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Will it ever be a war game again?

Will it ever be a war game again?

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
9 нояб. 2021, 03:0709.11.21
9 нояб. 2021, 03:07(отредактировано)

Coming back to the game after a number of years recently I have to say I do like many of the changes. Compared to when I first started the game there was virtually no rewards. Now, it seems like I am getting rewards for everything which is nice. I recently got 1,500 promachos doing a persian position no higher than level 48! Do you realize how much it would cost me to actually purchase 15 hundred of this unit? I agree that you have to decide what kind of player you want to be and what type of units do you prefer to specialize in. I'm not much on defense so I don't put much effort into increasing my defensive unit stats. There are many ways to play this game now which I like. That being said, I do howver feel that with all the new elysian units and oddball units this game is no longer a game that reflects ancient Greek warfare but instead has turned into some kind of famtasy role playng game. Also, the fact that "paying" players will always have the upper hand as they had kind of sucks but there are still options for non paying players to get involved in differetn aspects of the game.

20 дек. 2021, 21:0820.12.21
20 дек. 2021, 21:09(отредактировано)

Hi YaviZ

thanks for the feedback, I too miss te glory days of kill or be killed but the game can still be like this for you, you just need to work on effective strategies with your team 

If you have any suggestions as to how Plarium can revitalise Sparta for you (and others) Please pop them down in a thread on the below link 

Plarium does read them and does also implement player suggestions too (not all of them obviously, as the old saying goes "you cant please all of the people all of the time") 

anyway enough waffle from me, link below :)


I have made suggestions, Plarium doesn't listen.

20 дек. 2021, 21:1720.12.21

1. Too many overlapping, time-consuming events

2. Guardians & Elysian have tilted this game in favour of coiners

3. Rewards have been in decline over the last few months

4. This is supposed to be called, "Sparta" yet so many non-Greek troops/elements have since been introduced.  Again, in favour of the coiners.  Remove them!

5. Virtually decent upgrade now is heavily dependent upon the use of sketches, which as usual require vast amounts of pocket money!  For non-coiners, a lifetime to accumulate.

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
21 дек. 2021, 11:5421.12.21

Thanks for your remarks, Archons. All constructive feedback does get cycled back to our hardworking dev team. The game is always getting tweaked and improved. 

We're trying to keep a balance between F2P and paid content. In-game purchases can speed up the progress, but it is possible to get everything for free.  

21 дек. 2021, 16:1521.12.21

I am still waiting for a response to my proposals on improving the pvp prizes so that players can participate each week and recover lost troops, plarium never listens.

29 дек. 2021, 08:0029.12.21

I am still waiting for a response to my proposals on improving the pvp prizes so that players can participate each week and recover lost troops, plarium never listens.

dont worry,they are in good hands now

the "experienced players-mods" added your proposals and now the only thing left is to make plarium employees stop laughing and come back to work,which is to give them back the answers.

The only thing they have to do then is to add "thank you all for sharing your ideas and now you can f*** off in peace".  😂

15 янв. 2022, 20:1815.01.22
15 янв. 2022, 20:20(отредактировано)

How can you be surprised?

In the last 3 years many players have complained, and 75% of the players have quit the game, now this game is all alts.

I remember the game years ago ...

There are no war tournaments and the prizes are ridiculous, 99% of the players keep their units in the acropolis because war tournaments are a prize shame.

Anyone who has played this game 4 years ago will understand it ... although few players are left here ...

A war game turned into a non-war game is depressing.


Why have the pantheons tournaments disappeared for more than a year?

there are very few pvps and the prizes are an insult.

years and years of complaints and plarium ignores and every day fewer players in the game, so plarium does not want players?

Amen. This game I found out the hard way is rigged. No more spending $$$ on something that in a blink of an eye can wipe out all your hard work. Save yourself the headache. Years ago it was fun and competetive. Now, it's a game ruled by big money spenders with little to no chance for the little guy. But, it's a business I understand that. Too bad because this game had real potential.

17 янв. 2022, 06:3317.01.22

I am still waiting for a response to my proposals on improving the pvp prizes so that players can participate each week and recover lost troops, plarium never listens.


Plarium receives lots of suggestions in their games every day, the moderators and community managers take note of them, we debate, also the developers usually read the official reference channel and take some ideas that can inspire some occasional changes to improve the game. No ideas are taken for changes that can modify the balance of the domain as understood by the developers, and many times the ideas taken usually take a long time to be seen. You can expose your ideas and other players or even moderators can give their opinion on them, your suggestions are always welcome. It doesnt mean they are going to be implemented.