25 нояб. 2015, 21:4925.11.15

I'm a realistic business man and I do understand that Plarium needs to turn a profit in order to build more servers, support customers, etc... If there were no coiners, there would be no game...

With that been said, I do think the sketches pricing is high and hope you will think about think about reducing it, as to make it attractive for low cost spenders... I think there would be a more positive response from players.

I do like the additional items you can purchase with GPs, which is a plus. Keep that going.

25 нояб. 2015, 22:1025.11.15
25 нояб. 2015, 22:14(отредактировано)

I've no doubt these will be brought into pvp, so the players with 1000's of spare gps have something fresh to aim for.

It would be a long road though, say earning 50 sketchy upgrates per tournament, because each building upgrade jumps up a much bigger notch in res/sketch cost or drachma cost, similar to the tokens for temple of xenia. (I have upgraded acrop already from lvl20-21 with instant upgrade, to verify my suspicion and next upgrade lvl21-lvl22 is roughly double the cost for less acrop holding limit)
25 нояб. 2015, 22:1425.11.15
25 нояб. 2015, 22:15(отредактировано)

If you (Plarium) want to make money, improve the strategy of game that is almost completely absent in this game and then you can make money on that one and not on these frivolous things, otherwise this game has a few months of life and then will be completely dead.

25 нояб. 2015, 22:1725.11.15
Sauron said:

you spending money on online games, think twice you might be funding something wrong

Such as?