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Reporting a player

Reporting a player

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
18 окт. 2018, 10:0018.10.18

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

as you dont know the abusses many of us we got, you can not compare or think you were more or less, anyway any abusse is wrong, RESPECT should be granted always as its one of the few things in life that are free... . i am happy plarium help you, a pitty the rest  we were /are not listened. but again i am very happy for you.

In case of abusive messages, you send a report to Support team via this link: https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new > "Report a violation" Form. 

Usually, such accounts are banned, but Support team won't inform you about it in order not to break our Privacy Policy.

18 окт. 2018, 11:3018.10.18
but they did not, and they still do not. so people dont trust in palrium or support because they see no backup from them when problems arise
18 окт. 2018, 12:0418.10.18

Unfortunately there are no measures in place to protect another player from harassment.  Blocking a player from sending you messages does not prevent the harassment in the form 100's of fake sieges, fake scout reports and 1 troop reinforcement reports.  There is no in game strategy to defend yourself from this and from preventing it from filling up your reports. Plarium refuses to get involved.

It's sad to see some player's here deflecting their resentment for not being able to spend money by taking it out on those who do coin. Jealousy, lack of self worth and/or motivation can really drive a person to treat others who have worked hard for the option to spend money on a game that offers bonuses, poorly.  

Those who coin are often victims of some who don;t and are followed around in forums and harassed, accusing coiners of being cheats, liars even crybabies.  Apparently if you coin, you do not know war strategy and you are worthless for posting on the forum because spamming another player is considered 'war strategy", sending political assassins is NOT.
20 окт. 2018, 08:0820.10.18

Wow ! Rix "Cries"? Do Spartans cry ? Has Rix ever read a History book? Military strategy book ?

  If he can not send Assassins or money at it, he claims "Harassment"???? Constant small raids, is as old as "History" it's self? Verbal antagonism is as old as The Bible. 

  Where do these guys, that "Buy" there way, into an Historic "Based" strategy game come from ? Does the word "Pawn" mean anything??? Ask any "Nam" Vet. what V.C. and K.R. did, all day and night ???

  Ask WWII Vets. who was "Tokyo Rose"?

Will someone PLEASE give Rix a Tissue . . . By the way, see PVP ranking. A member from a 107 rank Coalition, is #1 due to Battle with Rix's "Crew". . .

 Now I have heard everything. . . . Plarium, Terminators need more help . . . . Hoah !
20 окт. 2018, 11:5020.10.18
LMAO! Again, all the bark of a Chihuahua just like the rest of your crew.  Yack yack yack...... ZERO bite 
23 окт. 2018, 13:3423.10.18

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

but they did not, and they still do not. so people dont trust in palrium or support because they see no backup from them when problems arise

Please note I'm talking about abusive messages and not about protecting players from spamming attacks, reports and other in-game actions.

The Support team can and do block sending messages feature to those players who ignore their warnings 3 times and keep on sending offensive messages.

As for the in-game actions like attacking or spying we can't do anything here because it's a war game and it won't exist without attacking/spying and other war actions.
23 окт. 2018, 15:2723.10.18
23 окт. 2018, 15:30(отредактировано)

alina, i know what means abuse, and threats, dont make it as we complain for silly things, because you were not there, 

abusse, and really serious abuse is what we mean, real abussive language., that no women, no player should receive and after see how plarium does nothing

26 окт. 2018, 12:2526.10.18

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

alina, i know what means abuse, and threats, dont make it as we complain for silly things, because you were not there, 

abusse, and really serious abuse is what we mean, real abussive language., that no women, no player should receive and after see how plarium does nothing

Then you're welcome to report such players to me in PM.

Please note you'll need to include screenshots of their abusive messages. Plus, I won't block sending messages for them at once.

I will send a warning first if they keep on sending abusive messages, I will send a warning once again, and then once again. 

I will block sending messages feature for them only if they ignore 3 of my messages.

For each of these warnings, you will need to send me PMs with the screenshots where they send abusive messages despite my warnings.

26 окт. 2018, 13:2226.10.18

i did all that, and nothing was done

now i don't bother reporting, but if i see something serious in y players or friends i will let you!  thanks

29 окт. 2018, 14:2129.10.18
hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

i did all that, and nothing was done

now i don't bother reporting, but if i see something serious in y players or friends i will let you!  thanks

Sure, just sent me a PM! Thanks to you as well 
4 нояб. 2018, 16:3204.11.18
4 нояб. 2018, 16:35(отредактировано)

Bill Almorra said:

Hello Archon !

Please don't publish the coordinates of one or more player(s) on the forum.

