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Discover Skills and defeat Challengers to earn Phylarch Points!

Discover Skills and defeat Challengers to earn Phylarch Points!

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12 окт. 2016, 17:5412.10.16

Discover Skills and defeat Challengers to earn Phylarch Points!

Discover Skills and defeat Challengers to earn Phylarch Points!

A message from the marathoners!


Fortune smiles upon you! From now on, every Archon will have the ability to fight using a fearless warrior!

To use this Phylarch and bring glory upon your City, you must first build the Amphitheater. This is where you can find and interact with your Phylarch and take advantage of unique opportunities to strengthen your armies and develop your City!

In order to benefit from Phylarch Bonuses, you must Discover Skills in the Skills tab at the Amphitheater. To Discover and Improve Skills you will need to accumulate Phylarch Points, which can be obtained by defeating Challengers in the Battle tab.

In the Phylarch tab, you can select the Skills that you wish to gain Bonuses from, then activate them. The number of Bonuses you are able to have active simultaneously is limited but can be increased with the Discovery of “Additional Slot” Skills.

Remember: Bonuses are only effective until their activation period ends.

There are two types of Skills: Conventional Skills, which can be activated at any time after they are Discovered, and Mythical Skills. Mythical Skills will require Marks (Marks of Helios, Marks of Athena, Marks of Hades) to activate, which are earned through participation in Tournaments and other game events. In the Phylarch tab, you can see how many Phylarch Points and Marks of each type you currently possess.

Make haste, Archon! Put your Phylarch's power to use and make your City glorious!

Basileus Leonidas

12 окт. 2016, 18:1412.10.16

Nice to see something new... :D

lets see what it does
12 окт. 2016, 19:5112.10.16
what the hell have plarium done with agreements in sparta 350% at lev 32 ????? thats a hole new game if you compair lev 20 AND 32 IN BATTLE OH WELL  wont be playing it for long anymore kålhue
12 окт. 2016, 20:2012.10.16
Ya that guys right the agreements having new levels grrr i just got mine all signed a few weeks ago now others will have ultimate power if they just buy all the levels up to 32,,,,,,, wrong me do i not revenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 окт. 2016, 21:1912.10.16
12 окт. 2016, 21:22(отредактировано)

Hello all !!

I have spent 15 months on this game and a fair amount of money too. Previously it was possible for a smaller player with good strategy and fast moves to damage a stronger player. Was never easy of course but the opportunity was there... Patience , speed and good strategy would allow that. The new changes in agreements are bad.... Especially the part where the defensive value of offence units gets increased. One of the biggest weapons a smaller player had against a stronger opponent was to catch his offence and that way bring in a victory. Now this will not be possible anymore.

I believe that aspect should be really reconsidered. I fully understand that you need to make money and i respect that! Still it is supposed to be a strategy game wich allows it also for the smaller guy to face his opponent. Otherwise we can do it directly like this:

Player A send his bank account to raid me ... he sends 10.000$ , i defend with 500$ , i lose end of story. And instead of resources he takes the 500$ dirrectly from my account as a loot for the raid.....

It is one thing things take longer time for a player that puts only small amounts or even no money on his game and its completelly another thing to make it impossible for a smaller player to stand up to a stronger opponent in any way or keep up with this....
12 окт. 2016, 22:4812.10.16

DXR i just seen the bonus, it is ridiculous. but i think they are wrong if they though this will bring money...

if they dont loose troops, they wont buy the troops... as they do now, and the ones we do our armies with patience, well they will not be ever doing troops for the benefit of a few.... games online there are tons... and the best of this games at the end is the people around, the memories you take 75% are social....

Is plarium ready to risk that? to benefit a few?
13 окт. 2016, 05:4513.10.16

Zeus Warriors has always been a team that supports and helps/respects both type of players. Those of us that put more money then needed (or is considered sane ) for a game and those that play with no or little money....

This is going too far this time. This leaves no chance for smaller guys to outsmart , be faster or simply better players then some player that is all wallet and no brains .... Now for me the biggest part in this game is the friends we fight together with .... have fun with.... 

Plarium decides those friends are not welcomed on it.... They only want the ones of us that have / will pay insane $ to fill their bank accounts.This drains out the last little drops of strategy left in a game thats supposed to be a strategy game. 

I fully understand that it is a company that needs to make money. And i do respect that but there is making money for offering a good product or service and there is also "killing the goose that lays the golden egg" with beeing too greedy.....

13 окт. 2016, 07:3613.10.16

I think the Game should offer a RESOURCE option as well. That is, allows us to use our hard earned timber, bronze and grain to get access. Ok make them 'expensive' BUT gives us the option ... not doing so seems to move the game in a different direction and feel.

