Tonaya said:
Diomedes said:
Tonaya said:
national guard ?
No, sorry, as indicated, not military (therefore no Coast Guard, no Sheriff's or Marshal's dept. no law enforcement of any kind either) but ...
Clue #4:
The members not only wear uniforms, the head of this U.S. govt. agency has the title of General (and since 2015 it's 'Madam General').
madam general?it is hilary clinton,clinton fondation,they do funny things with young children,you know,pizzagate and stuff....
so is it:
Is Pizzagate still making the rounds (?), even Fox debunked that one ... :-)
Clue #5 (the last one!!!)
This U.S. govt. agency not only specialized in transportation, it offers its services to all residents and even to persons outside the U.S. It is safe to say that every adult in the U.S. has used their services, most U.S. households more or less on a daily basis.