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Get Sparta: War Of Empires

Your suggestions

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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12 авг. 2016, 18:3912.08.16

MaxMaxter said:

my suggestion is basic, but something that identifies each city, according to the player that country, for example deploy a flag to place in your city and be a outside the city on the map to a good serious side having your flag your country represent him in the game, 

Where would it be displayed? Near your City Name? On its background? I need some examples.

so something like that, I think you are better thinking a much better place, but is just one example, it is something simple but it would be nice sight

12 авг. 2016, 19:1312.08.16
15 авг. 2016, 12:08(отредактировано)

MaxMaxter said:

MaxMaxter said:

my suggestion is basic, but something that identifies each city, according to the player that country, for example deploy a flag to place in your city and be a outside the city on the map to a good serious side having your flag your country represent him in the game, 

Where would it be displayed? Near your City Name? On its background? I need some examples.

so something like that, I think you are better thinking a much better place, but is just one example, it is something simple but it would be nice sight

It would be free info. to enemies as to when the player is likely to be asleep.

Good point.
13 авг. 2016, 15:3913.08.16
15 авг. 2016, 12:09(отредактировано)

Give coalition leaders a way to evacuate their capitals,lets say you want your coalition to remove troops immediately from the capital due to a amada of troops incoming ,but 50% of the defenders of capital aren't online,there need to be a way to remove troops from there quickly instead of letting them be killed due to afk/offline. this would save many defensive troops and  help  leaders keep their members assets safe has well.

Declined. Please check the list of Declined Suggestions for the explanation.
18 авг. 2016, 14:3118.08.16
30 сент. 2016, 09:47(отредактировано)

How about allowing the time boosts to be used on galleys? I imagine almost everyone would welcome that. 

Declined. Getting Resource by trading doesn't have the highest priority. It's more efficient to get Resources by raiding.

19 авг. 2016, 09:4919.08.16
22 авг. 2016, 11:39(отредактировано)

When you decline a suggestion please insert a link to the explanation if already done in the phrase:

"Declined. Please check the list of Declined Suggestions for the explanation."

There are only 4 topics in this thread. And there is a link to the Declined Suggestions in the start post.

19 авг. 2016, 09:5319.08.16
22 авг. 2016, 11:40(отредактировано)

It will be nice that the boost in capital disciplines will not be fixed but variable like in other boost. If you can select the time (number of drachmas) you want to boost im sure that the use of drachmas ill increase dramatically on that feature.

We are considering this idea.
19 авг. 2016, 18:0519.08.16
GLP said:

How about allowing the time boosts to be used on galleys? I imagine almost everyone would welcome that. 

Thank you for this suggestion. I would like to know if other players support this idea.

this is a great idea ,since the two archon have already agreed to a deal why force them to wait hours on end , a way to boost the galley speed is a welcomed idea
20 авг. 2016, 12:4520.08.16
22 авг. 2016, 11:45(отредактировано)

It would be great if we could restore a part of the wasted peaces used to upgrade an item, when we destroy it.

Passed to devs.
21 авг. 2016, 14:3921.08.16
22 авг. 2016, 11:45(отредактировано)

allow for more  chances to rotate buildings  in the editing tab for décor , has of now only a small amount of the buildings can be rotated please increase the ability  rotate more of the building. This would allow for more creativity  in our city's instead of having them all look mostly the same overall . give us the chance to be more creative  and a bit more unique with how we each design our city

Please make a list of the buildings you would like to rotate so I could pass it to our developers.
21 авг. 2016, 23:1121.08.16
landmark28213 said:

allow for more  chances to rotate buildings  in the editing tab for décor , has of now only a small amount of the buildings can be rotated please increase the ability  rotate more of the building. This would allow for more creativity  in our city's instead of having them all look mostly the same overall . give us the chance to be more creative  and a bit more unique with how we each design our city
yes I agree that is worth a  consideration seeing  every city the same is boring ,so something has simple has turning buildings and  other structures would help save individuality
22 авг. 2016, 00:5822.08.16
22 авг. 2016, 11:47(отредактировано)

How about a 1-2,500 drachma reward for all suggestions that are implemented?  (including this one ;)

- It's a "win-win".

Since August 4 we collect the information about the authors of Suggestions. As soon as they are implemented, their authors will receive a reward. The size of the reward was not specified yet.
22 авг. 2016, 04:1322.08.16
GLP said:

How about a 1-2,500 drachma reward for all suggestions that are implemented?  (including this one ;)

- It's a "win-win".
this deserves many  thumb ups lol
22 авг. 2016, 06:4722.08.16

GLP said:

How about a 1-2,500 drachma reward for all suggestions that are implemented?  (including this one ;)

- It's a "win-win".