Come on all you Kings, Queens, Emperors and Fighters - tell 'em what you think!
13 окт. 2016, 09:2613.10.16
13 окт. 2016, 14:54(отредактировано)

Here you go everyone. My new Youtube video explaining the new levels and the Amphitheater. Enjoy. Subscribe if you like. I will be publishing the new Xerxes position video that will blow the mind! I don't do this for money. I do it for the fun of the game. I have another 800 videos almost ready to publish on every single angle of the game. I hope they help out new players and spark interest in older players opening your eyes to the angles, tips, trick and cheats of the game. Explaining Orichalum, how to build a city, how to fight, defend take it to the edge. A lot of players complain the new guys are being left in the dusk, that's not the case. It's all in how you research your army. I hope you all like it. Thanks Naughty 




Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
13 окт. 2016, 09:3013.10.16
Notty said:

Here you go everyone. My new Youtube video explaining the new levels and the Amphitheater. Enjoy. Subscribe if you like. I will be publishing the new Xerxes position video that will blow the mind! I don't do this for money. I do it for the fun of the game. I have another 800 videos almost ready to publish on every single angle of the game. I hope they help out new players and spark interest in older players opening your eyes to the angles, tips, trick and cheats of the game. Explaining Orichalum, how to build a city, how to fight, defend take it to the edge. A lot of players complain the new guys are being left in the dusk, that's not the case. It's all in how you research your army. I hope you all like it. Thanks Naughty 


Cool! Will you post it in Game Tutorials section? :)
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
13 окт. 2016, 09:3613.10.16

Guys, new levels give you many benefits:

1) Your Units will become much stronger.

2) You will be able to upgrade Defensive stats for Offensive Units and vice versa. It means more space for strategic movements and less risk for your Offense to be caught and lost in unfair battle.

3) Only active players will receive this opportunity. The Defensive Units of players that are not playing the game anymore, but protecting other players or strategic sites will no longer be competitive.

4) Only the last 2 levels will require a special Resource. 

5) You can get this Resource in Tournaments.

13 окт. 2016, 10:1513.10.16
13 окт. 2016, 10:16(отредактировано)

1 stronger is not the only thng in strategy .. this is strategy game, making stronger you do nto improve, jsut make bigger gaps and how would this game will be rate in 2017, pay to play as the percentage is getting worse....

2. thats the main problem in all this, if you were a real player, you would notice... how UNFAIR this will become

3. only big spenders will real benefit of this

4. the ones that give the most unfair davantage

Do developers listen to the players? See that most we complain about the bonuses progression that will make this game unfair

13 окт. 2016, 10:3613.10.16
What happens to players that have not upgraded their warehouses/granaries past level 20?
13 окт. 2016, 11:2113.10.16

I seriously laugh when i look at the agreements: agema maxed up to lvl 32 gives a bonus of 440%.....while as mounted peltast, lvl 32 only gives you an insignificant 70%....how on earth are you suppose to defend against an army of 10.000 agemas? With what......those will pulverize a capital or a pantheon in no time with little chances of mounting a proper and efficient defense.

And this is not just for mounted pelt...it is for all defensive units...they are stucked at 70% bonus while all ofensive units are granted huge boosts.

In my oppinion, the only way to correct this mistake, is to significantly lower the production costs of all defensive troops, their production time and their grain consumption...

13 окт. 2016, 11:2513.10.16
paladin said:

What happens to players that have not upgraded their warehouses/granaries past level 20?
You can either pay up for sketches, and play the game as they want, or watch this lovely game turn into a game for "deep pocket" players!
13 окт. 2016, 11:3913.10.16

siminium thats the defensive increase of the agemas and the ofensive increase of the mounted peltast .. if it was a normal progression as before going all up to 70% it could be normal.... but the 440 is not improving the game, is beneficial to players that make msitakes, not active players...

and as i said, we all do mistakes and we learn from them, so we dont do them again....

I seriously hope plarium reconsideres that progression and make them go up equial, as they were till now or scouts are ....
13 окт. 2016, 13:0413.10.16

Notty said:

You guys are not reading the bonuses properly!!! That's defense for offense troops and offense for defense troops. It's not exponential. That's the % over stock.. watch my video.. It explains all...


I have to admit that I rushed my judgement when i wrote my frustration, but, after watching your video I am still puzzled about something: I truly understand the defense for the ofensive troops (if you catch the ofensive troops in one's city they stand a better chance to defend themself) but what is the purpose of adding "ofensive" bonus to the defensive troops? Are we going to attack / raid using defensive troops now?

13 окт. 2016, 13:0613.10.16
13 окт. 2016, 13:07(отредактировано)

noone said exponentional.... we complain of the unfair progression on defensive power on offensive units and viceversus.

I am talking  not only as a player also as one ofthe responsible of my group, looking for  short middle and long term options of  all
13 окт. 2016, 14:5513.10.16
13 окт. 2016, 14:57(отредактировано)

siminum said:

Notty said:

You guys are not reading the bonuses properly!!! That's defense for offense troops and offense for defense troops. It's not exponential. That's the % over stock.. watch my video.. It explains all...


I have to admit that I rushed my judgement when i wrote my frustration, but, after watching your video I am still puzzled about something: I truly understand the defense for the ofensive troops (if you catch the ofensive troops in one's city they stand a better chance to defend themself) but what is the purpose of adding "ofensive" bonus to the defensive troops? Are we going to attack / raid using defensive troops now?

Outstanding question! Have you ever besieged a city or taken over an Emporium? You send defense and offense mixed in together at the same time. Should the attacking force get ransacked and the fight spills over into the defense, you have a far greater chance of pulling some troops out of the fire! Thanks for the question.

13 окт. 2016, 22:5813.10.16

Why more?

Better to ensure the game is free from problems and glitches which it already has.

No doubt this will eventualy mean we have to pay.