To read : Here is a useful link for this kind of case.

Then I will ask you to send a report to the support center with : explanations of the situation + screenshots.

As my colleague Elias said, there is the possibility to block the messages of players, to use if necessary.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me, an other moderator or a CM via private messages.

I have tried sending PM-I receive message stating I can not send due to your privacy settings. I have contacted Hegemon of the offending player as well as used the support page you posted. I initially believed the link was a video shot of the battles we are currently engaged in with this coalition. Instead, it was a video that was "Very" disrespectful and what I consider to be "pornographic insinuating that I was a "specific body part".

Thank you for that information.
5 нояб. 2018, 03:0005.11.18

Mick13000 said:

Bill Almorra said:

Hello Archon !

Please don't publish the coordinates of one or more player(s) on the forum.

To read : Here is a useful link for this kind of case.

Then I will ask you to send a report to the support center with : explanations of the situation + screenshots.

As my colleague Elias said, there is the possibility to block the messages of players, to use if necessary.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me, an other moderator or a CM via private messages.

I have tried sending PM-I receive message stating I can not send due to your privacy settings. I have contacted Hegemon of the offending player as well as used the support page you posted. I initially believed the link was a video shot of the battles we are currently engaged in with this coalition. Instead, it was a video that was "Very" disrespectful and what I consider to be "pornographic insinuating that I was a "specific body part".

Thank you for that information.

 In such circumstances the best thing to do is:

-collect evidence straight away
-send back a warning of the fact that the player is not following the term and conditions of Plarium and will suffer consequences such as ban or closing their account.
-send the evidence and name and in game coordinates and if on fb send the fb profile along side to support team.
-send the evidence if done on fb chat to fb with clear picture of their profile and the chat by selecting report user
-block the player  so no more messages are allowed to go through in game or fb
-tell everyone in your coalition and let the Hegemon / polemarches step in if in game actions are taken against you by this player
- if your coalition is part of an alliance of coalition make them aware of such situations 
-the result:
they get banned, account closed on fb or they become inactive as everyone will make sure their city become a farm.

I hope this helps

13 янв. 2020, 01:1513.01.20

Is a manager on now?

13 янв. 2020, 07:3113.01.20

Hey, tell me what's going on

13 янв. 2020, 11:1313.01.20
13 янв. 2020, 11:14(отредактировано)
Marius said:

Bill Almorra provided the correct link. If any of the player's actions break the law, it is also possible to contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance.
i am sorry if you dont like my answer but the truth is that answer show the lack of respect that plarium shows to us. is like saying we dont care to help you when we ask for help that you can provide
13 янв. 2020, 16:0513.01.20

Fortuna T.I.A. said:

Marius said:

Bill Almorra provided the correct link. If any of the player's actions break the law, it is also possible to contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance.
i am sorry if you dont like my answer but the truth is that answer show the lack of respect that plarium shows to us. is like saying we dont care to help you when we ask for help that you can provide

The game is very competitive and players often become highly emotionally invested in the gameplay. We certainly don't condone any type of harassment, it is something that we take seriously in Plarium and we have a set procedure for dealing with such cases. For now, you can check our Harassment Policy here and if you are still receiving such messages, feel free to report it to our team. 

13 янв. 2020, 17:3213.01.20

Marius said:

Bill Almorra provided the correct link. If any of the player's actions break the law, it is also possible to contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance.

what if plarium brake the law? 

14 янв. 2020, 01:3914.01.20
Tonaya said:

Marius said:

Bill Almorra provided the correct link. If any of the player's actions break the law, it is also possible to contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance.

what if plarium brake the law? 

Hello Tonaya: Everybody has to respect laws. Plarium as well. I don´t know what kind of law you think Plarium is breaking, but you can always contact a lawyer to get some advice. This is the way to treat crimes, posting in forums is not.
14 янв. 2020, 03:4014.01.20

vanesamei said:

Tonaya said:

Marius said:

Bill Almorra provided the correct link. If any of the player's actions break the law, it is also possible to contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance.

what if plarium brake the law? 

Hello Tonaya: Everybody has to respect laws. Plarium as well. I don´t know what kind of law you think Plarium is breaking, but you can always contact a lawyer to get some advice. This is the way to treat crimes, posting in forums is not.

i'll need some time to make a list what laws plarium braked :)

15 янв. 2020, 23:5615.01.20
Tonaya said:

Marius said:

Bill Almorra provided the correct link. If any of the player's actions break the law, it is also possible to contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance.

what if plarium brake the law? 

Don;t you have a coalition to run?