GLP deservers a 1 out 2,500 drachma for that!!
22 авг. 2016, 15:3022.08.16
22 авг. 2016, 15:36(отредактировано)

If  the 50%  keeps the game in balance as you say to lyderis,  why dont you create a 2x fairer - better deal that will benefit even more  the loyal non coiners, who play the game for a long time. You will call it 100% and  it will cost twice as much  (20$) and it will last twice as much (2 weeks) and with the money that you will get from this  antiABUGIUGU BUNDlE, you might even create more  generals , cities schemas and avatars

Folas Polemarch AZARCKS

22 авг. 2016, 16:4322.08.16
23 авг. 2016, 09:22(отредактировано)

Is there some way we can create 'Regiments'. It would be fun. I would like to be able to band together certain number of troops and of a certain mix and create Regiments that I can name. The 'Invincible 43rd Light Infantry & Support Regiment'. You could restrict the naming to a no. (43rd, 207th, 1st etc.) and various other ancients names if require. Having a regiment means you can move, recall, attack etc that single block of troops specifically. You can't just generate any old regiment, there has to be a minimum number of troops which should be quite 'large' - I was thinking of say 1.5 mil for a 1st level regiment, 2 mil for 2nd level or similar. Having a regiment gives a little extra bonus in offense or defence depending of the type. Ultimately, regiments can be decorated (no particular game play influence here, just a nice to have) as regiments battle their way through and win victories. It would be nice to have a log of regiments that say win x number of victories. Come on guys these are our pride and joy, our troops, and we want them to be bands of brothers! Some help if a regiment is crushed or defeated. (note defeats should be recorded too, just like real armies). A defeat means the entire set of troops is out of action. You can't break up a regiment once its built - the idea is you have your normal x thousand or y millions of troops as normal with a number of specially created regiments on top. The broken ones you add troops to over time and build it up to the original spec. That way you need to take care if its a 1 million (example only) or a 5 million - ha! the later would take some time to re-build! All this has really stemmed from the idea that i would like to say to a friend or coalition member - "I'll be sending my crack troops to assist - the 14th Dominion Phalanx Strike Regiment1'       

I've already passed a similar suggestion.
23 авг. 2016, 10:1823.08.16
25 авг. 2016, 09:15(отредактировано)

Hi There are Stables and Barracks and Infantry camp and Armory and each one of them trains one unit. What I suggest since there are for example 2 pages of stables on the first page there is scout, Mounted Peltast, Macedonian cav, Agema horse, and on the second page there is Cathaginian horse, Equite, Legate, Venator. Allow 1 unit per page say I would like to train Mounted Peltast on the first page and legate on the second page and so on for all.

Thank you

It has been passed to devs.

23 авг. 2016, 12:3723.08.16
25 авг. 2016, 09:16(отредактировано)

How about giving veteran troops a 5% speed boost; at the moment they are the same speed as regular troops.

- Thanks.

Declined. Even though they are Veterans, they can't travel faster.
23 авг. 2016, 15:1823.08.16
25 авг. 2016, 09:17(отредактировано)

It would be really useful if we were able to "sticky" some of our messages - maybe a maximum of five or so at a time - as information is often exchanged that needs to be looked back upon, beyond the one or two days messages usually stay before they are deleted.

What messages do you mean? Regular mail?
23 авг. 2016, 18:3823.08.16
25 авг. 2016, 09:18(отредактировано)

Its nice that we can sent general equipment itens to other coa members. At the begining of the game we have articles to share and when you sign all basic aggremenst you loose that capability. So if you share genereal equipment itens we can get this funcionalty back to game... share something with others.

Second sharing may only be possible intra COA. Tranactions to non COA registered friends or inter COA must not be possible, inclusive to other items because promotes double account.

Declined. Equipment is much harder to get than Articles. They are your personal gain, and if other players want to have the same equipment, they will need to raid Persian Positions to get it.
24 авг. 2016, 02:0724.08.16
25 авг. 2016, 09:20(отредактировано)

landmark28213 said:

allow for more  chances to rotate buildings  in the editing tab for décor , has of now only a small amount of the buildings can be rotated please increase the ability  rotate more of the building. This would allow for more creativity  in our city's instead of having them all look mostly the same overall . give us the chance to be more creative  and a bit more unique with how we each design our city

Please make a list of the buildings you would like to rotate so I could pass it to our developers.

1st infirmary

2nd argentarium

3rd embassy

4th sanctum of Asclepius


6th armory

7th stables

8th infantry camp (cant be moved at all I guess)

9th agora

10 ephorate

11th temple of hermes

12th hall of xenia

13th none of the resource buildings rotate either

I know you probably cant make all these rotate but id like to suggest that unlocking all city space become a achievement .it  is a big investment, might be deserved for a new player so consider it!!

I will ask if it's possible, but as it would require too much work of artists to draw other sides of that buildings, I can't guarantee anything.

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