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S2 bots, Coalition and Players, is it fair???

S2 bots, Coalition and Players, is it fair???

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
DariaCommunity Manager
1 нояб. 2023, 15:5001.11.23

Dear Archons. 

I see and read your comments and realize your frustration and discomfort regarding players who may be using the software. Unfortunately, I had to delete a few of your messages because they violate our community guidelines. I see the new coordinates you sent for verification and appreciate your proactivity.

Be sure that our team works diligently to provide a fair and enjoyable game. Moreover, this is one of our priorities. However, modern technologies are moving forward, and many third-party programs should be checked individually by our team. Therefore, I kindly encourage you to send these coordinates to our support team so that they can use their tools and check these accounts that you have suspicions about. Thank you in advance! 

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